"Ah ~ ~" Luo Xiaoman yawned, smashed his mouth, and said, "little dance, you are a hand, let me feel the fierce Sa of the lower level killing moves."

"You're a fool! What have you done to me? " Barbecue dance gnashing teeth, struggling desperately, but unable to move, as if bound by a mysterious force.

"You want to know?" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes and grinned, "it's like..."

She raised her hand and stretched, "like this!"

At the same time, the barbecue dance does the same with her.

What the hell?!

His body is out of control!

"Luo Xiaoman, what have you done to me?" The feeling that he could not control his body made him panic.

"It's nothing. It's just that you left some trinkets on you." Luo Xiaoman bent down again, and the barbecue dance here also bowed down.

He is like imitating Luo Xiaoman, doing the same action, very funny.

"Stop for me. Do you hear me?" The barbecue dance blushed and wanted to stop, but it didn't work at all.

"You are fierce." Luo Xiaoman flattened her mouth and patted her chest. She did it naturally, but it was done by the barbecue dance Hot eyes!

However, this is the beginning of the nightmare!

"Compare heart

The barbecue dance is more than a heart.

"One word horse!"

There is a word horse in the barbecue dance!

"You, little hammer

When you shake your fist, you wave your fist, and you pinch it

Luo Xiaoman's all kinds of cute selling, all kinds of twists and turns, and the barbecue dance here are all copied one by one.

"Vice president, you, your apprentice, have some hot eyes." Ji Wuyuan looks at the barbecue dance and does all kinds of cute and coquettish actions. She takes a puff from the corners of her mouth, and she is more awed by Luo Xiaoman.

If Luo Xiaoman's goal is to be himself, he can't imagine the picture of himself being tossed about like this.

"Cough!" Tong Ming is also a face embarrassed, "I think, can distinguish the winner and loser."

"No way!" With red eyes and blue tendons in his neck, he tried his best to resist Luo Xiaoman's control. "I haven't lost yet!"

As long as you let him move a little, you can send out the killing moves.

He wanted to take Luo Xiaoman's life to wash away his humiliation.

"Don't struggle." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said helplessly, "you can't get rid of my control over you now."

"Is it?" The eyes of the barbecue dance flash through a red awn, a strange force suddenly burst out, breaking through the bondage in an instant.

"Go to hell."


Luo Xiaoman was stunned. This guy really broke away from the puppet mark?!

Shua Shua!

The two daggers, like a dragon at sea, swept past chaoluo Xiaoman.

All obstacles were torn and smashed by the sharp blade. I can't imagine that Luo Xiaoman could still be safe and sound under this killing move.


The door of the training room was blown open!

A dark figure flashed in front of Luo Xiaoman.


A long dark red sword came out of the scabbard, like a dragon roaring furiously. With a sense of terror, it bumped into these two daggers.


A burst of air broke out.

The body of barbecue dance is soft, half kneel down, also completely broke free Luo Xiaoman's control.

Tong Ming gently a wave, will this force of Qi to block down, eyes staring at the front of that straight figure.

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