Zhou yaoyu was stunned by the boy's lazy voice and laughed, "Xiaochengzi, aren't you angry?"

The boy turned his head aside and didn't look at Zhou yaoyu's face. He snorted coldly. He seemed to think of something. His voice was stuffy: "have you found your task card?"

Zhou yaoyu narrowed his eyes slightly, with a trace of vigilance, "found it!"

The boy hung his head. "Why can't I find it?"

Zhou yaoyu breathed a sigh, relaxed his vigilance and comforted softly, "it's all right, take your time."

The cameraman looked at the scene in front of him.

Swollen? There's a kind of feet that people show their love?!

Is it an illusion?!

It must be an illusion! It must be an illusion!

Zhou yaoyu observed Shu Cheng's room and pointed in a direction: "is there anything over there?"

Shu Cheng frowned slightly, strode over and looked, "no!"

Zhou yaoyu frowned again. "Is it over there?"

Shu Cheng walked in the direction of Zhou yaoyu's fingers. He rummaged again. The boy took out a task card with the program group logo.

The boy raised the task card in his hand, turned around in surprise and asked, "is this it?"

Zhou yaoyu nodded and his eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't know whether Shu Cheng was the prince or the prince?

The boy picked up the task card and sat on the ground. His dark eyes focused on the task card in his hand and studied it seriously.

Zhou yaoyu looked at the young man's expression or surprise or annoyance or thinking. He couldn't help laughing. Oh, stupid son of the landlord, how can you live without me?!

The cameraman holds the camera, (´;)? Is this pink bubble in the whole room swollen?!

(◎ ◎;) is this feeling of being fed dog food swollen?!

Tell me it's just my illusion, right?!

Must be an illusion?!

After reading the task card, the boy carefully hid the task card behind him, and looked at Zhou yaoyu with dark eyes.

Zhou yaoyu smiled, "Xiaochengzi, we've been in the same crew for so long. There should always be basic trust between people? So, we're in the same camp. I promise to cover you!"

Shu Cheng handed another sugar from the sugar box to his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, didn't put down his vigilance against Zhou yaoyu, and his elegant and precious voice sounded: "how do I know if you will stab me in the back? What if you are the murderer?"

"There should always be basic trust between people?" Zhou yaoyu made an exaggerated expression.

"Not for you." Shu Cheng chewed sugar, crumpled the task card into a ball, stuffed it into his pants pocket, and looked at Zhou yaoyu warily.

Zhou yaoyu covered his chest and made an expression of heartache, as if he had been stabbed in his chest.

"No - how can you do this to me?" Zhou yaoyu roared.

Shu Cheng turned a white eye, and sure enough, he was very clever!

Cameraman:... This second product

Seeing that Shu Cheng ignored him, Zhou yaoyu resumed his seriousness: "seriously, we have made a gentleman's agreement. One camp will kill the others first, and finally we will fight it out?"

"What will you do if you lie to me?" Shu Cheng chewed the sugar and turned away his head.

"People all over the world are watching?! am I so shameless?!" Zhou yaoyu wanted to cry without tears.

Shu Cheng looked at him suspiciously and nodded with some hesitation, "then... OK."