"What is mental shadow, it's a nightmare!" Fan Ma shook his head and mourned for these ignorant disciples for three minutes.

"But, it's true that Xiaoman did this. These guys have been qualified and some of them have high self-esteem. After this beating, they should grow up a lot."

"Mm-hmm, that's right! But elder Ji, can't you feel hurt? Li is your disciple. " "Fan Ma joked.

"It's certain that my heart hurts, but it's necessary to let this little guy understand that there is a mountain outside the mountain and there is a day outside the mountain."

Many old people of luoxuanzong understand this truth, and they keep silent, and let Luo Xiaoman to ravage these new people.

Of course, they dare not speak! Otherwise, they will be even worse if they are stared at by their small ancestors!

"Tell you." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said softly, "you are qualified, and the speed of improvement is not up to my expectations."


The new people were dazzled and looked at Luo Xiaoman in dismay,

their strength has been improved so much, and the result is not up to Luo Xiaoman's expectation. So they would like to ask, what is your expectation?

"Oh, I thought you could have a period of emptiness!" Luo Xiaoman sighed and murmured disappointed.

This sentence seems to be whispering, but everyone hears it.

The mouth of the people is convulsing, and they think Luo Xiaoman must be in nonsense. Before they enter, the strongest one is the baby period. To upgrade from the baby to the period of deficiency, it is impossible to have nine layers of Linglong tower support in just three days.

"Well, I can only make it." Luo Xiaoman sighed and said gloomily.

Do it?!

Ha ha, it is really difficult for you, our dear Lord of the supreme lords!

All people were very angry, but they had to admit that Luo Xiaoman said the facts, compared with the hot dancing, they were just a waste.

At this time, Luo Xiaoman's lips slightly rose, from the face of these guys can see, their pride convergence a lot, it is estimated that she was hit by her.

A person, if not recognize himself, too self-esteem, once wrestling, will definitely break blood flow.

Luo Xiaoman did this, just to let them clearly recognize their own strength, in front of some strong people, they call pride is unbearable.

"Three days later, it was ten big ratios." Luo Xiaoman cleared his throat and said, "I will choose three of the most powerful people from among you to participate in the ten big ratios. You will represent the lozengzhen sect and show the strength of this clan to other sects. "

"Of course, if you win the big ratio, you will not only get the prize of the big ratio, but also get my own guidance."

All of us were excited immediately!

Ten big ratios are still secondary, and the most important thing is to get the guidance of Luo Xiaoman.

You should know that, if you have any strong disciples who are not strong and strong, you can only speak of them like hot dancing and huyanxiu.

If she can get her guidance, maybe I can fly from now on!

"Li Yi!"


"Snow and snow!"


"Feng Yu!"


With Luo Xiaoman's name, both men and women stood out with excitement.

As everyone knows, these three people will represent luoxuanzong and participate in ten Dabi.

Although they were not selected and disappointed, they were also convinced. After all, elder brother Li had the strength to represent Luo Xuanzong.

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