Xia Xueqing is personally taken to the kitchen by manager Wang. Then Xia Xueqing clears the kitchen and plunges into it.

Half an hour later, Xia Xueqing came out with a pot of spicy dry pot chicken. In addition, she also mixed some dipping materials in the kitchen, loaded them in delicate bowls, put them on the tray and brought them out together.

Shopkeeper Wang himself is waiting at the kitchen door. As soon as Xia Xueqing comes out, he immediately greets him and looks at the tray on Xia Xueqing's hand.

At the same time, he also inhaled subconsciously.

Xia Xiaobao on one side has been salivating for a long time.

But this sensible baby just swallows saliva, does not say a word.

Shopkeeper Wang looked at Xia Xueqing's things, and his eyes twinkled, "Miss Xia, please follow me."

Then he led Xia Xueqing to a hall behind.

In the hall, there are carved tables made of red sandalwood, and on the walls are ink landscape paintings.

There is a tall copper laver on the ground. The smoke curls in the laver, sending out elegant fragrance.

Further inside, where the interior is connected, there is a jade carving with four screens.

The flowers, birds, insects and fish on the screen are lifelike, showing the great value of the screen.

At the same time, it also reflects the nobility of the host here.

Xia Xueqing stepped into the hall with the same look.

Although the clothes on the body seem to be out of place with here, Xia Xueqing has an elegant appearance, without any cowardice.

As if here in her eyes, and thatched cottage no difference.

Xia Xueqing calmly put the tray in her hand on the table.

Shopkeeper Wang nodded to himself.

It's really rare for a country girl to enter here without fear.

Xia Xueqing pointed to the dishes on the table and said, "shopkeeper Wang, my dish is called spicy dry pot chicken. As you can see, the fried Golden Chicken is chicken nuggets, and the rest are beans, eggplant and..."

Xia Xueqing put all the vegetables that could be used in the kitchen.

“…… This dish is nutritious and delicious. You can eat it with seasoning, or directly, or with staple food. How to eat it at will... "

Xia Xueqing said here, looking at the shopkeeper Wang with a smile, but the remaining light of her eyes swept in the direction of the inner room.

"Of course, the most remarkable thing about this dish is that it can make people have a good appetite, and they still want to eat it."

Shopkeeper Wang listened to Xia Xueqing's words and nodded. His eyes also looked into the inner room.

"Bring it in." A clear voice came out of the inner room.

Shopkeeper Wang, with a smile on his face, picked up the tray and quickly walked to the inner room.

Xia Xueqing looks around, and her eyes pause on the ink landscape painting.

Then Da Fangfang took Xiao Bao and sat down on the carved back of red sandalwood.

Xia Xiaobao's eyes fell on the pastry plate on one side of the table. Her mouth wriggled, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then looked away.

Xia Xueqing touched Xiaobao's head lovingly, and praised her brother's tutor sincerely.

After about a cup of tea, shopkeeper Wang came out with a look of excitement.

"Ha ha Miss Xia, this dish is really worth one or two silver. " Shopkeeper Wang laughs.

Xia Xueqing listened to shopkeeper Wang's words, a big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Although she seems to be confident, she is not sure.

She just came here to gamble with the idea of having a try.

Mouth Diao, anorexia tendency, where is so good to serve?

It's true that the reason why Xia Xueqing came to Juxiang building to sell chicken was that she heard someone talking about it in the town yesterday. She said that she heard that the shopkeeper of Juxiang building was looking for a recipe to make people appetizing.

Xia Xueqing speculates a little and concludes that shopkeeper Wang may have met someone with anorexia tendency.

At the beginning, when Xia Xueqing killed for the first time, because she accidentally splashed blood all over her body and face, she was so irritated by the smell of blood that she became anorexic that she couldn't eat anything and would vomit.

I've seen a lot of Chinese and Western medicine, and I've taken a lot of medicine, but it's not very effective.

Later, she heard that some people tried their best to eat chili.

It's also interesting to say, because it's spicy and crisp in the mouth. I have to continue to eat it.

So, never eat spicy Xia Xueqing, began to eat spicy.

For the first time, she ate spicy dry pot chicken.

If really, the spicy taste, let her really appetite, unconsciously eat more.

Slowly, summer snow sunny cannot leave spicy.

Shopkeeper Wang finished, looked at Xia Xueqing, her eyes shining, and continued with a smile: "since Miss Xia came to Juxiang building directly, she must have heard something, so I don't know how to make this dish of Miss Xia..."

"Shopkeeper Wang, what I sell is the big cock, not the recipe for cooking." Xia Xueqing said frankly."Can miss Xia give up her cooking recipe?" Shopkeeper Wang didn't write any ink, so he pointed it out directly.

Xia Xueqing shook her head.

Shopkeeper Wang's face was full of disappointment.

"Miss Xia, it's easy to talk about money. As long as Miss Xia..." Shopkeeper Wang continued.

"No, it's no use buying a prescription." Qingrun's voice came out and interrupted manager Wang's words.

Then, from the inner room out of a face, handsome man.

The man is wearing a moon white wide sleeve brocade robe. The lapel, cuffs and hem of the robe are simply embroidered with cloud pattern with silver thread, which makes the man's actions flowing freely.

Unfortunately, the man's body is too thin.

It gives people a feeling that they can go by the wind at any time and become immortals.

See the man come out, Wang shopkeeper quickly bow, "Ye."

The man nodded his head and looked at Xia Xueqing like stars.

"I don't know what kind of seasoning is used in this dish made by Miss Xia?" The man asked in a clear voice.

With that, he walked slowly towards the carved wooden chair on one side.

There is no shopkeeper Wang's eagerness to know. On the contrary, it is casual and natural, as if it is just a casual question.

Xia Xueqing's water eyes flickered slightly, looking at men, did not ignore the kind of noble gas that men were born with.

"If you are right, the amazing thing about my dish is that it uses a rare seasoning." Xia Xueqing said in a crisp voice.

Man long eyebrow a pick, "would like to hear its detailed."

Xia Xueqing smiles, "this kind of seasoning is my exclusive secret, extremely rare."

Finished, quietly looking at the man.

The man was stunned.

"Miss Xia, you..." Shopkeeper Wang hesitated.

Xia Xueqing said nothing.

The man looks at Xia Xueqing. Xia Xueqing blinks. Her eyes are full of innocence and cunning.

She said it was her exclusive secret. Why did she tell them?

All of a sudden, like spring flowers, the man in front of Xia Xueqing, burst out a breathtaking smile.