When he came to Jishitang, Xiao Yao came here in Li Xiaoxiao's car. Now Li Xiaoxiao left first. Xiao Yao had no choice but to go back on foot.

Yao Ling was determined to send Xiao Yao back, but Xiao Yao also saw that Jishitang was very busy now, so he was sorry to delay Yao Ling's time. Besides, he didn't know the way. Jishitang was not far away from Li's villa, so he declined Yao Ling's offer.

On the way back to Li's home, Xiao Yao kept thinking about Mayor Liu's illness. He seldom encountered such a troublesome disease. He didn't expect to come to Haitian city this time, and he encountered two complicated problems not long ago. One is Mr. Li, the other is Mr. Liu.

From Jishitang back to Li's home, there is a path to go through. Li Xiaoxiao and Xiao Yao said that in order to save time, Xiao Yao chose that path.

The economic development of Haitian city in recent years is very good, but some of the old hutongs with traditional flavor are still preserved by the government, because most of these old hutongs are paved with bluestone slabs, and there are many courtyard houses, which are also regarded as cultural attractions.

The hutongs are complicated, but Xiao Yao has a good memory. Although Li Xiaoxiao only said the route once, Xiao Yao remembers it very clearly. He goes left and right without any mistakes.

"Help Suddenly, a cry for help, intended Xiao Yao's thoughts.

Before he could react, there was another cry for help. It was not far from Xiao Yao. It should be a girl.

Xiao Yao frowned and walked along the source of the sound.

After turning a road, Xiao Yao walked into a dead end. What happened in front of him made Xiao Yao's eyes cold.

Four or five young men with good looks are pressing a girl in a white dress to the ground. From time to time, they also give out a lustful smile, while the girl is full of tears. The white skirt is torn, the collar is torn, and most of her chest is exposed in the air.

"Help The girl's voice was a little sharp, but the young men didn't seem to hear it. Maybe they thought it was more exciting.

"Hiss!" This is the sound of cloth strips tearing. The girl's skirt is torn by a young man with earrings and red hair, and her two white thighs are exposed.

"Damn, keep shouting! I really want to see who dares to save you here! " The red haired man grinned coldly.

They turned their back to Xiao Yao, and no one found that there was a man behind them, but they were in a state of excitement now. Even if Xiao Yao stood in front of them, their eyes were still fixed on the girl.

The girl fell into deep despair.

Suddenly, Yu Guang sees Xiao Yao.

"Help, sir, help me!" The girl struggled fiercely and looked at Xiao Yao with hope in her eyes. She doesn't want to think about whether Xiao Yao can save her from so many people. At least for her, Xiao Yao is a hope!

Xiao Yao took a deep breath and walked quickly.

The girl's reaction also makes five gangsters Leng Leng, along the girl's eyes, they all see Xiao Yao walking towards them.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? " The five gangsters let go of the girl first, and they all turned around and stood together staring at Xiao Yao who was coming towards them.

"Save your fallen souls!" Xiao Yao said so.

He felt that even if he did it himself, he would stand on the commanding point of human morality. He was not bullying others. He was just worried that these young children would go astray.

As for whether he really thought so in his heart, who knows?

As he spoke, Xiao Yao rushed to the man with red hair. He held out his hand like lightning, grabbed the collar of red hair, followed by the other hand. Without waiting for the red hair to react, the iron fist had already hit the red hair's face.

"Ah The simultaneous interpreting of a screaming, from the deep alley, was very sad.

Where Xiao Yao's eyes go, his fist has been waved. It seems that the word "eye to hand" can't be more appropriate here.

Xiao Yao's fists hit each other's body, and he would think of a burst of wailing. His heart was really angry, and he used 50% of his strength in each punch - the reason why he didn't use 100% was that he was afraid that he would kill them all by accident!

For this reason, Xiao Yao may not be able to retreat completely even with the protection of the Li family. He is a man of great propriety.

It only took about two minutes for the five gangsters to lie on the ground, holding the place where Xiao Yao injured them. One by one, they burst into tears. The sound of tearing their hearts and lungs was like the sound of fingernails across the blackboard. It was so sharp that people's hair stood upright.

The girl also stares at Xiao Yao, her eyes full of surprise.

Is this still human?

To tell you the truth, there were seven people present. Except Xiao Yao, the girl and five gangsters didn't even see how Xiao Yao did it. This is definitely not because of their poor strength, but Xiao Yao's speed is too fast!

"Are you all right?" Xiao Yao looked at the girl and asked in a low voice.

The girl blinked her big eyes. Looking at Xiao Yao, her eyes were like looking at a monster.

Suddenly, she roared again.

"Help! Strong. Treacherous Cried the girl.

Xiao Yao was stunned and quickly comforted: "don't be afraid, those gangsters have been beaten by me. You're OK."

The girl apologized for looking at Xiao Yao, but she didn't stop calling for help.

Xiao Yao suddenly had a bad feeling. He stood up and was about to turn around and leave.

"Stop!" A soft drink came.

Xiao Yao raised his head and didn't know when there were two more young policemen behind him.

"Police comrades, catch this guy quickly, he wants to be strong. Traitor. I!" Said the girl aloud.

Xiao Yao turns around and stares at the girl. The girl quickly lowers her head. She suddenly feels guilty and doesn't dare to face Xiao Yao's eyes.

Xiao Yao sighed in his heart. It seemed that he had been cheated.

"Hold your head in your hands and squat on the ground." A young policeman stares at Xiao Yao and says.

Xiao Yao looked at the policeman, frowned and explained, "I didn't do anything to her. I just passed by and saw that she was bullied by those gangsters, so I helped her."

"Well, if you have something to say to the Bureau, no one wants to hear from you now!" The male policeman gave a cold hum and looked at Xiao Yao with sarcasm in his eyes.

Xiao Yao suddenly understood.

In fact, these two policemen are also the key figures in this trap. They may have been a group originally. Otherwise, how can they suddenly appear at this time? Before the girl called so long, but did not see their shadow.

There was an anger in his heart.

At this time, another police officer with a sharp mouth has pulled out a pistol and pointed at Xiao Yao.

"Hey, boy, I didn't expect you to be so good. These guys were solved by you so soon? However, if you are arrested, you have to be ready to be shot. You can try, in the end is your fast action, or the speed of the bullet The policeman said with a sneer.

Xiao Yao sighed helplessly.

He is sure that he can quickly subdue the other party before they shoot, but even if he subdues them, what can he do? He still can't get rid of the crime. On the contrary, he will be wanted by the police. This is not the result he wants

Harry pharmaceutical factory, Li Xiaoxiao solved the reporters outside the door, but also full of fatigue. These reporters are all pervasive and difficult to deal with. This time, they spent a lot of money, and this is not a long-term strategy. He must think of a way to solve the problem perfectly in the shortest time, otherwise, in case of being exposed, Li group's stock will decline a lot, the entire Li family will have a great loss. More importantly, Jinchuang medicine is one of the main drugs of Harry pharmaceutical factory. If something really goes wrong, even if there is no press exposure, the pharmaceutical factory will close down.

Li Xiaoxiao is the head of Li's group. She won't let this happen.

After seeing off the reporter, Li Xiaoxiao turned to look at Jiang Jianhua.

"Now, director Jiang, it's your turn to speak."

Jiang Jianhua knew Li Xiaoxiao's meaning and his face was bitter.

"Li Dong, I'm the director of Harry pharmaceutical factory. At the beginning, you let me take over because you believed in me. All the time, I worked hard and didn't want to betray your trust. This time, I'm responsible for such a problem..."

Li Xiaoxiao stares at Jiang Jianhua, a little displeased: "I'm not asking you to say this."

Jiang Jianhua nodded, sighed and said: "in fact... Mr. Li, I don't know what's going on. Everything is the same as usual. I dilute, fuse, add Chinese herbal ingredients, and finally grind them into powder, package and sell them. But I really don't know which link is wrong, which will actually lead to the aggravation of the injured."

Li Xiaoxiao's mind flashed.

"I think there should be someone who can help me." Li Xiaoxiao blushed a little when she thought of the man.

She was embarrassed to find that when she didn't know what to do, the first person in her mind was the guy. Is it that, in my heart, I have a sense of dependence on him? But how could it be! I'm not the kind of person who likes little birds, OK? Besides, we know each other, but we haven't had much time!

"Li Dong, I don't know who you think of?" Jiang Jianhua, with a happy expression, asked quickly.

"My bodyguard." Li Xiaoxiao sipped his lips and said.

"Bodyguard?" Jiang Jianhua suddenly felt dark. He squatted on the ground, rubbing his ears and shaking his head. Finally, he tentatively asked, "who did you say it was, Dong Li? I didn't hear you

"You heard me right. The person I think of is my bodyguard. His name is Xiao Yao." Li Xiaoxiao said.