Xueqing heard here, but it was not good to continue to maintain Giza.

After all, the Duke and wife of Zhenguo was Yin Yichen's mother.

It was not proper for Giza to go to Yin Yichen's parents with a snake and a tiger.

If this frightens the husband and wife of Zhenguo, the relationship between her and Yin Yichen is really over.

Xueqing is glad for Jisa at this time. She is glad that the Duke and wife of Zhenguo are still well now. She is not scared to death or has a stroke.

At the same time, Xueqing finally sympathizes with his wife.

It's really bad for my only son to bring back such a woman who does things as he likes and acts appalling.

"Xueqing, do you think such a woman can be the head mother of the government?" Yin Yimin asked: "my brother is the son of the imperial government. He will inherit the title of the imperial government in the future. My brother's wife must have the ability to preside over the central government, to deal with the human relations between the imperial government and the major families in the capital, and to know all kinds of etiquette to attend the worship and banquet in the palace..."

Yin Yimin listed many skills and abilities that a qualified housewife should possess. Finally, looking at Xueqing, he asked again, "Xueqing, do you think that Giza has those abilities and can do those things?"

Xueqing, "..."

Of course not!

Of course not!

The women of the aristocratic families are all brought up from childhood.

GISA's temperament and temperament make her unable to learn even from now on.

Although Xueqing doesn't have much contact with Giza, it's accurate to see people.

In particular, many of Giza's views do not meet the requirements of wealthy families for their daughter-in-law.

Even in modern times, there are some avant-garde.

In addition, Jisa said that Nanjiang could marry several men

Xueqing suddenly felt that between Jisa and Yin Yichen, there were thousands of rivers and mountains.

Yin Yichen has his responsibility, and Giza also has her beliefs and habits.

A lot of things are deeply rooted and hard to change.

Xueqing was asked by Yin Yimin speechless.

Yin Yimin asked Xueqing, gave a wry smile, and said: "Xueqing, it's not just that our government dislikes her birth and doesn't deserve my brother, nor that our government doesn't appreciate her saving my brother's life. It's really In fact, she kept saying that she was the only one who saved my brother's life, so my brother was her property.... "

Xueqing, "..."

It's a moral kidnapping.

It's really beyond the moral bottom line to coerce people into saving their lives, regard others as their own belongings, and then kidnap others for a lifetime. Even Xue Qing can't exonerate Giza.

"Xueqing, to tell you the truth, my mother and I came here to beg you Can you persuade my brother to leave Yin Yimin finally confessed the purpose of coming to the palace.

Xueqing is not surprised at Yin Yimin's request.

Because apart from that, it can't be anything else.

Otherwise, their mother and daughter would not come to tigisa.

Although Xueqing has no way to excuse what Giza has done, she doesn't want to get involved in other people's emotional problems.

She could see that Yin Yichen was really different from Giza.

“…… Giza is frank, but she is not a vicious person, and she is also very affectionate. Although she is a bit wayward and thoughtless, she still listens to elder brother Yin.... " Snow fine ponders to say, want to dispel the idea of Zhen Guo Gong's wife and Yin Yimin, let them give Jisa a chance.

However, as soon as Xueqing's words were finished, Yin Yimin shook his head bitterly and said, "Xueqing, I don't know why you want to speak for that Giza, but you say she's not a vicious person, but I don't agree with you. You don't know, she unexpectedly, unexpectedly..."

Speaking of this, Yin Yimin glanced at the Duke and wife of Zhenguo and motioned to his mother to narrate what happened last night.

The lady of Zhenguo received her daughter's eyes. Her face showed a look of fear and anger. Her voice trembled and said, "she said last night that she wanted to kill everyone in Zhenguo government! She said that if she wanted to, she could turn the government into a hell on earth in an instant... "

Speaking of this, Mrs. Zhenguo's whole body trembled with anger and fear. "At that time, dozens of servants fell to the ground and froth before they got close to her The snake and tiger around her are eager to bite the people in the house Even around her, there are snakes and insects coming out of nowhere. "

The Duke and Lady of Zhenguo gasped for breath. Her face was blue and white. Her eyes were full of fear, and her body trembled like chaff.Yin Yimin quickly stood up, one hand on the arm of the Duke and wife of Zhenguo, one hand on the back of the Duke and wife of Zhenguo, to calm her mother's mood.

"Niang, it's ok It's OK. It's all over... " Yin Yimin looks worried and anxious, and keeps comforting his wife.

Seeing this, Xueqing was also shocked. She stood up sympathetically, went to the lady, took the tea cup on the table, and said anxiously, "madam, have a cup of tea first, and you'll be shocked. Sister Yin is right. It's all over..."

However, what she said was somewhat unfounded.

Is it really over?

With Giza's temperament, such things will not happen in the future?

At the same time, he also wondered what the government had done to annoy Giza?

Of course, seeing his wife like this, Xueqing is really worried about her sudden heart attack.

With the age of the Duke and wife of Zhenguo, and the current physical condition, I'm afraid I can die every minute.

Yin Yimin took the tea cup from Xueqing's hand and sent it to her mother's mouth. She said, "mother, have a cup of tea first..."

The Duke and wife of Zhenguo took a long breath and took a sip of tea with her daughter's hand. Her mood was calmer at last, and her body was not shaking so much.

When Yin Yimin saw her mother like this, she exhaled, but her body was a little soft.

She had just been frightened by the appearance of the Duke and wife of the town, and she was in a cold sweat.

If there is a good or bad mother

Yin Yimin didn't dare to think about it. He lowered his head and touched his stomach. He felt a slight pain in his stomach.

Snow fine see the mood of Zhen Guo Gong's wife eased over, facial expression also restored some blood color, also can't help of a sigh of relief.