This matter soon attracted the attention of the media. In order to avoid the pressure of public opinion, the police department arrested the principal, the principal's brother and Mr. park.


Ann fell asleep and thought, it's coming to an end. Let the bad guys be punished, it's coming to an end!

Ann went to sleep and watched with a smile. The trial was over. When Mingxiu was preparing for the new trial, and Mingxiu's grandmother and Youli's family had taken the principal's settlement fund, such a sum of money could undoubtedly solve many problems for the two broken families.

"It's ridiculous. Even if I'm poor and illiterate, my grandson agreed to be private because of a few money. I can't understand that. I have a son lying in the hospital bed all day, my daughter-in-law ran away with others, and my grandson is deaf and dumb. Even I think God is a little too much."

The old man has no expression. From the dilapidated home behind him, perhaps you can guess that the old man is not so open-minded as to be inhuman, but the reality makes her have no confidence to fight.

After Mingxiu knew this, she cried helplessly and repeated in her mouth. I don't want to forgive him.


Ann fell asleep and was silent. She didn't know what to say. I don't want to forgive him? While Ann was sleeping and about to shed tears, Yandou suddenly thought that the video the headmaster had shown him seemed to be the picture of the headmaster and Youli.

So they sneaked into the headmaster's office and got the videotape. According to the video time, they found that Youli was less than 13 years old at that time. In this way, even if the parents agreed to a settlement, the headmaster should be investigated for legal responsibility. They handed the video to the prosecutor.

Ann fell asleep, smiled, wiped away her tears, and was about to win? Those scum will be punished soon?!

When the trial was held again, the prosecutor did not give the video to the judge. It turned out that the prosecutor was bought by the president.

The judgment came down. The three sentenced were sentenced to six to eight months' imprisonment and suspended for one to two years. All the defendants stood up and cheered as if they were the Party of justice, and no one on the plaintiff side could accept such a judgment. The children quietly watched all this and silently shed tears.

Seeing here, Ann fell asleep, burst into laughter and burst into tears. What kind of shit society is this!


It was raining heavily. Mingxiu waited on Mr. park's only way home, and then stabbed Mr. Park in the abdomen. When the train came, Mingxiu tried her best to press Mr. park on the track.

Jiang Renhao came late and only saw a shoe left by Mingxiu beside the railway track.

Ann went to sleep crying and laughing. This may be Mingxiu's best relief. She died on the railway track like her brother and took Miss park with her.


After Mingxiu's death, Jiang Renhao set the mourning hall at the gate of the court. A group of deaf mutes fought side by side with them to demonstrate to the court, but the heavily armed police sprayed high-pressure water guns at these people who had no strength to bind chickens.

Jiang Renhao holds Mingxiu's portrait and stands in the chaotic crowd crying repeatedly. The child's name is Mingxiu. He can't hear or speak.

But these heavily armed policemen seem to have armed their hearts and ears, and they still spray at the crowd indifferently.

Finally, Jiang Renhao fell to the ground and couldn't get up.


Ann couldn't hold back her tears at this moment. Ren you burst into tears. She remembered the last dialogue of the article very clearly——

"You really want to change the world?"

"We fight all the way, not to change the world, but not to let the world change us."