Chapter 475

Name:The Mythical Realm Author:Wu Zui
Baili Leihai!

Ye Yun and Jun Ruolan are in the center of the thunder ocean. They feel the thunderous thunder around them with different mentality.

Ye Yun was shocked. He didn't expect that a ray of thunder spirit could set off a hundred Li array. The thunder turned into an ocean, and the waves were turbulent and powerful.

Hu Qing, a disciple of the misty sect, was full of terror on his face and his fear in his heart was expressed. He never thought that the broken array would be the scene in front of him. In such a turbulent sea of thunder, he could feel the pressure of the thunder more and more powerful, and it was growing at a very fast speed. Maybe before long, the lightning bolt would be broken and his cultivation had not been over It is impossible to resist such thunder.

Only Jun Ruolan still looks as usual, and even has a faint smile on her mouth. It seems that all this is in her expectation. In the face of the sea of thunder, she has a trace of excitement and expectation in her eyes.

"Jun Ruolan, where is Lei mu?" Ye Yun looked out, but could not see any treasure in the thunder sea.

"Lei mu?" Jun Ruolan took a look at him and said slowly, "Ye Yun, you are also an expert in cultivating the spirit of thunder. Can't you even see the hundred Li thunder sea clearly? You think you've cracked the array just now? No, just now we are really in the middle of the array. Only by breaking the thunder sea can we see the existence of thunder wood. Otherwise, where do you think the thunder comes from

Ye Yun's pupils suddenly shrank and said, "you mean that the source of the hundred mile thunder sea is Lei mu, and the rolling thunder sea is the formation of thunder wood? It's really incredible that Lei mu can release such a vast amount of thunder. "

Jun Ruolan nodded and said: "there are still many such arrays in the treasure land, but not all of them have thunder seeds. Now what we need to do is break the array."

When ye Yun looked out, the thunder sea was rolling, and the sound of roaring and rumbling came from all directions. The thunder sea was filled with electricity and light. From time to time, hundreds of lightning appeared at the same time in front of the thunder sea, which almost cut the void and covered the sky with cobwebs.

"The middle of the thunder sea is where we are, and that eye is the big tree just now?" Ye Yun frowned slightly. His divine sense was released, but he found that it could only be extended to less than three feet. He would be engulfed by the thunder sea and could not be observed at all.

"There is no fixed center in Baili Leihai. Leimu is not fixed in one place, but swimming in the thunder sea. If you want to break through the array, it is very simple. If you have the magic weapon that can break through the thunder sea, or understand the law of thunder system, you can feel the changes in it with the power of the law and find the place of Lei mu. That's why I would agree to your request. Otherwise, do you think that the millions of excellent spirit stones are really so worthless? " Jun Ruolan said lightly.

Ye Yun was stunned and said with a smile, "do you really think I have understood the law of Lei system?"

Jun Ruolan responded with a smile and said, "although the law of Lei system is extremely rare, there are only a few that can understand it for thousands of years. However, the law is not only in the void. Through some magical powers, a trace of the power of the law can be extracted from the void and condensed into the magic weapon. Through the magic weapon, you can also feel the power of the law, such as this one. "

Jun ruolansu flipped his hand, and a lightning shaped treasure appeared in his palm. It was actually a pendant surrounded by a light blue chain.

Jun Ruolan hung the pendant in front of her chest in the shape of lightning. Suddenly, she saw the thunder around her body and drowned her.

However, Jun Ruolan is in the thunder, but there is no discomfort, as if she was born in the thunder, in the sky thunder sea, as if the fish return to the sea, very comfortable.

Ye Yun frowned slightly. He could clearly feel that there was a ray of thunder law in the lightning shaped pendant. Although it could not be compared with the pure law he understood, it was enough to make Jun Ruolan in the sea of thunder without being inconvenient.

"In this case, you can find the seeds of thunder yourself. Why look for me?" Ye Yun is extremely puzzled.

"When you find the seeds of thunder, you will understand. Let's go. " Jun Ruolan said lightly.

As soon as her voice fell, she saw the thunder sea roaring around her. It was surging like a wave, and its power was comparable to that of Zifu shenlei in the core.


A light sound, then see Hu Qing around the body suddenly appear spider like cracks, and then quickly extend out, it seems that in a flash will burst.

"Elder martial sister Jun, help me. The lightning rod will not hold up Hu Qing was shocked and roared.

Hu Hai is only a five fold cultivation in the golden elixir realm. Although he is a good young disciple even in the ethereal sect, the lightning bolt will not change because of your cultivation. At this time, the strength of Lei Hai has increased ten times. Compared with the Zifu God thunder in the outer core, it is no less than let, and even win a little. Finally, the lightning arrester can not support and is full of cracks.


With a light sound, Hu Qing's lightning bolt finally couldn't bear the pressure of the thunder and broke into pieces.

Hu Qing's face was pale, all the real Qi in his body gushed out, the light and shadow in his hands flashed, and several magic weapons burst out thousands of brilliance, protecting him inside."Elder martial sister Jun, help me."

Ye Yun looks at Hu Qing and has a new understanding of the power of thunder. However, he is more interested in Jun Ruolan's reaction, whether he will save Hu Qing.

Jun Ruolan took a look at Hu Qing and said, "this is the most dangerous place in luolei valley. It is unwise to come in without self-protection ability. However, you and I are the same disciples. Naturally, we will not let go. Don't worry. When you die, I will collect your relics and give them to martial uncle Yin. "

Hu Qing was stunned. When he heard Jun Ruolan say that he would not let him go, he was overjoyed and thought that Jun Ruolan would use his magic power to save him. However, Jun Ruolan said that after he was killed by thunder, he would give the remains to his master Yin honglun.

This is completely out of his expectation, Jun Ruolan unexpectedly see death.

Ye Yun was also stunned on the spot. He had seen Jun Ruolan's cold heart, but he didn't expect it would be so cruel. For his fellow brothers, he didn't even ask him if he was able to help him. He said that he would collect his relics and give it to his master. He could hardly believe it.

"Elder martial sister Jun, you left me the lightning boat refined by the headmaster. It should be able to resist the thunder sea." Hu Qingqiang held up the thunder attack and yelled.

"If I give you the lightning boat, how can I avoid the thunder which is stronger than this? The thunder power here is too powerful. The lightning boat can't carry two people. I may not be able to use it alone. If I want to get the seeds of thunder, how can we do it without a lightning boat? You go to live peacefully, the patriarchal clan will remember your pay, you this vein certainly will get the reward Jun Ruolan said lightly.

"No, don't, elder martial sister Jun, help me, please." Hu Qing screamed bitterly.


More powerful than the outside God thunder, the thunder finally bombarded Hu Qing's magic weapon into pieces, and thousands of thunders drove in and bombarded him everywhere.

In the thunder burst, Hu Qing just gave out a shrill cry, and then there was no sound at all.

Ye Yun looked at Hu Qing, a talented disciple of five levels of Jindan Kingdom, who was blasted into pieces by the thunder, but was no longer there.

"Let's find where we are. Let's go." Jun Ruolan's voice rings in the ear.

Ye Yun suddenly regained his mind. He looked at Jun Ruolan in a complicated way, frowned slightly, and then went to the place where the thunder and lightning was more intense in the thunder sea.

"This is the case in this world. Everything depends on ourselves, and others can't be relied on." Jun Ruolan's voice rang.

"That's a good word." Ye Yun nodded and then said, "but you have the ability to protect him. Why give up? You are fellow disciples. "

Jun Ruolan looked at him and said, "the friendship of the same family should protect him? Who told you that? If I can't resist the thunder, then Hu Qing will give up me. Before entering the valley of thunder, in fact, we had long thought about it. "

Ye Yun said, "is this the way of cultivating disciples of the ethereal sect?"

Jun Ruolan pondered for a moment and then said slowly, "how dare you cultivate your disciples in this way? Of course not! "

Of course not!

In Ye Yun's eyes, the essence of the flash, Jun Ruolan, what does this mean? Isn't she a disciple of the ethereal sect? If she was not cultivated in the ethereal school, where did she come from?

Ye Yun believes that no one will be cold natured and ruthless to junruolan's point. He must have experienced something or been indoctrinated.

"Ye Yun, do you think the Qin Empire is the center of the world? Do you think the temple is already a great one? Well, it's far from it. " Jun Ruolan suddenly sneers, the cold breath in the sea of thunder flows out.

Ye Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. It seems that Jun Ruolan had many secrets. She sneaked into tianjianzong as a disciple on that day, and now she has become a disciple of the ethereal sect. Maybe all these things are just superficial things. There are many secrets hidden behind her.

"Well, there's a smell of thunder wood ahead." Jun Ruolan suddenly whispered, and even saw her chest that crescent shaped magic weapon slightly flickered purple light.

Ye Yun suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

In the thunder and lightning in front of me, there seems to be a little purple flame flickering slightly, and then another direction is changed, and then flashing.

Purple flame? Raywood?

Ye Yun follows Jun Ruolan, two people turn into light and shadow, and shoot away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!