Is there anything more pleasant than meeting old friends in a foreign country?

Qin Mu's arms were hot and humid, and he realized that Qin knew Zhou had started Niao. He couldn't help feeling that he was still a girl.

Lu Ziheng rarely didn't hurt Qin Muzhi, but let Qin Muzhi smell an unusual smell: "I said, Lao Lu, you won't defend zhen- Jie to the death until before marriage?"

"That's not true." Lu zihengjun blushed.

Although Qin Muzhi could not hear what Lu Ziheng was saying, he could probably guess from his expression that Lu Ziheng would refute.

"Now that there has been a substantial breakthrough, your goddess has not responded yet. Shouldn't it be you?" Qin Muzhi smiled low.

"You can't!" Lu Ziheng couldn't help raising his tone.

Although it is not clear why xiaoqinghuan came to South Africa, it should also be related to Qin muzhide's ears.

"You mean, Qin Muzhi's ears..." Shen Qinghuan took Zhou Zihan's cold hand and took a breath.

Because grandpa is an old leather life family, Shen Qinghuan knew the danger of doing Qin Muzhi's business when he was a child.

But every boy has a heroic feeling in his heart, but there are people who love each other behind every hero.

Previously, on wechat, Shen Qinghuan only thought that Zhou Zihan came to see Lu Ziheng with Qin Muzhi. After all, as an old friend, their brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, so they sent Lu Ziheng's position.

But I never thought there was such a factor here.

"Zihan." Shen Qinghuan is not Lu Ziheng, and he doesn't know how Qin Muzhi's condition is, so he can't give Zhou Zihan an empty joy, "everything will get better."

Everything will be all right.

Zhou Zihan may not know that for Shen Qinghuan, she seems to have suffered all the sins for Shen Qinghuan.

The sudden death of Gao Yizhou's father suddenly reminded Shen Qinghuan of the outcome of his previous life.

Moreover, not only Shen Qinghuan, but also Lu Ziheng was surprised to find that Qin Muzhi in this life was also suffering for himself.

None of them knew where the wheel of fate was going to turn.

Zhou Zihan nodded and agreed with Shen Qinghuan.

Two girlfriends haven't seen each other for a long time. There are always endless topics when they get together.

"Don't talk about me." Zhou Zihan pursed his lips: "yes. Qinghuan, what happened to that thing you said last time? "

Shen Qinghuan frowned slightly.

Zhou Zihan refers to the ice storage event.

"No matter what they say on the Internet, I'm standing here with you."

"Don't you think the person in the video is me?" Shen Qinghuan didn't question Zhou Zihan, because after the ice warehouse incident fermented, old man Shen rushed home with people to make trouble for the first time, and even Shen Haotian hesitated a little.

"Why are you in the video?" Zhou Zihan shrugged: "facial features can't deceive people."

How can a person imitate a person for cosmetic surgery.

After all, it's just an outline.

"Look at you so sad, isn't it Lu Ziheng's misunderstanding?"

Zhou Zihan was quite surprised how Shen Qinghuan, who should have been filming or doing research in the Academy of Sciences, could have appeared in South Africa. He thought he was misunderstood by Lu Xueshen, so he ran over to ask questions.

"No." Shen Qinghuan shook his head.

She came to be worse than the ice warehouse incident.

Although the hot search is only fleeting, Shen Qinghuan is still stunned by the content.

As the owner of the imperial capital Lu family has been replaced by Lu Zhenting recently, the media has deeply dug into the mysterious upstart in the business district.

Including those experiences in the past, Lu Ziheng and ye Lanzhi appeared in public.

In one video, little Lu Ziheng was thrown into the river by Ye Lanzhi.

Although the Lu family was very efficient and the hot search was soon withdrawn, Shen Qinghuan was still worried about Lu Ziheng's state.

That's why I gave up my work to find Lu Ziheng first.