Lu Ziheng didn't mention that sensitive topic again. It seems that his boyfriend should learn more about love skills, otherwise he will only become a topic killer.

Shen Qinghuan suddenly remembered a very important thing. She said, "but your home is so far away from my home. I don't want you to work so hard every day."

Falling in love should not be based on the sacrifice of one party, but should be paid in both directions.

"Fool." Lu Ziheng rubbed Shen Qinghuan's small face. "Have you forgotten that I'm a resident student?"


Shen Qinghuan's recent memory doesn't know what's going on. He always forgets something important.

"Don't rub it any more. It will deform." Shen Qing said happily and angrily.

"If you are deformed, no one will covet my children." Lu Ziheng smiled brightly. Although he said that, his hands had already moved away from the little girl's face.

"I knew you didn't have a good heart." Shen Qinghuan said.

A the school rules are also very strict on weekdays. As a resident student, how can Lu Ziheng leave school every day without a slip?

Facing the little girl's question, Lu Ziheng took the opportunity to shave off her small nose, "look. Have you forgotten Lao Qin's existence again? "


Qin Muzhi is the son of head teacher Liu Min and Lu Ziheng's good friend. They just need to collude. If they want to, Lu Ziheng can get a one-year note from Qin Muzhi!

Shen Qinghuan always thinks it's not good.

Such behavior does not seem to be in line with Lu Ziheng's image as a good student. Moreover, their family has just moved to a middle school, and it's only ten minutes' walk.

After she told Lu Ziheng what she thought, the boy bent down and smiled so that tears were about to overflow.

"No wonder. The book says that falling in love can make a girl's family stupid. I didn't say to let Lao Qin steal a leave slip from teacher Liu -- "

"How do you get out of school?"

"Lao Qin also lived in school at the beginning of school, but didn't he have a day card before?" Lu Ziheng gradually withdrew his smile. All his explanations in his life were given to Shen Qinghuan.

"I asked him to borrow it. When I went out, I told Master Zhang that I would bring it to him when I went to buy Fuji small steamed stuffed buns outside school. He always likes to eat that steamed stuffed buns." But Lu Ziheng's big hand rubbed Shen Qinghuan's small head, "little fool. Look at you, what do you think of your boyfriend? "

Shen Qinghuan just wanted to say sorry. This time, his IQ returned. He clearly remembered what he said to himself that he didn't like listening to her apology.

She said solemnly, "of course I know what you're talking about. I'm just deliberately wrong. Just test you?"

"Then I didn't pass the test?" Lu Ziheng smiled, "little girlfriend. Or I didn't meet your satisfaction? "

"OK." Shen Qinghuan talks nonsense.

Lu Ziheng, a bad guy, is too much!

He should only be the kind of person who reads only the books of sages. Why did he become an ordinary love genius!

She shouldn't have lost to him.

After going back, she should also learn the strategy of love, otherwise she will be eaten by him all her life.

"Let's go." Lu Ziheng knew moderation, and he naturally took the little girl's hand, "let's go find a pocket."

Where's the pocket

Where's the pocket

Pocket in the corner where the children can't see.

Shen Qinghuan made up a song casually. Unexpectedly, Lu Ziheng stepped on the beat.