"Shut up for me!" Chengfeng gnawed his teeth and stared at the city guards who were disordered with military heart, and said, "even if we can't win, we will fight! Now we have two choices, either glorious war or shame! "

"I know it's not good now. But for your family and thousands of innocent people in the city, please show your consciousness of death and fight with these beasts! "

With the encouragement of Chengfeng, many city guards have restored some confidence.


For the sake of the family in the city, and many innocent people, they must be free!

It is better to die with glory than to die in shame!

"Kill!" Chengfeng drank a violent sound, then gave a long gun, and killed the corpse and demon army running over.

However, he was a man, as opposed to the corpse demon army, was like a dust, insignificant.

Even with his seven levels of strength in the first baby period, a single long gun can take away countless corpse demons. However, compared with the whole corpse demon army, this loss is like a dust falling into the water and can not ripple.

Looking at the army of Chengfeng, the corpse and demon army greeded for food, and the people on the wall were burning like a heart.

"Come on, supplement the city defense, and support the general with all your strength!"

"Don't control supplies, give me the maximum attack!"

For a while, all the city defense facilities were operating at the limit, and countless burning oil, rockets, artillery and various instruments were launched crazily to support the front line.

"The three masters, the corpse demon army can organize, must have the high intelligence corpse demon in the back to give orders. "Huyan squints his eyes and says coldly," we must find out these monsters who give orders and break them one by one. "

"But how can we find so many corpses?" Chen tingsheng frowned and scanned the army of corpse demons with dense eyes. It is undoubtedly to seek out the ordered corpse devil from so many corpse demons.

"No! Even if the ordered corpse is hidden, it is also broken! " Night canglan stood out, and said seriously, "because of their particularity, it must be the object of protection."

Hearing this, huyan0 eyes a bright, point the head: "the night Lord said good. These corpses must be the most brilliant among many corpses. "

"From now on, we each choose a direction and kill each other's core. Believe that the demons who command them are hidden in the center of these regiments. "


Suddenly, the elite of the four families were scattered.

They were like a sword, tearing apart the corpse and demons, and killing them towards the center.

Perhaps they were aware of their intention, and the corpses came in, no matter how many they killed, how many corpse demons came back.

"Damn it!" Night canglan frowned tightly, the heart was dark and cold. The number of corpses was too many, and they were supplemented in time, and they were living in the way of blocking their progress.

If they go on like this, they will be consumed alive here.

"My Lord, our real money is almost consumed, and we can't go on pushing forward!" The captain of the night fork, said night peak with a dignified face.

Night vicissitudes LAN swept the night fork around their eyes, only to see their faces are hanging tired color, now can fight, but also with a will in the persistence.

Looking at the dense corpse around them, they came in endlessly, without any sign of stopping. In a short time, they would be drowned by these beasts.

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