[hell is empty and demons are on earth]

Yan Hui published this article with V Bo trumpet and pasted one evidence after another. There are pictures, recordings and videos.

The netizens who saw this V blog exploded.

[shit! Is this really what people do? The most angry thing is that I can't do anything except asking you to save the children again and again like now. I'm full of powerlessness.]

[look! Look!]

What are you looking at

[shit, is this special or human?!]

[# hell is empty, and the devil in the world # is ironic!]

[ah! Terror, it's goodness and morality that curb our imagination! # hell is empty, and the devil is on earth #]

[what happened?]

[shit! Shit! Shit! A group of children, you can do it too! Scum, scum, beast, no, no, no, I overestimate them when they say they are human! They are inferior to animals!]

Yan Hui smiled at the comments on the Internet. Indeed, what is more painful than atrocities is the feeling of isolation and the despair of no one to help. But now, he is not alone.

[forward! Must forward, that school must be punished! # hell is empty, and the devil is on earth #]

Let everyone know! That school must be punished!]

A family.

"Husband, come and see! The teachers in this school are not human!"

"What's the matter? What can a teacher do?"

"Shit! What a pervert! How did he become a teacher!"


A dormitory.

"Man, stop playing games. Look at this!"

"Come on, I'm in line!"

"You can see it first. If you don't see it now, you'll regret it!"

"I'm ranked! What do you regret?!"

"You can not see..."

"Well, what's the matter with you?"


"Paralysis, these turtles!"

In an instant, the fryer on the Internet!

This V-blog is like a thunder, which suddenly exploded on the network!

[when I saw the school for the deaf mute, I was angry and laughed... Can't hear, can't speak, and mental retardation has become the target of criminals? But they can't say anything! Let's empty the # hell and search the world # for demons, let everyone see, and let the Chinese zheng@# government severely punish these scum!]

[Jiangcheng, are there any people from Jiangcheng?! go to that school for me to see how those poor children are now? # hell is empty and the devil is on earth #]

[deaf mute people with Disabilities... Can you do anything special? Severely punish these people and save the children # hell is empty and the devil is on earth #]

[save the children # hell is empty and the devil is on earth #]

[save the children # hell is empty and the devil is on earth #]


[hell is empty, the devil is in the world] the click through rate of this V blog soared rapidly. However, at this time, something even more furious happened.

"Ah, I can't open it!"

"What can't be opened?"

"The article can't be opened. Click in to show that it has been deleted."