For pepper, Huang and others all know its role, but for cumin, they are all so, Huang decided to dig Xueqing to ginseng, through Xia Lianda's mouth to say.

In this way, people know that their family is rich, and they will not speculate at will.

Moreover, it can also create momentum for Dabao.

Huang understood the importance of money. Only when their family had money, would someone come to propose marriage to Dabao.

Xueqing doesn't know that Huang's family has gone through thousands of times, and has made many layers of consideration, but for herself, Xueqing is ready to be discussed.

Although it is said that "all the people speak louder than before, and the accumulation of money destroys the bones", it is impossible to cause any harm to Xueqing's strong heart.

It was Huang and Xueqing who went to Xia Lianda's house to borrow a carriage.

Xia Lianda was surprised when she heard that Xueqing had dug ginseng.

Then he stroked his beard and looked at Xueqing's eyes, shining.

"This girl is really lucky!" Xia Lianda nodded his head and said,

there was an implied meaning in his tone.

Xueqing is very young. She not only escapes under the wolf's mouth, but also keeps quiet when she digs the ginseng. On the way back, she doesn't tell anyone. This calm demeanor is not what ordinary people can have.

Very happy, Xia Lianda agreed to borrow the carriage.

So, Dabao drove, the family sat in the carriage, happily to the town.

Xia Lianda's carriage is the kind of cart that pulls crops during busy farming. There is no awning on it. Therefore, along the way, the whole family is soaked with sweat.

Thanks to Huang's two old Pu fans, he can keep the wind blowing, and he also gives Xiaobao, Xueqing and Yuting a hat to protect them from the sun.

Of course, Xueqing's hat is Huang's, Xiaobao's is Dabao's.

Because before the separation, Huang, Dabao and Yuting worked in the fields every day, so they were qualified to buy a hat.

As for Xueqing and Xiaobao, although they also dig wild vegetables every day, they are not qualified for the title of bamboo hat.

Bamboo hat is the kind of woven, pointed top, wearing heavy on the head, pressure people headache.

Xueqing decides that when she goes back, she will go to the mountains to find some soft reeds and weave some straw hats herself.

At the same time, she also decided that after she sold the ginseng, she must buy a box carriage surrounded by four sides.

She will keep going back and forth in the town in the future. She can't walk without a carriage.