People respect me, I respect people.

Xiao Yao originally wanted to make this matter clear and be a good man who abides by the law, but the other party didn't give him the chance at all. Now he even has the tools of torture. If Xiao Yao still does nothing, he is a lamb to be slaughtered.

Xiao Yao didn't want to wait to die, so he did it.

"Pain! Pain... Let me go Police officer Wang felt that his wrist was about to break, and roared hysterically.

Police officer Wang's eyes became red, tears spilled out of his eyes, and his facial features almost twisted together, which made the monkey on the side fall into a daze.

"How dare you attack the police?" After a while, the monkey jumped up, but looking at Xiao Yao's eyes are full of fear. They have been bullying people all the time. When is it their turn to bully them? Assaulting the police is a big crime!

"Assaulting the police?" Xiao Yao glanced at him, "are you policemen? Who can prove that you are police? "

"You... We have work permit, you are assaulting police!"

"Who knows if your work permit is true?" Xiao Yao said with a disdainful smile, "didn't you say I was going to bully that girl? What about your evidence? Don't scream without proof. "

The monkeys tremble with anger. Evidence? They are police and have work permits. What evidence do they need? Why don't you let me prove to you that I'm a man? I can't prove it. I'm afraid that even if I take out my little brother, you will say that this is a fake, right?

Want to find fault, what method does not have?

Police officer Wang's wrist is almost deformed, his heart is simply scared to the extreme, he is a bit hard to imagine, how a person's strength can be so strong!

It's still human!

"Damn, I'm fighting with you!" The monkey regretted that he didn't take the gun, but at this time he saw officer Wang abused by Xiao Yao. If he still didn't do anything, I'm afraid that after this thing was over, officer Wang had to try to get out of the police station. Thinking of this, he didn't know where he had the courage. He bit his teeth, waved his fist and rushed to Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao raised the corner of his mouth, quickly extended his other hand, and directly grasped the monkey's fist. With a little effort, the monkey screamed, knelt on the ground and howled.

"Two wastes, dare to trouble me." Xiao Yao's eyes flashed a cold light, he suddenly felt that he was really some too low-key, when to start, such people are thinking of ways to find their own trouble?

However, the howling of the monkey and officer Wang also attracted more police. The door of the interrogation room was kicked open, and more than a dozen criminal policemen with guns rushed in.

"Let him go! What do you want to do? " A middle-aged policeman rushed to the front and yelled at Xiao Yao.

"You should ask, what do you want to do?" Xiao Yao said with a sneer, "don't try to shoot. I'm sure that as long as you dare to shoot, I'm not the one who got shot. I have two meat shields blocking me now."

Hearing Xiao Yao's words, police officer Wang and monkey scolded Xiao Yao from head to toe in their hearts. How can you treat me as a meat shield?

"Let go of the hostages!" Cried the middle-aged policeman.

"Cut the crap, I just need an explanation!" Xiao Yao frowned and said, "it's you who make trouble for me first. I didn't do anything. You arrest me and torture me. If you have any opinions, shoot me. Even if I'm really going to die, I'll pull two of them to be my back!"

Xiao Yao's words completely calmed the ten policemen.

shoot? They really dare not, Xiao Yao's body is strictly blocked by officer Wang and monkey, if you shoot, monkey and officer Wang will be completely finished.

The situation seems to be in a stalemate

In the police chief's office, Gu libing finished reading a report, grabbed his head, and looked sad.

"I don't know if that miracle doctor has time now. I'll go to Li's group to find him. Will he be willing to help me?" Since I met Xiao Yao last time, Gu libing couldn't sleep well.

In the past, he knew that he had old problems, but he also knew that it was very troublesome to eradicate them. He simply looked at them a lot. Anyway, when he was young, he also experienced a lot of gunfire, and he was not so afraid of death.

But he happened to meet Xiao Yao, and Xiao Yao gave him a lot of hope, which made him unable to sit still and live well. Who wants to be haunted by the disease?

He has been thinking about whether he should go to Li's group to find Xiao Yao, but he is worried that he will be too impatient and make others feel uncomfortable, so he can only bear it.

Just at this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and a young policeman ran in in a hurry.

"Director, director, no good!" The young policeman was sweating and nervous.

"What's the matter?" Gu Li Bing frowned. "I said Zheng Rui, you've been a policeman for several years. How can you be in a hurry like a child?"

Zheng Rui showed a bitter smile, thinking, director, I also want to keep calm, but now the situation is really urgent“ Tell me what's going on Looking at Zheng Rui's expression, it seems that something really happened. Gu libing was worried that he was scolding too much for wasting time and delaying things, so he asked quickly“ Director, something really happened. A disliker kidnapped his colleagues in the interrogation room, and now they are deadlocked! " Zheng Rui said“ What The valley soldier suddenly sat up from his chair, "this is a rebellion! What on earth do you eat? Do you know what the nature of this is? Such people must be severely punished! Take me there quickly. What are you doing? " For the first time, Zheng Rui saw that Gu libing would be so angry. He quickly nodded and took Gu libing to the interrogation room. Seeing Gu libing coming, the police who had blocked the door quickly withdrew and spontaneously made way for Gu libing“ Let go of the hostages. This is the police station. Do you know what you're doing? " Gu libing said to Xiao Yao, who was shrinking behind officer Wang and the monkey. Because officer Wang was fat, he basically blocked the thin Xiao Yao by himself. That's why Gu libing didn't see Xiao Yao's face clearly“ "Yes?" When Xiao Yao heard this voice, he suddenly felt familiar with it. He turned his face a little bit and saw Gu libing. Then he remembered. His face made Gu libing see him clearly“ It's you! " Gu Li Bing exclaimed directly, and his face became very wonderful“ Well, it's me Xiao Yao said. All the police are at a loss. It seems that their chief still knows each other“ Put the guns away quickly Director Gu is very speechless in his heart. How could it be like this? He looked at Xiao Yao and asked, "little doctor, what's the matter? How did you get caught at the police station? " The cops were dumbfounded again. What did they hear? Just now, Gu Li Bing, who was so angry, asked them to put away their guns. What do you mean? Moreover, director Gu even called each other "you"! This is a honorary title. What's the matter with the miracle doctor? Isn't the miracle doctor the medicine spirit of Haitian Jishi hall? Xiao Yao curled his lips: "I don't know what's going on. I saved a girl who was bullied by hooligans, but was framed as a strong and rapist. Then I was caught in the police station. I told them about the situation, but they didn't want to believe it. They still wanted to punish me. Is it hard for me to sit there waiting to be slaughtered?" Xiao Yao said that Gu libing's face was no longer ugly. By this time, he had seen the phone book, hammer and other things on the side, and he had accepted Xiao Yao's statement“ Wang Zhibin, what's going on? " Director Gu's eyes were on fire. He stared at officer Wang and said with his teeth clenched“ Bureau Director... "At this time, Xiao yaocai took back some strength, so that officer Wang could not even say anything. Officer Wang looked at director Gu, his legs and stomach were shaking. He understood that he could never admit it. If he admitted it, the lightest result would have to be driven out of the police station. Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and denied himself“ Director Gu, I really only handle cases according to law. As for the instruments of torture, I just want to deter him. " Officer Wang said nervously“ Deterrence? " Director Gu said, "then tell me, that girl, how many hooligans are there?"“ "This..." officer Wang stopped“ Well, you wang Zhibin, since you are handling a case according to law, why didn't you bring those people back to assist in the investigation? Hum, good, good, good Director Gu even said three good words, but each word accentuated the pronunciation, which showed his inner anger. Originally, he was still thinking about how to please Xiao Yao and let Xiao Yao help him treat his illness, but now it seems that there is no possibility... Director Gu climbed up from a little policeman step by step. Now, he has figured out what's going on. It's not because of how clever he is, but because there are too many mistakes in police Wang's words, Even if Xiao Yao is a suspect, he must take the children back to the police station to assist in the investigation. As a result, Xiao Yao was caught alone and was ready to be punished. The fool also knew what was going on! When Xiao Yao saw that it was almost over, he threw the monkey and officer Wang on the ground, patted his clothes and looked at Gu libing: "now, am I ok?" Director Gu quickly nodded: "en en, you can rest assured that I will handle this matter well and give you an explanation!" When he said this, he was also thinking about what to do to make up for the mistake