In the base of the Dragon protection hall, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Yao, one by one showing a look of shock.

Young frivolous, is indeed young frivolous!

Many people think that Xiao Yao is too confident, maybe his strength is really extraordinary, but the powers of the group are not simple! It's very good for Xiao yaoneng to challenge the whole ability group one by one. Isn't that arrogant?

It's the height of arrogance!

Lin Minyan and others were also surprised to hear Xiao Yao's words.

"Keke, brother Xiao, the people in the power group are really not simple. After all, you don't know much about the power. Although you are very strong, you don't have to take such a big risk!"

"Well, Xiao Yao has his own ideas, so don't say anything more." No. 1 chief coughed and said, if he had deep meaning, he looked at Xiao Yao.

He didn't think Xiao Yao was arrogant.

He can't see conceit in Xiao Yao's eyes, what he sees is only a kind of self-confidence.

Although he doesn't know where Xiao Yao's self-confidence comes from, since Xiao Yao dares to say so, it means that he must have such strength. If Xiao Yao really loses, it will be a lesson for Xiao Yao.

Moreover, he felt that Xiao Yao had his reasons for saying so.

After all, it's not so easy to build up prestige in the Dragon protection hall in a short time. Now Xiao Yao's choice is a strange way.

"Chief one, Xiao Yao is arrogant!" Yan Gang Qi's body is shaking.

Originally, he wanted to provoke Xiao Yao, but he didn't expect that their provocation had not played its due role, but Xiao Yao directly provoked them in turn.

It's too bullying, isn't it?

"Ashtray, if you want to talk, just talk well. When did I get mad?" Xiao Yao asked curiously.

"You... My name is Yangang!" Yan just said madly.

The long sword is going to laugh and cry.

He thinks that Yan Gang must be an idiot.

Xiao Yao's strength is so strong now. I don't know how strong the long sword company is. But he knows that no matter who it is, it's all about death compared with Xiao Yao. I really don't know how strong Yan Gang's psychological endurance is. He dares to challenge Xiao Yao's ability.

He had already mourned for Yan Gang in his heart.

"Well, Mr. Nan, hurry to persuade brother Xiao. Is brother Xiao too confident?" Lin Minyan had no choice but to turn to Nantian, who was standing beside him.

Nantianyuan looked at Xiao Yao, and then at Yan Gang. At last, he said with a smile“ What are you trying to persuade? "

"Advise brother Xiao not to be impulsive!" Lin Minyan's face is covered with black lines. Do you still need to ask?

"Impulsive, so what?" When Nan Tianyuan said this, he took a deep breath, and his tone was full of pride. "You know, brother Xiao is invincible."

"..." Lin Minyan understood that overconfidence is contagious.

After listening to what nantianyuan said, Lin Minyan also knows that it is impossible for nantianyuan to persuade Xiao Yao. If this guy doesn't add oil and vinegar, it will be very good.

"Xiao Yao, have you thought about it?" If the No. 1 chief has deep meaning, he said, "in fact, there are many other ways."

Xiao Yao said with a smile: "I believe in myself. If I don't believe in myself, how can I make the brothers of Huaxia dragon protection hall believe me?"

With these words, many people's faces changed a little, and some even became excited.

Believe in yourself, it's very simple to say, but how much can you really do? Especially after middle age, the boiling blood in the body gradually subsides, and gradually becomes low-key, introverted, unwilling to argue with others, except in special circumstances, such as for the country.

Now, Xiao Yao's words finally ignited their blood.

Yes, if Xiao Yao doesn't want to believe in himself, what qualifications do he have to let them believe in Xiao Yao?

"Well, now that you've made a decision, I won't say much. I hope you don't regret it." The No.1 chief sighed. Xiao Yao had already said that. If he wanted to dissuade him, it would be out of order.

Thinking of this, he could only sigh, and added: "but first say good, exchange can, but must not hurt the harmony."

Even harmony can't be hurt, let alone the life of the other party.

In fact, it's not very meaningful for No. 1 chief to say these words. After all, he's still standing here. Even if Xiao Yao and others are more presumptuous, they have to have a degree.

"Chief, don't worry. I also believe Xiao Yao is a plastic talent, but he is too young. It's not bad for him to suffer some losses." Yan just said with a smile.

Xiao Yao squinted and said, "your relationship with the chief is really good."

"What do you mean?" Yan just tiny a Leng, didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Yao's words.

"If it wasn't for the good relationship between you and the chief, why did he deliberately tell me not to kill you?" Xiao Yao asked.

"..." Yan Gang thinks that he is boasting about the existence of the great God. After hearing Xiao Yao's words, he knows what it means to see the great wizard from the little wizard. Xiao Yao is the supreme god!

Chief No. 1 is also a little depressed. What does it have to do with me when you talk hard to each other? What's more, if it's really targeted, I'm also targeting people in the psionic group. I'm worried about your injury, OK? As for Yan Gang, you can beat him as you want! It's just that the No. 1 chief can only think about these words in his mind, and it's hard to say them.

At this time, Xiao Yao has come to the front of Yan Gang.

All the powers glared at each other.

"Don't look at me like that. I'll feel aggrieved." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "it's you who come to trouble me, so don't show that I'm here to challenge you."

Xiao Yao's words made those people in the psionic group speechless.

Although they want to seize the moral commanding height, Xiao Yao's words are also true.

Originally, everyone was safe and sound. If it wasn't for Yan Gang's sudden appearance, it wouldn't have let the situation develop to the present stage.

"Well, Xiao Yao, if we really rush up, you will say that we bully you. You can beat me first!" It can be seen that Yan Gang is also very confident in himself.

Xiao Yao squinted at Yan Gang and said, "don't you regret it?"

"What do I regret?" Yan Gang was stunned.

"Remember what you're saying." Xiao Yao finish saying this words, suddenly toward the inflammation just rushed past.

In fact, now he also wants to find a difficult opponent to test his strength.

After entering the aura realm, he only solved the two werewolves. To be honest, Xiao Yao thinks that the two werewolves are really weak, so he can't force his real strength at all. He hopes that this guy named Yan Gang really has two brushes.

Xiao Yao just rushed out, a strong momentum rolled up a gang of wind, toward the inflammation just pressure over.

Yan Gang's face changed a little. He quickly raised his hand and waved it out. The palm wind suddenly condensed a flame and swept towards Xiao Yao.

"It's interesting." Xiao Yao smiles, his eyes slightly astringent. Just as he plans to hide, his mood suddenly rippled.

He is slightly a Leng, instantly understand.

Now he finally understood why changjianxing said that this guy named Yangang was not really capable of fire.

Emotion is a kind of mental attack.

Previously, the reason why his mood was turbulent was also attacked by Yan Gang. In such an instant, Xiao Yao clearly saw that Yan Gang's eyes had doubled.

It seems that there are many strange people in the Dragon protection hall! At least the inflammation in front of us is very good.

Unfortunately, Yan Gang is too confident. Does he think that his mental strength is enough to lock himself in and control his thinking?

Xiao Yao's state of mind has always been very powerful, not to mention that he has now entered the aura realm. Even if he has not entered the aura realm, such a spiritual attack is not painful for Xiao Yao.

Then, he began to work the power of mood in his body.

Since Yan Gang wants to compete with him in spirit, why doesn't he do what the other party wants?

Next second, Yan Gang's face changed greatly.

Xiao Yao's state of mind is as powerful as thunder, crushing his original mental strength, and Yan Gang's body also flies out, and the three real fire just condensed out instantly goes out.

Then, the inflammation just hugged own head to send out to kill pig kind of wail.

The whole underground square was quiet again - except for Yan Gang's scream.

For a long time, the No.1 chief said: "Xiao Yao, is he OK?"

"It's OK. I can't die." Xiao Yao turned his face and looked at the No.1 chief, and said with a smile, "you told me before. Let's not hurt our friendship. How can I hurt him? It's estimated that after a period of rest, nothing will happen. "

Xiao Yao's reply, let No. 1 chief long relief.

Although he doesn't like Yangang very much, Yangang is still loyal to Huaxia. Moreover, Yangang is really a talent. If Yangang really loses his fighting capacity, it is also a loss for Huaxia.

Xiao Yao's treatment is just right, which makes Yan Gang suffer a big loss, but it will not affect his strength. This is the best solution for No. 1 chief.

Therefore, the No. 1 leader immediately felt that Xiao Yao was very good at being a man, not to mention that when the other party spoke just now, he still gave himself face?

"Now, you can go up." Xiao Yao turned around and looked at the rest of the psionic group and said with a smile.