"Hello, I'm Meng Huiqing, editor of the star novel network. I hope you have time. We can sit down and talk about the signing of the book" breaking the sky. "The editor Meng Huiqing replied immediately after receiving the news.

"Well, OK. Can you send the contract first if it's convenient?" Shu Cheng replied.

"OK, no problem [smiling face. JPG]"

Soon the contract came. Shu Cheng looked at it in general and found no big problems, so he chatted with editor Meng Huiqing and spent it in a harmonious and entertaining atmosphere.

Shu Cheng turned off the computer. I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's interview.

As a system, she can really simulate people's emotions, but for each simulation, she can only achieve 90% similarity at most, so where is the remaining 10%?

What does Gu Jingchen look like in gone with the wind? This character image has quickly formed in Shu Cheng's database.

He loves orchids very much, but he keeps countless flowers and plants in his family. But there are no orchids; He loved cats. Once there was a fat cat named "Keri", but he never kept a cat since the fat cat named "Keri" died.

When I have nothing to do, I will go to the street to draw for passers-by. Sometimes when I have inspiration, I will put two small poems on the painting. Sometimes they sell their paintings at an extremely cheap price.

He seems to be a contradictory community. He lives very natural and unrestrained. He doesn't worry about gain and loss at all. He cares about the ideas of others around him. But at the same time, he is extremely lonely and afraid of losing, so he never wants to have it.

He has been to countless places and painted countless cities. But nothing has ever kept him, and nothing has really been owned by him.

Shu Cheng closed her eyes and Gu Jingchen's life gradually emerged in front of her eyes.

Before going to the orphanage, he had a very miserable childhood. His father spent all day getting drunk. He and his mother were beaten all day. Later, both parents died and were sent to an orphanage. Later, they were adopted by a very rich couple.

Adoptive parents treated him very well, taught him to draw and let him go to school. Later, he went to Germany to study.

When he returned from studying abroad to repay his adoptive father and adoptive mother for their regeneration, he received bad news. Adoptive parents both left. So many people call him a lost star and kill his parents.

On the surface, he is unrestrained, but in his heart, he believes that he is a scourge. Parents are dead, adoptive parents are dead. "Keri" is dead, even his favorite orchid can't live. I just believe that those who like and close to me will come to a bad end. Therefore, he can only wait and see from a distance, refuse to start, or fear to start.

Perhaps because of his different experience, Gu Jingchen has always been different from others. He is a strange man. The more he is afraid, the more he hates, the closer he is, the more she likes, loves and stays away.

But anyway, Gu Jingchen is also a person. If he is a person, he has feelings. How does he feel about the hostess?

Gu Jingchen likes to disguise himself at any time. Was he deceived by his disguise?

What about his feelings for the hostess?

Is Gu Jingchen's love for the hostess necessarily true?

Life is like a play. Everyone puts on a mask and plays his own role until the end of the play.

Is Gu Jingchen really a bystander in the play gone with the wind?

Shu Cheng frowned and racked his brains to think about the idea. But the harder he tried, the more blurred his image became in his mind. Simply put down everything and have a sleep first. Nothing can't be solved by a sleep.

Shu Cheng snorted and thought: human beings are human beings, and trouble is trouble. Thinking for a while will be tired and headache. Sure enough, high latitude creatures can't be compared with low latitude creatures.