Duo Rui regretted that he couldn't touch the white wrist, but he continued: "if the princess marries Yin Yichen, she's just the wife of a prince. But it's different to marry the king. The king will inherit Beirong in the future, and the princess is the mother of a country. Can this be compared with the status of a little lady of a prince?"

Xue Qing's eyes flashed, as if she had been moved by duo Rui. There was a trace of hesitation on her face. Holding the wrist of the dagger, she also stepped back a little.

Although it's just a tiny change, dorui has a sense of resurrection.

So, he continued to work hard and said, "don't worry, princess. If I can marry the princess, I won't accept any other women in my life. Even if it's the harem in the future, you are the only one!"

It has to be said that for dorui, a native of the ancients, it's really hard to make such a promise.

In this era, it's normal for men to have three wives and four concubines. As long as they have spare money at home, most of them don't guard only one woman.

As for large families, if they don't have many concubines, it's easy to be ridiculed behind their backs.

This kind of ridicule sometimes refers to men's lack of backbone, afraid of the female tiger at home and afraid to take concubines, while some people have big brains. Is it true that men are not good in some aspects and do not have a strong demeanor?

In short, no matter what, as long as there is status and status of men, only one woman married is rare.

Even if it's just for face, I'll take a few women in the room.

Except for those families with ancestral instructions, the ancestors left instructions, and the descendants were not allowed to take concubines at will.

Of course, such instructions are also subject to restrictions.

If the descendants reach a certain age and have no children under their knees, this precept will be invalid.

After all, what the ancients praised was that "there are three ways of being unfilial and having no offspring is the most important", and nothing is more important than children.

At this time, dorui said it seriously and frankly. If she was a real native girl of this era, she would be very moved.

Unfortunately, what Xueqing adheres to is that no matter what dorui says, it's just like farting.

As the saying goes, if a man's words can be believed, the sow can go up the tree.

Although this old saying has been praised by people for many years in modern times, it is still very practical, and it is still common in ancient and modern times.

However, although Xue Qing scoffs at duo Rui's words in her heart, she doesn't show anything on her face. Instead, she withdraws the dagger against duo Rui's neck.

"There is some truth in Prince dorui's words. I seem to have been moved by you." Snow fine meaning has point of way: "don't know much Rui prince in the future, whether really can achieve words and deeds consistent?"

Dorui's neck is dripping with blood. It looks very frightening, but he doesn't seem to feel pain. After hearing Xueqing's words, his eyes burst out with a strong surprise light.

"Don't worry, princess. I swear to heaven that I will live up to Princess Meihua in this life!" Dorui's sonorous and powerful way.

"Good! Princess, remember

Snow fine said, to more Rui showed a meaningful smile.

More Rui suddenly excited Ling Ling of beat a cold shiver, clearly should be glad of, in the heart but faintly across a trace of uneasiness.

However, looking at the flower like face in front of him, dorui shakes his mind, and his uneasiness disappears immediately.

He didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. Xueqing would agree with him.

However, snow fine tone a turn, again way: "however, I have a condition."

"Conditions? Princess, please tell me, not to mention one condition, that is, ten or eight conditions. As long as I can do it, I will agree. " Dorui is full of confidence.

As long as you can marry Xueqing, there is nothing you can't promise!

To conquer Xue Qing, a woman who seems to be shining all over, will make him have a sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, not only Xueqing is determined to get it, but also the iron box in Xueqing's hand, which he vowed to get!

At the thought of the iron box, dorui's eyes burst out with eager light.

Snow fine see more Rui asked not to ask, happily agreed, also no nonsense, tone strong way: "Princess Sally don't pester Yin Shizi, they two people don't match!"

"Why, are you really in love with that weak chicken like son of the world?" On dorui's face, there is a trace of displeasure. The eagerness in his eyes disappears and changes into a touch of doubt.

In other words, although Xueqing almost betrothed Yin Yichen, dorui didn't regard Yin Yichen as an opponent.

Because in his opinion, Yin Yichen's weight was not enough.

Only dragon flame can be regarded as his opponent.

However, if Xueqing is really obsessed with Yin Yichen and gives birth to the love between men and women, it's another matter.

Any man doesn't want the woman he likes, thinking of another man all the time, not to mention that man is not as good as himself.

Think like this, the eye ground of much Rui, flashed a cold light quickly.He couldn't kill the Dragon flame, but he didn't put it in his eyes, just like a prince of the imperial government who had passed the imperial examination!

Xueqing didn't know for a moment that Duorui had already killed Yin Yichen. After listening to Duorui's words, she said calmly, "brother Yin has taken care of me and helped me a lot over the years. Although I don't have love for him, I also have a family affection. Your sister is charming and willful. I don't want your sister to harm him. It's natural."

After hearing Xue Qing's explanation, duo Rui feels more comfortable, but she is not happy because of Xue Qing's evaluation of Saili. She just wants to argue for Saili, but she doesn't know what she thinks of. Her eyes are shining, her brows suddenly stretch, and she says happily, "OK! The king will warn Sally not to disturb Yin Shizi any more. "

Snow fine listened to more Rui's words, in the heart tiny move.

Is it difficult to Did Sally go to see brother Yin these days?

Snow clear eyes flash.

No wonder the wife of the Duke of Zhenguo can promise to propose marriage to herself. Maybe it's thanks to Sally.

Compared with Saili, an alien princess, the Duke and wife of Zhenguo would be more willing to marry Yin Yichen.

After all, no matter what, I'm from Dayan.

However, those who have some ingenuity and foresight will not be willing to establish a relationship with Beirong royal family.

The relations between the two countries are changing rapidly. Today we have reached peace. Maybe tomorrow we will fight.

In Xueqing's opinion, those contracts are just a few pieces of paper.

Although Xueqing doesn't comment on some indecisive and forward-looking behaviors of Zhenguo's wife, she never denies that Zhenguo's wife is a woman who thinks more.

Although women with this personality sometimes miss some opportunities, it is undeniable that such people are cautious and steady, and are not easy to make big mistakes.