At this time, Yuan's family was also sitting on one side, and his heart had been holding tightly.

As soon as the old doctor and yueniang's mother-in-law came out, Yuan immediately came forward and asked nervously. When he learned that yueniang's body was all right, he could not help but feel relieved. He put his hands together and said "Amitabha" and then breathed a long breath.

Xueqing looked at the old doctor and asked, "in Jianglang, why did the young lady of Bofu cause miscarriage?"

When Xueqing asked this, Yuan Shi and yueniang's mother-in-law were all stunned.

It's obvious that yueniang was frightened and moved the fetal Qi, so she had a miscarriage.

Is it difficult to Are there other reasons?

Yuan's and yueniang's mother-in-law were all shocked when they thought about this.

However, the old doctor's words shocked them even more.

The old doctor didn't know what happened in the government, so he naturally replied: "the young lady just sat in the womb for more than a month, and the fetus was unstable originally. In addition, she mistakenly took some things to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, so she had a miscarriage..."

Before the old doctor's words were finished, Yuan's and yueniang's mother-in-law changed greatly.

Yuan's, in particular, almost fainted.

Xueqing seems to be expected. She looks at Yuan Shi and says, "please ask my aunt to let someone bring some of today's food for doctor Jiang to check."

Yuan's head was buzzing, and his heart was raised again. If there was something wrong with the food in her house, which led to yueniang's miscarriage, then the blame would fall on the government and her mother.

Yuan's hands and feet are weak, and he orders people to take the rest of the meal from today's banquet.

Especially on the table of yueniang, you must bring them all.

Snow fine and specially remind for a while, put oneself that meal on the table, also all carry.

Yuan's heart "clattered" for a while, in the heart of an idea suddenly came out.

Fortunately, all of a sudden, first Huang was almost knocked down in the lake, then Huang Yuying's noisy scene, and the woman's blood splashed on the spot, and then yueniang's miscarriage.

One by one, the yuan family has not been able to let the people clean up the waterside pavilion and remove the food from the banquet. Now it is convenient for them to send someone to pick it up.

To say, today's guests to the banquet, although saw a big play, but this meal really did not eat well.

Even most people have not enough to eat, so that the food on each table, there are still more than half.

Soon, Yuan's several big girls, commanding some little girls, brought plates of food.

Seeing this, Jiang Lang sighed to himself.

He sees more privacy in a rich family. The richer the family is, the more dirty it is.

But I didn't expect that the young granny of uncle's family would catch up with this kind of thing when she came to the banquet.

I don't know whether it is innocent or other reasons?

Jiang Lang sighed to himself in the center and shook his head.

Xueqing, as a princess, asked doctor Jiang to help check. He quickly bowed to answer yes.

If it wasn't for the identity of Princess Xueqing, Jiang Lang Zhong didn't want to participate in this kind of thing.

After all, he knows the truth that the more he knows, the faster he dies.

However, thinking of Xueqing's identity and the seven princes behind Xueqing, how dare Jianglang refuse?

Jiang Lang took out a package of silver needles, and checked the dishes one by one. From time to time, he stirred them with chopsticks, and then bowed his head to smell them.

The room was quiet, no one spoke, but except Xueqing, who was calm, others were tense.


Suddenly, a low cry came from the room. It turned out that yueniang woke up and cried when she learned that she had a miscarriage.

Her eyes were almost green, and now she was looking forward to it. She had a miscarriage without knowing it. It really made her feel like a knife.

At the same time, she also blamed her carelessness. Although she didn't come this month, she only thought that her monthly affairs were not accurate, so that she delayed it, but she didn't expect that she was pregnant.

No wonder she has been feeling sick these days. It turned out to be a bad omen.

The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it. The more she thought about it, the more sad she was, and the more miserable she was crying.

Although yueniang's mother-in-law is not a generous mother-in-law, she is not a very mean person. When she heard that her daughter-in-law was crying so miserably, she was a little softhearted. She could not help but go into the room to comfort her. It was not good to blame yueniang any more.

Xue Qing listens to the cry of Yue Niang in the inner room, and her anger that she has been suppressing almost bursts out directly.

She was pregnant herself, and of course she could understand yueniang's mood.

Then, also more and more to cause the person of month Niang miscarriage to hate.

She has been able to conclude in her heart that this matter must have something to do with Huang Yuying!It is the so-called abnormal things must be demons, Huang Yuying at the beginning of the kind of clumsy do low-lying small state, absolutely not to make a woman push his mother into the water!

And eventually the woman will push her mother into the water, it should be Huang Yuying trick did not succeed, so just want to come to a fish in the net.

Listening to the cry of the inner room, Yuan Shi was also worried and nervous. She twisted a handkerchief tightly in her hand. The handkerchief had already been rubbed into a rag because of her tension.

Yuan not only sympathizes with yueniang's experience, but also is afraid of what Jiang Lang Zhong really finds out in the meal.

She has not been in charge of the government for one or two days. Of course, she understands the importance of diet, so she is quite cautious when determining the menu on the banquet.

She was sure that there was nothing wrong with her order, but she was afraid that she had been tampered with.

Fortunately, after checking a dish, Jiang Lang shook his head once, and finally checked it all, but he didn't find anything.

Seeing this, Yuan suppressed his nervous and expectant mood and asked in a trembling voice, "doctor, is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Lang shook his head, "there is no problem with these meals."

Yuan's heart "bang when" fell back to the original position, a long sigh of relief, subconsciously patted the heart.

Xueqing's eyes were slightly astringent. She pondered a little. Then she looked at the old doctor and asked, "is there a kind of food in Jianglang, and it's no problem to eat it alone, but if you take it with another kind at the same time, it's possible to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and make people have a miscarriage?"

Jiang Lang Zhong listened to Xue Qing's words and nodded.

Yuan's heart was immediately raised again.

Jiang Langzhong said: "it's true that the princess said this kind of situation, but after looking at these meals, there is no food that can make pregnant women slip or have a miscarriage."

Yuan patted her heart, and her spirit returned to her place. She felt that she was really exhausted after such a torment today.

If you come back a few times, I'm afraid you'll lose your life.