Everyone really has a stereotype of Zhang Shaochuan.

I always think he's here to make trouble.

But when they started performing, everyone was very surprised.

Although their drama program is not a very formal drama, they have scripts and acting skills. Although their clothes are scribbled, they are taking it seriously.

The performance is vivid and the body movements are in place.

Just a few minutes of the program made everyone laugh several times.

Luo Xinyue is also biased against Zhang Shaochuan. He always feels that he won't be serious about anything and will only destroy it.

But after seeing their performance, Luo Xinyue changed his mind.

Although this program is not a serious drama program, as a funny sketch, the quality is very good.

Luo Xinyue was originally stretched with a face, but in the end, she couldn't help being amused.

At the end of the performance, the classroom burst into applause.

Millennium directly stood up and cheered.

When Lin Shu saw the reaction of millennium, he also looked at Millennium.

But he didn't speak.

Zhang Shaochuan also saw the cheering of the millennium, and threw a wink at the millennium with special narcissism.

After winking at Millennium, Zhang Shaochuan looked at Luo Xinyue and said, "how about our program?"

The others didn't speak.

Luo Xinyue looked down at the program list in her hand, then made a tick next to Zhang Shaochuan's program with a pen, then raised her eyes to Zhang Shaochuan and said, "be strong."

Zhang Shaochuan didn't expect Luo Xinyue to say anything good.

He saw Luo Xinyue tick and knew that his program was passed