Did JOJO text him? Why didn't he get it?

He felt something in his heart

Then Lu Jinnian heard that Qiao Anhao still kept that kind of light tone and said, "as soon as the girl got here, the girl's aunt called the girl and asked her to go down and pour a glass of water."

"The girl will agree So she locked the screen of her mobile phone and went downstairs with a glass of water in her hand. In her heart, she was still thinking about whether there was any problem in the end when she had just made half of the SMS... "

"It's just, when the girl comes upstairs with a glass of water..." Joanne's eyes turned red. She looked up and didn't look at the screen of her mobile phone. She looked at the ceiling of her bedroom and said, "it's just around the corner. Suddenly someone rushed down from the upstairs. Then they ran into each other. The girl was unprepared and fell down the stairs."

Lu Jinnian's face suddenly lost its color. He remembered that when he was in the United States, Joann told him in the elevator that she had broken the appointment because she was hospitalized.

At that time, he was a little distressed, but he did not expect that the matter should be so serious.

After a long time, Lu Jinnian asked, "and then?"

"And then Then, the girl felt like she was going to die... "

Even in retrospect, Joann still remembers clearly that when his life was hanging on the line, the only thoughts left in his mind.

"She felt that her physical strength was losing and her consciousness was weak. She was very scared and panicked. She suddenly wanted to talk to a man. She wanted to send him that text message. She thought that might be the last time she talked to that man..."

JoAnn's voice was so light that she became a little hoarse: "but she managed to catch her cell phone. She just pressed the light on the screen, and then people fainted."

Lu Jinnian wanted to ask, "and then?" But he opened his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound.

There was a bit of silence on both ends of the phone.

After about a minute, Joanne took a deep breath and looked down at the screen of her mobile phone. Her eyes, which were stained with water vapor, were shining brightly: "that girl, she nearly died. She was in a coma for four days and four nights in the hospital. When she woke up, the man had left..."

When Qiao an said that, he remembered that he had run out of the hospital and the whole Beijing city was looking for him. Finally, he couldn't hold back and began to cry.

"So At the beginning, you didn't see the text message I sent you, and you didn't receive the phone call I called you? You don't even know that I've been waiting for you for three days and nights in front of Joe's house? " Lu Jinnian's voice was shaking.

JoAnn didn't reply, just tears.

In those days, she was in a coma, and Who replied to those messages?

Lu Jinnian's thoughts have not yet a specific answer. With a soft voice of crying, qiao'an came again: "Lu Jinnian, that girl, she said that if she knew that the man had sent her a text message, she would not refuse it."

A word to Lu Jinnian's mind all the doubts, solved the answer.

At that moment, Lu Jinnian didn't know how to describe his mood. He was stunned for a moment, and then for a while. Finally, he suddenly hung up the phone.

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