Snow fine listen to sun Baozhi's words, can't help but pull out the ear, think he heard wrong.

Is that bullshit?

Xia Laixi has two children. What daughter-in-law do you want to marry?

Of course, if you are rich, you can marry a daughter-in-law at will.

No, it's not called marrying a daughter-in-law. It's concubine.

But Xia's family is almost destitute. What would Xia like to marry? Who will marry him?

No! Xueqing thinks of what Xiaobao said just now. Xia Laixi brings a lot of things back.


Xueqing can't help but think of the scene of seeing Xia Laixi in the county today.

Sure enough, sun Baozhi's following words let Xueqing confirm her absurd guess.

"What the third uncle wants to marry is the daughter of a rich family in the county. That family not only doesn't want betrothal gifts, but also gives a lot of things for the third uncle to bring back." Sun Baozhi said with a complicated face: "however, it is said that the woman is not a girl's family, but a widow."

"Widow?" Snow fine surprised way.

How can Xia Laixi marry a widow?

However, it's right to think about it carefully. The girl's family of a good family is rich. How can she marry Xia Laixi without any reason? Xia Laixi is not a sweet cake.

Nevertheless, Xueqing still thinks that there must be something else in it.

Otherwise, how could the big families in the county know such a small village as Qingshan village? How can you know such a person as Xia Laixi in Qingshan village?

At this time, even Huang and Yu Ting listened to sun Baozhi's words, also surprised did not know what to say.

It has to be said that what Xia Laixi has done has once again refreshed their understanding of Xia's family.

Sun Baozhi see snow fine and others are surprised closed mouth, nodded, she got the news, continue to spread.

"It's said that the family promised to give the third uncle a chance to donate an official job after he got married." Sun Baozhi also said.

Snow fine listen to sun Baozhi's words, disdain of the pie mouth.

It seems that Xia Laixi only wants to study nepotism now.

"Well What about your third aunt? " Huang couldn't help asking, "have you stopped?"

Sun Baozhi shook his head and said, "the third aunt is still the third uncle's wife. The new one is Ping's wife."

After sun Baozhi said this, Huang's mother and daughter looked at each other.

No one thought that Xia Laixi had learned from the rich family and began to marry Ping's wife.

"Well Did your third aunt agree? " Huang asked again.

Huang's sister-in-law or have some understanding of her, she does not believe that yuan will agree to Xia Laixi married a flat wife back.

"The third aunt has to agree if she doesn't agree, because I just said that if the third aunt dares to make trouble again, she will really give up." Sun Baozhi said with some emotion.

Yuan's usually in front of Tian's, is also able to speak, but did not expect, so soon in Tian's hands became a victim.

Snow fine pour is to feel, if Xia Lai Xi really put Yuan Shi Xiu, return sincerity is a good thing son.

Yuan is the most thoughtful person in Shangfang. If Xia Laixi really wants to divorce his wife, some of them will be noisy in Shangfang.

However, Xia Laixi's marriage to a flat wife is bound to bring about trouble in her bedroom.

Xueqing decided that she would just wait for the fun.

Sun Baozhi finished what she heard and went back secretly.

Huang watched sun Baozhi go away and said, "Dazhuang is a good daughter-in-law. She works hard in the workshop and treats people kindly."

"Niang, she's the one who knows better when she's in the upper room. As long as she doesn't have any crooked ideas and doesn't learn from those people in the upper room, it's nothing for us to help her." Xue Qing said with a smile.

There is sun Baozhi in the upper room, which is not bad.

As long as sun Baozhi knows how to advance and retreat, Xueqing doesn't mind giving sun Baozhi more benefits in the future.

If Xueqing is not wrong, Xia Laixi's event is an opportunity to see how Sun Baozhi chooses.

Sure enough, after sun Baozhi went back, the Xia family had already started planning for the future.

Xia Laixi is full of spring and complacency.

Yuan is sitting in the corner crying silently.

Tian's face just now has a vicious hair words, if she again noisy, stir up the good thing of Xia Laixi, immediately put her back to her mother's home.

If a woman is abandoned by Xiu, she knows what it means, so she doesn't dare to challenge.

Even if she knocked off her teeth and swallowed blood, she had to admit it.

At this time, in the upper room, in addition to Yuan's one person sitting there crying, other people are smiling, jubilant.

The things that yuan fell just now have been picked up.

Zhou even took advantage of the pastries scattered on the ground, secretly stuffed them into his sleeve and planned to eat them in the outer room.Moreover, seeing that Yuan's crying eyes were swollen, Zhou's heart was filled with schadenfreude.

Women have a lot of heart, so what if things happen?

In the future, if a man marries a new daughter-in-law, are you a fart?

Thinking of these, Zhou felt a bad breath.

These days, Yuan's in front of Tian's no less Yin she, Zhou's fast hate yuan.

Now seeing yuan like this, Zhou only felt that his mind was incomparable.

Xia Laicai looks at Xia Laixi with envy in his eyes.

Third is going to marry a daughter-in-law again, but he is a brother

Xia Laicai took a look at Zhou, and his eyes were full of disgust.

Zhou's these days in Tian's hands have been more and more impersonal.

Unkempt, untidy, where there is the original spirit?

Xia Laicai's eyes turned and he began to calculate.

The family has supported the third child for so many years, so it's time to ask him for capital.

Old three can marry two daughter-in-law, he is a brother, of course, can't just keep a yellow faced woman.

Zhou did not know that his own man had a plan in his heart.

Xia Laixi was sitting on the Kang like the whole family. Looking at all kinds of gifts on the Kang, he said with a red face: "the Qian family has already prepared a house in the county. When yue'e and I get married, we will live in the county."

On hearing this, Xia Yufen immediately exclaimed with surprise: "so, our family is going to move to the county?"

"Of course!" Xia Laicai immediately said naturally: "old three to live in the county, of course, we all follow, so many years, the family for old three, even the bottom of the family are hollowed out, now finally can follow old three to enjoy happiness."

Xia Laixi's face was stiff.

He only said that their family lived in the county, but did not say that the whole family went to the county.

If the whole family followed, how would he explain to the Qian family?