115 Be warned this is filler! Unedited

Ye-jin has a bit of trouble disembarking due to both the wind and her skirt, so I step forward and tie the raincoat around her waist giving her a little piece of mind to get outcomfortably.

As I step onto land, I feel my legs turn to jelly. I really need a break to compose myself. Image is everything. Thankfully this fiasco has ended the morning session of filming and we head back to the hotel to have our stylists and makeup artists do their magic change.

I wonder what the production crew has in store for us next. Laying on the couch browsing articles about the announcement of Ye-jin noona and I being a couple on WGM.

Scrolling through the comments I can't help but chuckle at some responses

Dylanator101: Is ye-jin unnie serious? His 20! She is 10 years older! can be his mom!

RoRo: A HOT mom!!

Ye-jin'sLove: Hey! Atleast we know nothing will happen. Ye-jin gets to have fun and Dylan gets exposure- its a win win

Dambi: This is like a reverse of Jung Hyung-Don & Kim Taeyeon. But with both of them being having drop dead visuals.

DylanIsLife: The nations' visual couple is born!

There are still a few other comments which I care not to mention. Some are about my 'scandal' with Moon Chae-won and there are also some fans who are unhappy about the noona-romance.

Overall impressions are generally positive however, if I had to estimate, I'd say about 80% are good. 10 % are neutral, 5% are negative and another 5% can probably be classified as hate speech.

"Dylan, you ready?" Yuri-noona asks

"Yes ma'am" I respond springing into an upright position.

I'm then leaded to the garden space where I meet up with Ye-jin and about 5 other crew members setting up camera angles and deciding scenarios, "semi-scripted" they say.

Turning to Ye-jin I see she's changed into a much more casual look. Ethnic white blouse, paired with linen shorts, and neat sneakers make her appear comfortable and romantic. Her hairstylist is fixing her hair in place so I really can't think of what to say so I just stand next to them and take in our surroundings.

This place is really beautiful, clear skies, beaming sun and luscious green grass fields with accents of color fill my view all round. I think I can understand why Hyori would move with herhusband to jeju. It's really Asia's Hawaii. Thinking of Hyori, I remember that she recently asked if I wanted to feature on one of her songs for her new album, while I told her I'd get back to her, being here now has made my mind up. I have a certain song in mind. I'd probably have to buy the copyright for it. I wonder if his even thought of it yet, even if he hasn't I have a way to compensate him.

Feeling something, no rather someone poking my cheek. I turn to the source and raise my eyebrows before asking "Uhm need anything? Ye-jin"

"No, but you had a serious look about you right then. What's on your mind? " she asks as staff begins micking us up for the shoot to come.

"A song" I answer

"What song?" she asks

"A new one"

"What's it called"

"You'll have to ask Hyori" I say tongue in cheek

"Who? Lee Hyori?"

I nod my head and she puts on a contemplating expression before commenting further

"I didn't know Hyori had any new songs out"

"She doesn't" I say

"Then what are we talking about?" she rolls her eyes

"I'm giving her a song"

"You write music??" she asks interested

'I don't but my name will be on it, so does that count' I think internally

Thankfully before I have to give an answer, the director signals for us to get moving.

"Yes sir!" I shout proceeding to then lead the way to the barbecue area. It's quite easy to tell where I'm suppose to head, I mean there's like 6 camera men.

Entering the barbeque venue by the luxury tent dining area I'm reminded of a modern cabin aesthetic. Wooden furnishings and exposed beams give the place a homey yet affluent way. The dining area especially is really romantic, especially with the view facing the beach and the skyline. At night it must feel like the stars are shining only for you. Whoever chose the location really did there homework.

Engaging in small talk with Ye-jin we are interrupted by the appearance of the infamous red challenge envelope (the mechanism which the staff and coordinators use to force development) rears its head.

Taking the envelope, I open it and read out loud for both Ye-jin and the viewers at home.
