Xia Lianda was very confident. He thought that he would hold a clan meeting, that is, to take a walk, to block the mouth of the sixth grandmother and others, and then beat the sixth grandmother and others.

At the same time, also put the snow fine family in addition to the family thing, thoroughly pressure down, save get the heart floating.

But now, Xia Lianda has no bottom in his heart.

No way, after six Granny and Xia Laicai a pass flicker, agree to the snow fine family in addition to the family more and more.

Because of this, Xia Lianda just put out the cruel words, hoping to suppress some people's careful thinking.

Unfortunately, what Xia Lianda wanted was to suppress some people's careful thinking, but he didn't think that his words also provoked some people's careful thinking.

Six granny heart move, looked at his man, immediately think of the original to his man, fight for the position of patriarch things.

The failure of that time was not worth the loss, which made her unable to lift her head in front of the old man for several years. What about this time?

Sixth grandmother's mind quickly became active.

has the final say that if the old man can replace Xia Lian Da and become the head of the clan and village head, how can the property of the snow one family be allocated?

Hum! The dead girl has been jealous of their family. She would rather work with people from other villages than their families. As a result, their family has become the poorest in the village.

Now, as long as the old man becomes the head of the clan and the head of the village, and then drives all the dead girl's family out of the village, the family property that the dead girl earns will be earned by her family for nothing!

When the court comes down, their family will be beheaded again. Their old man will not be accused, but will surely be grateful by the whole village!

At that time, the reputation and property of our family have been gained. In the whole Castle Peak Village, our old man is the local emperor!

Six granny think so, in the heart fiery.

"It's selfish of his uncle to say that. He didn't pay attention to the whole family's life at all!" Because of excitement, Granny six raised her voice to a sharp voice and said, "as a clan leader, you don't care about the whole clan's life. You even want to take a clan's life to be buried with a dead girl. You're not worthy to be a clan leader at all!"

Six grandma said here, see everyone's eyes are focused on her body, more energetic.

"What's more, you not only want to bury a girl with the whole family, but also want to bury the whole village together. You are not qualified to be the village head at all!"

The more grandma Liu said, the higher her voice was, and she almost flew into the sky.

"If you don't do this patriarch, my old man can do it. If you don't do it, our old man will do it!"

The sixth grandmother said that, and then she went on to say, "not only the patriarch, our old man, but also the village head, our old man! As long as our old man is the head of the clan and the village, he will certainly drive out the dead girl's family, and then the people in our village will still be able to enjoy spicy food! "

Of course, the six grannies, who are popular and drink spicy food, mainly mean that their family can be popular and drink spicy food.

As for the rest of the village, just give some leftover soup.

Six grandmother said, blushing, as if to see his family living in Xueqing's house, and then accept all the villagers compliment envy day.

It has to be said that the sixth grandmother didn't detour, and she said the purpose directly.

It's about Xueqing's big family property, but she can't care about anything.

I'm afraid it's too late to say that the position of clan head and village head will be robbed by others.

Six grandfather heard his old lady so urgent roar, put this kind of words out, but frowned.

However, he and his sixth grandmother have been husband and wife for many years.

Six grandmother's mind, he also figured out.

Although some angry six grandma said too directly, but also did not stop.

He was afraid of being robbed by others.

As soon as she finished, different voices rang out in the yard.

No one is a fool. Even if he didn't think of it at the beginning, now after listening to granny six, most of them have come back.

Six grandmother a "take care of popular drink spicy", immediately put many people's mind to pick up.

Obviously, the whole family has been driven out, and the house and workshop can't be moved away, so why don't they all stay?

Who are you staying for?

of course, who became the patriarch, who has the final say.

Plus the fields and the whole Meishan mountain, how much is it worth?

Anyway, it's something they can't earn in their life.

It's still that saying, money moves people.

Money can dig out the inferiority in people's heart.

Even though it was too inhumane to remove Xueqing's family, now I hesitated.

"It's a very important job to be the head of a clan. It's not something anyone wants to be." Someone took the lead."That is, you said your old man can be, and I said our old man can be."

"I think our old man is the best one!"

"Our family..."

For a moment, the people in the yard began to quarrel.

However, it's all women, but most men haven't spoken yet.

After all, the sixth grandmother is the leader, and some of Xia Lianda's generation are qualified to be Xia's clan leader.

These people usually hold on airs because of their high seniority.

At this time, of course, it's not good to come out and take part in the argument between some women.

Other people see this situation and know that they can't fight for the clan head, but the village head is different.

Some people with different surnames, in particular, can't help but become active.

They are not qualified to fight for Xia's clan head, but they have to fight for the village head.

What if you can make it?

The third aunt first thought of her eldest son.

if her son were the village head, then what did Xue Ming's family has the final say?

So, the third aunt also began to participate in it.

"The head of Xia clan is one of your Xia clan, but the head of Qingshan village should change his surname!" The third aunt said loudly, "our eldest brother is always capable. This village head is the most suitable seat for our eldest brother."

As soon as the third aunt's words were finished, someone immediately began to object.

"What ability does your boss have to be a village head? I don't think our second is much better! "

"How can some hairy boys be the village head? Can big guy be convinced? If you want me to say that our old man can hold this seat... "

"Your old man knows how to drink all day. What's his qualification to be a village head? Our old man is pretty much the same... "

"Pooh! Your old man?! What else can your old man do besides climbing the wall of the widow's house in the next village? "

"You fart..."


For a moment, the whole yard was in a mess.