Snow fine understand Huang's meaning, want to tell her mother, her body is not to say is to hold a child, even if it is riding war also no problem, a few cubs in her stomach steady.

Snow fine hand, subconsciously want to pat his stomach, fortunately stopped in time.

She found that since she knew that she was pregnant, her hands seemed to light up a new skill. She always wanted to pat her stomach to prove that there was no problem with her baby.

There is no way, a man will habitually ask her how her body is and how her child is every night. When she is tired of answering with her mouth, she wants to directly pat her stomach and answer with her actions.

Of course, she was really embarrassed to talk about her baby in front of her sister and sister-in-law.

She was not afraid of being ridiculed by her sister and sister-in-law because she knew they would not.

However, she has not married after all, so her mother should know about it, and don't challenge her sister and sister-in-law.

"I'm all right. I just left a little bruise on my body when I was fighting in the past. I haven't taken good care of myself. That's why my mother was worried about my body." Snow fine perfunctory way.

Finish saying, toward Huang Shi blinked again, "is not, Niang?"

Huang can say, can't he? She is worrying about how to explain to her eldest daughter and daughter-in-law.

In other words, Huang's face of the eldest daughter and daughter-in-law worried eyes, really don't know how to say, now listen to Xue Qing's words, also can be regarded as to her solution, can only nod along.

"You, you must take good care of your body in the future. Don't you know that Huang's helpless angry snow fine one eye, meaning to point to the way.

"I see." Snow fine arm Huang's arm, intimate smile.

Huang found that her little girl seems to have become I've learned a lot.

Huang didn't know how to describe it. In short, she felt that her younger daughter always seemed to be covered with an invisible layer of indifference. Even with a smile, she also had an invisible alienation.

That kind of alienation is like carved in the bone, it will not be easily perceived, but it also seems that it will never disappear.

But now, that kind of alienation, which seems to never disappear, has disappeared.

Huang is a mother, so he can detect the subtle difference.

"Qing'er, you have suffered." Rain ting a face distressed looking at snow fine, "after must listen to Niang's words, take good care of the body, the woman's body if not take good care of, after will inevitably suffer."

Yu Ting said at the end, do not know what to think of, eyes flashed a trace of concern.

Snow fine accurate capture to the rain Ting eyes that wipe fleeting worry, eyes can't help but flash, mouth is said with a smile: "elder sister, I know."

Li Dongmei said quickly: "Xueqing, you can't just talk about your elder sister's words and listen to them in your ears. If this woman's body is not well cared for, then she will be in great trouble and regret that she can't find a place. My mother's body was not well cared for at the beginning, so after she gave birth to me, there will be no more..."

When Li Dongmei said this, she stopped. She realized that her example was wrong.

Snow fine after all has not married, this kind of woman is pregnant and has a child's matter, where can say to a girl's family?

Li Dongmei hesitated, but Huang thought deeply of Li Dongmei's words, echoed: "hear what your sister-in-law said, this woman's body is absolutely careless!"

Huang's words, but also with eyes to snow fine transmission, a woman pregnant with a child must be careful to maintain the true meaning of the body.

Snow fine clever nod, really don't want to listen to her Niang to continue to exhort.

She felt that if her mother continued to talk like this, she might be able to tell the truth.

Fortunately, the yard where Huang lives has arrived. Xueqing decisively stops this topic and focuses everyone's attention on Yuting's daughter.

Yuting's daughter has waken up. The little doll made of jade and powder is so rare that Xueqing can't see it at a glance.

The baby is wearing a red soft silk jacket and trousers, dark hair, watery eyes, and pink skin, just like a soft glutinous rice ball.

"How lovely Xueqing exclaimed with a smile on her face: "come on, call aunt!"


A string of unintelligible words came out of the baby's mouth.

At the same time, there's a bunch of bubbles.

Snow fine smile can't support, more rare, stretched out her hand to pinch the baby's soft tender, tender face than tender tofu, show like way: "you see, my little niece is really smart, actually really know to call aunt, really worthy of my niece!"

Huang and Li Dongmei are also very fond of the baby when they see it.

Although Xueqing's words are unreliable, after all, such a small baby can't understand people's words and can't speak, they still nod with approval.Yu Ting can't laugh or cry, but her heart is full of pride.

Everyone likes to be praised for their children, even though they know that the praise is exaggerated.

"Elder sister, what's the name of my little niece?" Snow fine side teases small baby, side asks a way.

"It's called Zhang Xinyi. Usually she calls her sister-in-law." Yu Ting smiles.

"Xinyi? That's right. Is it my brother-in-law? Is it a pleasant person or a beautiful one? " Xueqing looks at the baby with her eyes and seems to ask casually. However, when she says it's Zhang Mingyuan's name, she uses a positive tone, and the last question sentence seems to confirm some meaning.

Yu Ting, "..."

My sister, why are you so smart?

Rain Ting sensitive aware of his sister's words in some meaning.

Huang and Li Dongmei look at Yu Ting as if they are waiting for her answer.

After all, only after Yu Ting said it did they know which two words it was.

Yu Ting made a big red face.

"Yes The heart of a happy man. " Rain Ting red face way, but think of Zhang Mingyuan in the mind to marry the child name said.

"Hee hee, my brother-in-law used the child's name to show his heart to my sister. I guess my brother-in-law must have said four words at that time Snow fine smile a way, directly gave the truth.

Yu Ting, "..."

How can she answer that?

After all, it's true.

Yu Ting's face is shy, but her heart is full of happiness.

Huang always knew that the eldest daughter and her son-in-law had a good relationship. Now when he saw the eldest daughter's expression, he knew that he had been guessed by the younger daughter. He was more and more gratified.

The eldest daughter gave birth to a daughter. The son-in-law not only didn't dislike her, but also expressed his feelings to her daughter by borrowing her child's name. Is there anything more reassuring for a mother than that?