Loyal dog, white eyed wolf.

Not really.

There are few traitors in the pack.

But this time, the wolf king's heart was cold. What he was afraid of was not the ten or so black muzzles. What he was afraid of was betrayal.

He turned around, his eyes swept on the faces of the eleven people behind him one by one, his eyes were like a knife, and the blade was sharp.

"Tell me who it is." Asked the wolf king.

Eleven people didn't speak, they all looked up at the wolf king, their eyes were not mixed with any emotion, as if they didn't hear the wolf king's words at all, they used this method to the wolf king: "it's not me."

Who will admit it at this time?

"Wolf king, we have known each other for a long time. I always regard you as my friend, but I am wrong. We can never be friends." Su Linran sneered, "you are an animal, but I'm different. I'm human, I'm flesh and blood, so how can we be friends?"

The wolf king looked at him and said nothing.

His gloomy face seems to be able to achieve a deterrent effect without saying anything.

"I'm so sorry for you. Do you remember your original name? Do you remember who your parents were? You only know Qin Chaonan and you are the wolf king. You are about to forget yourself. " Su Lin ran said, "don't you feel subdued? Is this really the life you want? "

Wolf king sneered: "if I can, now I'm like wiping your neck with a knife - don't you think you are very wordy?"

"I think so." Su Lin ran said, "but I think you are ridiculous. How many lives have you sold for a person who is not related by blood? You go through life and death for him. What do you get? In his eyes, you and I are just his dispensable dogs. "

"No The wolf king shook his head. "You betrayed him - dogs don't."

He was turning the corner again and scolded Su Linran for not being as good as a dog. But Su Lin ran was not angry. In this case, it was impossible to make wolf king smile at him.

"He will try to kill me today. How do you know he won't kill you tomorrow?" Su Linran asked.

"He will not." The wolf king shook his head. "I will not betray him."

"Do you believe that you will also be betrayed?" Su Lin sneers.

He thinks wolf king is a guy without a long brain. Why do he have to be so brainless? Does he think that's a good thing? Anyway, no matter what the wolf king thought, Su Linran would not think that the wolf king was a smart man.

In his opinion, the wolf king is a man of ability. Just as he knew that the wolf king was coming to kill him, he was so scared that he couldn't eat well. He even spent a lot of money to get so many guns from special channels. Even so, he didn't feel safe, because the wolf king was so terrible.

Because it's terrible, we have to kill it!

"Surrender or die, you choose." Su Linran said.

"I choose..." the wolf king hesitated and said again, "let you die!"

With these words, he took a few steps forward.

"Kill." Su Lin is indifferent.

That ten men, all mercilessly pulled their own trigger.

The sound insulation effect of the villa is very good. In addition, the muzzle of these dozens of guns are equipped with special silencers, so he is not worried that the gunfire will attract the police.

Wolf king and others seem to have become trapped animals.

"Ta TA TA TA!" The sound of gunfire continued. The bullet case fell to the ground, making a clear metal collision sound. Su's face was full of enjoyment. It seemed that this was a melodious music.

At the moment when the wolf king moved, the ten people behind him all rushed forward. They were fearless. Only one stepped back a few steps to avoid the bullets.

With a sneer on his face, he looked at the back of wolf king and others, and his eyes were full of contempt.

He thinks Su Linran is right. With his ability, he can get more, instead of repeating training every day in that basement. That's a very boring thing.

He didn't like that kind of life. He was full of fascination with Su Linran's "red wine and green wine".

Waking up in charge of the world power, lying drunk on the knees of beauty, this is his life.

Wolf king's speed is so fast that it's hard for the naked eye to catch him. Even Xiao Yao will be surprised to see his speed at this time, because even he may not be able to do so.

This is a master.

He stepped on the sofa with one foot. With this force, he got up in the air, grabbed the board on the second floor, and pulled up with the help of his arms.

"Whoosh!" It's the sound of bullets coming into the body. A bullet crossed his left arm, spilling some blood.

However, the wolf king is like a biochemical person who has been infected with the virus. He seems to be unaware of all this and is still climbing up.

Let the left arm drip blood.

His eyes are dull, his expression is very dull, he is not happy, no pain, not even a trace of fear, he is still the dead face.

Su Lin Ran's eyelids jumped a little, and immediately moved a few steps to the side. Even so, he felt that he was still in a dangerous situation. Unless the wolf king and the ten Wolves under his hand lost their breath, he would feel safe.

Another man rushed up with one hand on the board, but he was not as lucky as wolf king“ Bang The sound of a bullet from his head across, his body fell down, hit the coffee table, coffee table and broken, pieces of broken glass from his body.

Wolf king did not look at it, but jumped up to the second floor.

He quickly moved towards Su Linran, and then kicked on the railing, his body jumped up again, and avoided the rain of bullets. Then, he turned a somersault. In the position where he was standing, the board was pierced by bullets.

"Whoosh!" A bullet went into his ankle again. The wolf king stumbled and nearly fell.

He limped forward, looking for the best way to reduce the risk to Su Linran.

But he knew that he had no chance at all.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, a voice came from the wolf king's ear, and then his body was knocked down, but the man who knocked him down was hit by countless bullets.

He was shot into a sieve.

The man's face and wolf king, there is no expression, he is not afraid, no panic.

Slowly the pupils spread, and eventually he lost his breath.

Except for the one who retreated and followed the wolf king forward, they all turned into sieves. In the villa, the white walls and floors seemed to be suddenly turned red by the paint.

Just like wolf king's eyes at this time, red is terrible.

He took a zigzag route, which anyone can see, because behind him, there was a bloodstain.

Finally, a bullet went through his body.

That's where the heart is.

"Bang!" He finally fell down, his eyes wide open.

At the moment when he fell down, Su Linran finally relaxed. He felt that the whole world was much quieter.

Finally, the original sense of crisis, lifted.

"Finally dead." Su Lin ran wiped the sweat on the forehead and said in a deep voice.

The dozen black suits behind him were expressionless.

They are not su Linran's men, but the mercenaries Su Linran hired from Thailand.

"Ta TA TA TA!" There was another shot.

This made sun Linran startled. He suddenly turned around, only to find that more than a dozen black suits standing behind him were aimed at the sky.

"What are you doing?" Su Linran seems to be angry. Do they know how much they spent on their ceiling? After so many holes, do you plan to lie in bed and watch the stars at night?

"He's a hero." A big man said without expression.

"Hero?" Su Linran sneered, "I think, he is a fool, originally he did not have to die, as long as he bowed to me, cut off his arms, I will let him live, and even give him a sum of money, let him live a healthy life."

The big man looked at Su Linran and shook his head.

Su Linran doesn't understand him, just as they don't understand him.

They kill the wolf king because they are mercenaries and take money to do business. This is their minimum professional ethics.

They pay homage to the wolf king because he has so much blood.

They don't know the wolf king, and they don't know whether the wolf king is a good man or a bad man, but they have to respect such people.

"Well, boss Su, can I go up?" Said the member of the wolf group standing in the hall at the bottom of the building.

Su Linran nodded.

The man was overjoyed and went up the stairs to the second floor. When he passed by the wolf king, he spat on the ground and scolded: "hum, silly. I'm glad I didn't follow you, otherwise I'll die soon?"

With that, he turned his face and walked towards Su Linran with a smile.

Suddenly, however, he realized something was wrong. He found that Su Linran and others were staring at him, looking behind him, a look of a ghost.

His eyelids jumped, there was a bad feeling, behind a chill. When he understood something, it was too late. A cold dagger pierced his neck.

He reflexively extended his hand to his neck, the palm of his hand was moist, and he could even smell the smell of blood.

His eyes were wide open. He slowly turned around and looked at the wolf king standing behind him. His face was as pale as paper. Then he grew up and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. Finally, he fell heavily on the floor.

Wolf king also showed a smile, a smile is not so rigid.

"Bang!" Wolf king fell to the ground again, and his body began to twitch. He originally wanted to wait for Su Linran to come to him, but he knew that Su Linran would not come. If Su Linran knew him, how could he not know Su Linran?

This is a man who is very careful. Shaking, he took out his cell phone in his pocket and looked at the last text message. The one still at home, she said, left the chicken soup on the table. Remember to taste it when you come back