The black suit looks at Liu Yanhong like a fool.

"What? Liu Yanhong, where's the soft footed shrimp? Go away!" The black suit rushes directly to Liu Yanhong, reaches out and grabs his opponent's collar. With a cold hum, he hits his opponent's abdomen with a punch. Liu Yanhong flies upside down like a kite with broken line, and smashes it heavily on the dining table. There is a hot hot pot on the table. Unfortunately, Liu Yanhong's butt is sitting in it, The next second, he immediately jumped up and began to sing in the middle of the night.

When Liu Yanhong fell over, Xiao Yao seemed to see where he landed. He immediately stood up and pulled up Liu Chun, who was sitting beside him, before he was splashed by the hot pot.

This is a practitioner, Xiao Yao said in his heart.

The remaining three "talented men" saw that their boss had been beaten so badly that their legs trembled.

"What are you looking at, not yet!" Liu Yanhong rolled back and forth on the ground and yelled at his younger brothers.

When the three "traffic lights" heard these words, they all hesitated. The main reason was that the black suit was too fierce. They did not dare to rush up.

"If you don't, don't follow me and don't try to get money from me!" Liu Yanhong roared.

"Traffic lights" a listen, this also got! I don't know where the courage of the three of them came from. One of them picked up a chair and rushed to the black suit.

The black suit frowned, but it soon stretched out. Judging from the three men's footwork, they were all soft footed shrimps. Although they had the advantage in number, they still didn't pose any threat to him.

"I can't help myself." Black suit cold spit these four words, as if into a whirlwind, rushed into the middle of three people, a punch hit the nose of the ox demon king, and then, another kick out, directly kicked the yellow hair out, green hair, who has not yet started, has been sitting on the ground, sweat on the forehead crash down.

As soon as the black suit walked towards him, he frowned and lowered his head. Under his green body, there was a pool of yellow unknown liquid, and it also gave off a bad smell.

"Damn it! Did you pee? Damn, there's no promise. This ability is still out there. " The black suit angrily kicked the green hair out, then turned to look at Xiao Yao and said, "now, can you come with me?" There was a threat in his words.

He thought that he could calm each other, but what he didn't expect was that Xiao Yao just gave him a plain smile.

"You've mixed up my dinner." Xiao Yao looked at him, showing a pure smile, said, "I was hungry, but also want to eat a full meal, as a result, you come, so that I can not eat, don't you think you should compensate me?"

"Compensate you?" Black suit smile, the next second, he is a face of indifference, "I invite you to eat fist!"

With that, he stepped on Xiao Yao. Although he was big, it didn't affect his speed at all.

Xiao Yao sneered and pulled Liu Chun to his back and welcomed him.

Xiao Yao took a step and held out his hand to clasp the wrist of the black suit.

Before the black suit had time to express surprise, it was just the pain on his face, because Xiao Yao had already passed his hand, and the hand of the black suit was naturally bent down. As soon as he lost his center of gravity, he knelt on one knee, and tilted his head, constantly pumping air conditioning“ I don't like fists. " Xiao Yao said with a smile, "look at what you say so casually, you must eat it often?"

Black suit just want to say no, Xiao Yao's fist has hit his face, by the way, he wants to say also hit back.

"Are you full?" Xiao Yao asked.

Before the black suit had time to speak, the other side smashed him in the mouth with another blow. His two front teeth were laid off with blood in his mouth.

"Not full yet?" Xiao Yao looked at the black suit and asked.

He felt that the other party would not give him a chance to speak.

But this time, it seems to be the real exception. One second has passed, two seconds have passed, three seconds have passed, and Xiao Yao's fist has not yet hit.

Black suit a surprise, just want to say that he was full, but his fist waved up.

This punch hit him on the nose“ With a click, the black suit knew that his nose was broken. He raised his head and waited for Xiao Yao, his eyes full of resentment.

"I gave you a chance to answer me, you didn't say anything." Xiao Yao was wronged and said, "so don't look at me like that."

The mood of black suit at the moment was broken down. He felt that the young man in front of him was a monster.

Xiao Yao shook off his wrist and said, "I repeat, if your boss wants to drink tea, let him roll over by himself. Do you understand?"

The black suit nodded heavily, and Xiao Yao sent him out with his feet.

Black suit struggled to stand up and looked at Xiao Yao, but he didn't even give up his cruel words.

Perhaps this time, he turned his face and yelled, "you wait for me, you're dead!" Or "boy, you wait to die, my boss is coming to kill you!", But he didn't say a word, because he didn't know whether Xiao Yao would continue to beat him after he said it.

Another reason is that because he lost two front teeth, he's a bit off the mark now.

After the black suit left, the four talents all looked at Xiao Yao with an angry look.

"Why didn't you just do it?" Liu Yanhong roared.

"Why should I do it? Isn't there four talented people in the east ring? I think I'm going to steal the limelight from you. " Xiao Yao shows his hand and pretends to be wronged.

Liu Yanhong certainly won't believe his lies, but when he thinks about it with his head down, he can't think of a reason to refute the other party, so he can only beat the ground with his hand desperately to relieve his depression.

"Xiao Yao, let's go quickly. That man will certainly find many people to trouble us." Liu Chun worried.

"Then look for it. It's not a good way to avoid it. If you can avoid grade one, you can't avoid grade 15." Xiao Yao shrugged his shoulders.

Liu Chun sighs, but also thinks that Xiao Yao's words have some truth. If the other party is determined to fight Xiao Yao to the end, can't Xiao Yao hide all day long?

"Or shall we call the police?" Liu Chunling moved.

"Call the police?" Xiao Yao laughed, "no need."

"Why?" Liu Chun seems to be a little incomprehensible. We all say that if you are suffering, you should go to the police uncle?

"When the police come, they are either locked up for two days or driven away. What's the difference between hiding and hiding?" Xiao Yao asked.

Liu Chun is speechless.

During the conversation, a group of black suits had rushed in. Xiao Yao's brows twisted together quickly.

One, two, three... One black suit after another rushed in, and outside, there was a group of black people.

The people who eat in jinmanlou restaurant are shocked. They look at the dark people in the corridor, and their hearts are full of shock. At least there are hundreds of people, right? What do so many people want to do with their black suits and fierce faces?

Some boldly stretched their heads to see, the result was a black suit scolded: "what are you looking at, eat your meal!" Those people have taken their heads back. Although they all want to watch the excitement, it is obviously not cost-effective to lose their lives for the sake of the excitement.

In front of so many black suits, there stands a man in a beige shirt. He looks very young. He is only in his thirties, and he is relatively symmetrical. His height is about 1.8 meters. He has a cigarette in his hand and stares at Xiao Yao with a smile on his face. Behind him is the man who was beaten by Xiao Yao with blood on his face.

"You are Xiao Yao." Beige shirt looked at Xiao Yao and laughed, "my name is Wang Lei. I want to invite you to tea."

"Yes." Xiao Yao nodded, "I'm afraid it's not as simple as tea?"

"Ha ha! Good eyesight. " Wang Lei stretched out his thumb and praised Xiao Yao.

And those four talents, at this time, have been completely stupid. They look at Wang Lei with little stars in their eyes.

This is the real big brother! This is the real underworld!

I don't know what Liu Yanhong thinks. He climbs directly to Wang Lei and reaches out his hand and grabs Wang Lei's trouser legs: "big brother, big brother, I know you. You are Wang Lei, the boss of the North District. Will you take me with you in the future?"

Wang Lei stepped back, looked at the stains on his trousers and frowned.

"Your friend?" Wang Lei looks at Xiao Yao.

"No Xiao Yao shook his head.

"Throw it out." Wang Lei says.

At his command, a few black suits came out behind him, added up all the four talents and carried them out.

"Didn't you ask me to come? Now I'm here Wang Lei looked at Xiao Yao and continued.

Xiao Yao smiles, but he is a little nervous.

He knew that the other party was looking for trouble, but he didn't expect that there were so many people in the other party. He was not afraid, but worried that he would fight, and he couldn't take Liu Chun into consideration.

"I want to make a deal with you." Xiao Yao thought about it and said.

"Oh? What deal? " Wang Lei a Leng, curiously ask a way.

"I'll go out with you. As you can see, it's very narrow and the place is too small. So many of you can only come in a dozen at most, and the rest have to be kept out, right?" Xiao Yao said.

Wang Lei nodded, continued to stare at Xiao Yao, waiting for the other side to continue to say.

"I can go out with you, but you want me to see this girl off first." Xiao Yao looks at Liu chundao beside his eyes.

Wang Lei was stunned and then laughed.

"Good, good! It's true that heroes are young! In the face of so many of us, I'm not changing my face. I'm still thinking about pity. It's good, young man. I appreciate you! " Wang Lei is only in his thirties, but he says such old-fashioned words, which makes Xiao Yao feel that this is a costume.