Is the white faced scholar terrible?

Xiao Yao thinks that this problem has no meaning at all. He can't feel that the white faced scholar is terrible, because he thinks that even if he is really against the white faced scholar, he doesn't have no chance of winning. Since he still has the strength of the first World War, the other side is not so terrible.

Jinglei is obviously very satisfied with Xiao Yao's answer.

"If you think the white faced scholar is terrible, you can't go to this contest anyway, because you will surely die." Jinglei nodded.

Xiao Yao said with a smile: "his picking leaves and flying flowers is really powerful, but I think I have a way to deal with it."

Thunder smell speech, slightly surprised: "you have thought of countermeasures?"

"Yes! Second grandfather, do you think if I have to let the white faced scholar and I fight alone on the concrete floor, can he still pick leaves and fly flowers? " Xiao Yao asked in a low voice.

Startled thunder: "he really wants to slap Xiao Yao to death. The way of feeling is to take the white faced scholar to the concrete floor to fight alone?

However, after careful consideration, he found that Xiao Yao was really a way to make the other party unable to find a leaf. How could the white faced scholar use his leaf picking and flying flowers? How can he fight Xiao Yao when he has no killing moves?

However, this method is obviously not very practical now. Indeed, it is not impossible to do so. But why does the white faced scholar have to promise Xiao Yao to fight on the concrete floor? This place has the final say, but Xiao Yao is not a fool. He will never put himself in a dangerous situation. Besides, the white faced scholar has already seen Xiao Yao's strength. He will be equally cautious. With his understanding of the white faced scholar, he believes that white faced scholar is not the kind of extremely arrogant person.

White faced scholar sometimes very arrogant, but it is also under the premise of absolute assurance. Otherwise, the white faced scholar will be extremely careful and will not give his enemies any chance.

This is an advantage.

"Do you think you will win?" Jinglei looked at Xiao Yao with a smile and asked, "seriously, don't talk about it again - did you learn from your third grandfather? Look, I said at the beginning, don't let you get in touch with him. I'm going to be the same as him. "

Xiao Yao was silent for a moment, and said for a long time: "if it comes to strength, I have the advantage, because I am in the same realm with him now, and I still have Yuanli in my body. However, I know that he has more experience in many aspects than me. He has lived too long, he knows too many moves that I don't know, and he has many ideas that I can't understand, so, I'm not sure again. "

"Then why did you promise to come down? You're taking a risk Jinglei frowned and seemed dissatisfied with Xiao Yao's practice.

He felt that Xiao Yao was really reckless to promise so casually.

Xiao Yao felt his chin and thought about it. He said seriously, "second grandfather, do you believe me? If I don't agree with him, if I run like that, if I become a shrinking turtle, you will definitely beat me now. "

"Yes?" Thunder was stunned at first, then burst out laughing.

He laughed so hard that he began to cough and finally shed tears. Even when he stopped, he bullied his chest.

"Yes! If you don't dare to fight, then you are not my grandson. You should be a man! " He is proud of Xiao Yao and himself. He really wants to praise himself in his heart. Dongfang Wuyan, Dongfang Wuyan, how can you be so good? Why do you have such a good grandson? I really envy you!

This is what he wants to say to himself most in his heart.

"After you have learned how to break the nine clouds, the white faced scholar will not be your opponent. In fact, now you have the advantage. You know his killing moves, but he doesn't know your killing moves. In this way, you will have more assurance." Jinglei began to analyze the current situation for Xiao Yao. Anyway, they should have come down. Of course, it's impossible to escape. Jinglei doesn't allow Xiao Yao to be a shrinking tortoise, and Xiao Yao will never be a shrinking tortoise himself. There are some imaginations about their personalities, for example, they are all people who don't know what shrinking is.

Xiao Yao after listening to thunder words, spread out his hand: "second grandfather, you know, I didn't kill."

"That was not before." Thunder said.

"So I have it now?" Xiao Yao asked tentatively.

"Not now, but that doesn't mean you won't be in the days to come." Jinglei said with a smile, "over the years, the strength of the white faced scholar has not made any breakthrough, but has declined a lot. This is good news for you. He has not made any progress after all these years. In the next 70 days, it is even more impossible to make any progress, but you are different. You are making progress all the time, The distance between you will be shorter and shorter, infinitely close, and even you can surpass him and stand in an invincible position. "

"Yes?" Xiao Yao was a little surprised. "Second grandfather, are you going to teach me how to kill?" Xiao Yao's accomplishments are good, and his moves are very skilled, but he has a fatal shortcoming, no killing move, no killing move. His killing moves are exactly a means, which he learned from his third grandfather, because if he wants to be a killer, he must be able to kill people. He has to understand the most vulnerable parts of the human body, such as the angle to attack a person's heart, the gesture to be made by his fist, and the way to make the other person die quickly when he hits the temple. But these are not killing moves. Jinglei never teaches Xiao Yao how to kill, because he always thinks that guwu is not used to kill people, and he doesn't want Xiao Yao to be an executioner, but now, Jinglei finally lets go. He is willing to teach Xiao Yao how to kill“ Xiao Yao, do you want to learn? " Thunder asked. Xiao Yao nodded: "yes."“ En... "Jinglei seems to be disappointed. Although he has decided to teach Xiao Yao how to kill, he still hopes Xiao Yao can have a kind heart. Xiao Yao seemed to see what Jinglei thought and said seriously: "I have to think about it, because the white faced scholar is my enemy. He is very cruel and will ignore the rules of the inner world. He has his own killing tactics. If I want to win him, I have to be more cruel and cunning than him. Since I want to defeat him and kill him, I must be more fierce than him! "“ "Yes?" Jinglei stares at Xiao Yao with big eyes, "who told you all this?"“ I think so myself. " Xiao Yao said, "if I don't think so, maybe on the first day when I went down the mountain, there were no bones left for others to eat. Some people always like to be unreasonable. They are not polite to me at all. I once wanted to return good for bad and use my sincerity to influence them, but I found that it was a very stupid behavior, They still hate me. They always feel that their life or plans have been disrupted by my appearance, so I have to do it. " Speaking of this, Xiao Yao pause, carefully asked: "second grandfather, do you think what I said is wrong?"“ No, "he said Jinglei shook his head. "I think what you said is quite right."“ Why are you still frowning? " Xiao Yao asked“ I wonder why I didn't think of what you're saying when I was young. If I thought the same as you when I was young, maybe I won't come to such a situation now. At least, I will suffer a lot less. " Thunder said. Xiao Yao was shocked“ ha-ha! Well, I understand. Now, we should know what is Qi breaking nine clouds. " Jinglei said, "now I can't turn the aura in my body, and I can't give you a demonstration. I can only speak carefully, and you must listen carefully."“ Ha ha, no problem, second grandfather. For so many years, don't you always teach me that? " Xiao Yaole“ Qi is used to break the nine clouds. Oh, your Qi is different. You need to use Yuanli, but I think it's all the same, right? " Thunder asked. He still has inner strength and energy in his body. He knows what Yuanli is and what Yuandan is, but he can't feel the feeling of running Yuanli“ In fact, strength and strength complement each other, but relatively speaking, strength is stronger than Qi, which is an evolution. " Xiao Yao explained for Jinglei that this is his own understanding of Yuanli during this period. "Qi has some unstable factors, but Yuanli is different. He is more stable, easy to ponder, and also contains powerful energy."“ Well... You just need to understand that if you really want to learn how to break the nine clouds of Qi, you have to transfer the yuan force in your body. " Thunder said“ How about calling it out? " Xiao Yao was slightly stunned“ Yes, if you transfer it out, it will move automatically without wind. If you are powerless, you can swim without water. This is Wupo jiuxiao. " Thunder said. Xiao Yao deeply remembers every word Jinglei said. After hearing this, he feels as if he has grasped something. However, when he wants to know what he has grasped, he finds that he seems to understand nothing. It's a very oppressive feeling. It's like he has touched a big fish, I can feel the impact of the fish in my hand, but when I want to lift my hand to have a look, the fish has seized the opportunity to escape. He repeated these words, hoping to get a different understanding again.