For the dragon people, it seems that they are always trying to survive in the cracks.

You think, today this one is going to kill the dragon, and that one is going against the sky.

It's a lot of pressure for the dragon people to live.

The dragon people think that it's too much, whether it's the Terran or the three immortals, demons and demons.

I've never thought about their feelings. Are you happy when we dragon people are shivering in the cold wind?

Longyu is the last pure land of the dragon people.

For the dragon people, it's very dangerous whether they are immortal, demon, demon or human.

It's better to stay in Longyu honestly. Only when they look at the mountains and deep pools of Longyu can they feel safe.

In fact, the five dragon people don't know much about what happened here, but it won't affect them.

They only know that it's enough for the Dragon guards and the demons to fight in the Dragon kingdom.

Compared with the demon clan and demon clan, the dragon clan looks up to the fairy clan. What's more, the Dragon guardians can't be regarded as pure immortals any more. The relationship between many dragon guardians and the Dragon guardians is even more friendly than that with their peers, because they know that the Dragon guardians, in fact, have no essential difference from their peers. They are all their own dragons who share the same spirit, honor and disgrace, which is enough.

"Lord demon, I'll help you!" The ape devil yelled angrily, and his figure changed instantly. With a thump at his feet, he rushed to the five dragons.

Xiao Bai snorted coldly, holding a magic knife in his hand and going together.

The magic dragon roared and rushed to the five dragons with Xiaobai.

"Make a quick decision, there may be other dragon people coming here!" Xiao Yao did not turn around, but said to the demons behind him.

The situation of electric tiger is very embarrassing.

In addition to the thunderbolt group, it has no other way of attack, but once the thunderbolt group in the body is released once, it needs a long time for continuous charging.

Therefore, it can only be regarded as a killing move for electric tiger.

So, it is running in the mountains, constantly looking for the best position, want to put a big move.

Unfortunately, at this time, the demons and the dragons were already shaking together. The electric tiger did not dare to do anything at will. Instead, it did not cause any harm to the five dragons. On the contrary, it lifted a stone and hit its own feet, which made a wave of holes in its own people.

The old man who faced Xiao Yao gave a cold hum and said, "you'd better worry about yourself."

With these words, he rushed to Xiao Yao again.

The foot shrinks into inch, and in the blink of an eye, he pulls a shadow to Xiao Yao's face. At the same time, he smashes it out with a fist. The style of the fist changes rapidly.

Xiao Yao didn't think much. He once again waved the spring and autumn sword in his hand. The sword was as sharp as before.

The old man didn't dare to make a hard connection, so he had to step back in a hurry.

He had seen the power of the spring and autumn sword clearly before, and he was afraid of it. He was also curious about why the other side of the human race could have such a sharp weapon. What's more, the sword seems to contain a very powerful force. Even at this time, the other side didn't inspire the most powerful force in the sword. Thinking of these, his body was a little chilly, and his heart was a little bit full of Xiao Yao's murdering.

The existence of this person is the biggest disaster of Longyu!

However, the old man's body did not retreat much. After seizing the opportunity, he took another step forward. At the same time, the light of his fist flickered, and a great force surged in the style of his fist.

"The iron fist shakes the sky!" The old man yelled angrily and followed his words again. The simple four words may be the old man's boxing moves. After these four words jumped out of his mouth, his boxing style became stronger, as if he had been blessed with some strange power.

Xiao Yao did not retreat to avoid the edge, but chose to meet the difficulties.

Before that, he told the blood fog demon king and other demons to find a way to make a quick decision, so as not to involve too many dragons, which will cause them more trouble.

Therefore, Xiao Yao's idea is to kill the old man in front of him in order to avoid future trouble.

The spring and autumn sword in my hand once again raises a sword light. The surrounding space looks a little twisted, rippling with a light pattern, which seems to carry water. The empty Lake stirs up ripples and reflects the sparkling light.

Facing the powerful sword light in the spring and autumn sword, the old man waving his double fists showed no anger. After a roar, his fists were filled with Qi and blood in his body. His fists were just like the water of a big river breaking the dike and rolling down.

Xiao Yao still does not give up.

Back should not back, let should not!

The light of the sword and the meaning of the fist collide with each other, and the blade of the spring and autumn sword never stops ringing.

After a little concession, the old man roared and smashed another fist. His fist was like a giant column, smashing Xiao Yao into the earth.

Before the old man could breathe a sigh of relief, Jianguang came out of his feet again and rose infinitely. It was like a seed. When it was buried in the ground, it did not mean that it would die, but that it would take root and rise again.

The old man is unarmed, but he doesn't feel that there is any deficiency.

For a fanatic who practices boxing, he can only grasp the universe without any arms.

He stretched out his hand, his hands trying to catch the sword that came out of the ground.

After holding hands, the body is also constantly shaking.

It's like shaking a sapling.

All of a sudden, the sword Qi couldn't turn over. The old man's arm muscles wandered around like a dragon. He took a breath again, kicked on the sword Qi, and retreated dozens of miles back. In the place where he stood before his feet, a crack was listed, which was still extending. It seemed that he wanted to divide the Dragon kingdom into two parts.

"Make it for me!" When the old man stamped his feet, the crack suddenly appeared in the soil under his feet, but the old man was also out of breath.

In the crack, a sword light came out.

With one man and one sword.

People follow the sword, and the light of the sword surges wildly.

Before, he and other demons, such as the blood fog demon king, did not fly because of the rules of the Dragon kingdom. When the three immortals, demons and demons came to the Dragon Kingdom, they could find some dragon Qi and fill their own cultivation, but they could not fly, otherwise they would be enemies with the Dragon kingdom.

Now Xiao Yao has a fierce fight with the other side, where can he manage these.

What's more, the fight started. Whether it was the old man or Xiao Yao, they all went all out to seek life and death.

It's about being for the enemy or not. Isn't that a joke?

Xiao Yao's speed is very fast, but Chunqiu sword is faster than its owner.

The spring and autumn sword is sweeping the wind of the sword and galloping towards the old man.

With one punch, the old man fixed the spring and autumn sword at a distance of one foot.

At this time, Xiao Yao just came to the spring and autumn sword, slapped heavily on the hilt, and the spring and autumn sword ran forward again for a distance.

The old man didn't dare to resist, so he only stepped back a little, but his eyes became more and more gloomy when he looked at Xiao Yao. Although he knew that Xiao Yao's own strength was not so strong, as long as the other side held the sword, he would have a decisive fight with him.

What can he do?

Is it true that the next rule says that the other party is not allowed to use the sword because he does not use the sword? The old man can't do such a shameless thing for the time being.

The battle intensified, and the demons such as the blood fog demon king were also in a state of anxiety with the five dragons.

In the end, maybe he was hit in a hurry, and the blood fog devil was furious. Suddenly, a sledgehammer appeared in his hand.

"Get out of here!" The Lord of blood fog roared, and the hammer in his hand hit the head of a giant dragon. The Dragon let out a pitiful cry. The dragon's head was smashed and turned into powder. It was blown away by the wind. The dragon's body, which had lost its head, fell to the ground and smashed into a deep ditch.

The blood fog demon king widened his eyes and looked at the huge hammer in his hand. His eyes were full of surprise.

The rest of the four dragon clan were also silly at this time. They did not expect that the giant hammer in the hands of the demon clan was in such a dilemma that it was enough to kill the dragon clan!

Although it is only a fake dragon, its strength is comparable to that of a demon king!

But even so, but still can not resist the power of a hammer of the blood fog demon king.

The remaining four Dragon clans immediately gathered together and watched the blood fog demon warily.

That look in addition to vigilance, but also a bit of fear.

The blood mist devil laughed.

Before that, he knew that the hammer Xiao Yao lent him was not simple, but he didn't expect that his power was so powerful. Otherwise, even if he is willing to lose his accomplishments, he may not be able to kill the fake dragon. What's more, he is still in the Dragon kingdom. The other side has great strength, plus the bonus of the Dragon kingdom to their strength.

You know, winning and killing are two different things.

"Lord demon is powerful!" The ape demon didn't think much about it. Anyway, his idea was not so complicated. He just thought that the blood fog demon king had just killed a dragon whose cultivation was enough to compete with the demon king. He was very happy.

"Ha ha, come again!" Blood fog demon king's blood is also hot, roared, and rushed toward the remaining four dragon clan.

The old man and Xiao Yao also have a panoramic view of the situation on the side of the blood fog demon.

The old man burst out laughing.

"Interesting, interesting! Now even if I don't deal with you, you don't want to leave unharmed. " There is a certain schadenfreude in the old man's words.

Xiao Yao gave a sneer.

"When I drew my sword, I didn't think that I would leave unharmed. However, even if I was really to be suppressed by Longyu, I would take the life of your old dog before I fight again!" With these words, Xiao Yao's sword once again flashed a python pattern.

The old man's sleeves are wide open, and the Golden Dragon and the Python's illusion collide with each other.

"Boom" sound, a flash of power, Xiao Yao and the old man, are forced back hundreds of meters.

The energy is still rippling, but it can no longer cause any impact on Xiao Yao and the old man.

Just when Xiao Yao got up again, a dragon chant, with strong dragon power, pushed Xiao Yao's body down“ Presumptuous! Devil, damn it Nine days above, a dragon should rise from the clouds, fierce, behind a large group of you long. All kinds of dragons press the border and block out the sky and the sun!