"I, I didn't die!" At this time, the original body of the shopkeeper, but wake up.

He looked at himself in shock and said in disbelief, "I was killed by that young man just now."




At this time, Xiao Bao and his woman all came to me safe and sound.

"It's wonderful that you're not dead." The whole family was holding each other and excited beyond control. "What's going on?"

"You are all saved by the devil and the princess."

"Ah?" The shopkeeper's whole body trembled and turned to look at the past. A man with red hair and a cold face came up and said, "you, are you the evil Lord?"

Suddenly, the people around him plopped and knelt down.

They did not expect to see the evil Lord here. Their hearts were trembling, excited and afraid.

Excited, it is they survived, fear, is that they are all deserters!

According to the rules of evil spirit, all deserters will be killed without mercy!

"Well, you traitors should have been put to death. But, Lord Hong En, pardon you. As long as you are willing to return to the evil spirit, you will not die. "

Hearing the news, everyone looked at each other.

Disappeared for thousands of years the demon lord returns to the evil spirit? Well, how could this be?

Is the boy in black just now their demon lord? Otherwise, who else?

"We are willing to return to the evil spirit and do our best for the evil Lord."

Anyway, their lives are given by the devil!

Well, it must be reported by fate!

Zhong Li squints her eyes and stares at these guys coldly.

Originally, in the face of Qing Cang right envoy, they are bound to die.

However, the demon lord, as well as the two magic concubines, Leng is to save these guys back.

He had to admire the magic princess's wisdom!

She first killed the shopkeeper with extremely ferocious means, in order to confuse Xuan Youlin and others. In fact, her attacks only knocked out the opponent.

The shopkeeper and Xiao Bao are all skin injuries.

As for the shopkeeper's woman, the scene of her head being blasted into the ground by the demon lord's fist is very terrible, but she is not hurt at all. She is protected by an invisible force.

Looking at the people in the cellar, it seems that they were burned by a fire. In fact, they were all saved by the magic princess. What the fire burned was just some unimportant things.

The most important thing is, the magic princess also controls the people here with her mental strength, so that they can stop Xuan Youlin's action of destroying the corpse and trace, and even more sit on the illusion that the people in the evil spirit are destroyed.

Zhong Li got a hook on his lips. With the strength of the demon lord and the wisdom of the demon princess, he felt that he could overturn the world.

"Evil Lord, at first, we all thought that the evil evil evil spirit, in order to achieve the goal, killed the innocent by any means. But now it seems that these noble and decent sects are not as good as our evil spirits. " The shopkeeper's face was excited and looked at Zhong Li. "They are aboveboard on the surface, but they are more insidious and cunning than us demons."

"The reason why we are regarded as evil by the world is that some people have no bottom line when they do what they want." Zhong Li said in a deep voice: "however, now that the demon lord returns, the evil spirit should also be rectified. Those who have no bottom line are not qualified to stay in the evil spirit."

Hearing this, people's spirits were excited and said in a loud voice, "we are willing to cooperate with the evil Lord to complete the great cause."

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