Chapter 1109

After one punch blew up the Tiger peak, Cui Hao hung in the void and looked at an Ruoxi who fell to the ground. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. He felt a little guilty. Once a friend, he was a temporary ally before entering Kunpeng's Secret territory, but now he is tit for tat!

With a bitter smile, an Ruoxi looked at Cui Hao and said, "there is a saying in your hometown Huaxia, which is very incisive. I become a king and defeat an enemy! Although I am a congenital God, I am defeated today. Even if your men are defeated, since you insist on taking it away, follow you, I will leave now!"

When she said this, Ann Ruoxi was very sad. From then on, they were strangers, and even might become enemies! She could not imagine what her father would do if he woke up from his deep sleep again! At that time, will I try my best to stop him from killing Cui hao?

Finally, an Ruoxi left sadly.

After an Ruoxi left, Cui Hao ignored counting the rich wealth of Tiger peak and went directly to the altar. The origin of the earth is his most important goal this time. He must get it as soon as possible!

Cui Hao didn't know that the moment Hu Feng was killed by him

In the southwest of Kunpeng's secret place, there is a gloomy land, surrounded by dead black fog, cold and dead. It is desolate and empty. There are some huge rocks on it, which look like tombstones.

Over this piece of land, there is a huge green gourd floating. The emerald is dripping. It seems that it has just been picked. The surface is a natural texture of wood, which breathes out an unspeakable fresh breath.

At the moment, the huge green gourd vibrates, and a chaotic mist disperses from the mouth of the gourd, giving people a creepy sense of fear. It devours some bags on the earth, and these bags are a kind of strange animal skin bags, which suddenly shoot out fresh blood like whales swallowing snakes, and are absorbed by them

Above the green gourd, there is a light mass like the scorching sun. Vaguely, you can see a figure sitting on its inner plate

At a certain moment


This round of hot sun suddenly trembled. A tall man stepped out directly. His face looked only in his thirties. His eyebrows were very thick. A long red hair even grew to the waist. It was surrounded by a strange red flame. His face was as cold as a rock. His eyes were extremely sharp and fierce.

The man is carrying his hands now. The whole person is full of a taste of supremacy!

Turning his hand, the man took out a golden lamp that bloomed with golden light. It kept rotating and bloomed a strange brilliance. At the same time, there was a desperate howl transmitted to it!

"Elder brother, avenge me! I used the art of heaven's hatred when I was dying. I will stick to the aborigine who killed me in one day and will not dissipate. Kill him!..."

This voice is angry and crazy. If Cui Hao hears it, he should be able to recognize that it is the voice of Tiger peak!

According to this calculation, the identity of this red haired domineering man was immediately ready to come out. It was impressively one of the four famous saints in the immortal world!


Listening to the hysterical howl transmitted from the golden lamp, the tiger cracked the sky and made a tiger roar through the golden crack stone. He was extremely angry. His eyes burst into a kind of domineering, cold and ferocious light!

"I want to die! I dare to kill my only brother! Roar!..." roar, the tiger split the weather flame, earth shaking!

After such a roar, the eyes of the tiger cracked the sky have turned into pure gold, which is the rumored angry posture of the golden eyed white tiger!

Although it is the same vein of golden eye white tiger, Tiger peak, and even other people in their vein, none of them is a pure vein of golden eye white tiger. Tiger splitting the sky is the only accident, perfect blood, strong potential, and an unimaginable great inheritance opportunity, which makes him soar to the sky and become one of the four famous saints in the immortal world.


The big hand suddenly took a picture, all the animal skin bags on the ground were put away, and the tiger cracked the sky and shouted "tiger slave!..."

"Dear master, what can I do for you?"

With the sound, a twisted shadow appeared and soon turned into a dry old man with a respectful attitude.

The tone was arrogant, and the tiger cracked the sky and said, "tiger slave, I have something to leave. I'll leave all the affairs here to you! If someone from the immortal world comes to exchange the aboriginal blood, take it all according to the order, okay?"

"Yes, master..." the dry old man crawled on the ground with a respectful tone.


After giving an order, Hu Kaitian was furious and drove the huge green gourd under him away suddenly!

Dark, boundless darkness

Deep in the boundless void turbulence, some are always dark. In addition, there are all kinds of terrible destruction storms with great power. Even if a superior God enters, it will be a headache! Of course, as long as you have the strength of the lower God, you can generally live in the chaos of emptiness.

In the void turbulence, any wave may change a drifting track and offset hundreds of millions of miles. Therefore, there are often strong people falling into the void turbulence. When they have to leave, they have reached a completely strange star region

At the moment, in a void turbulence, there is a dazzling bright light, which contains a real great and invincible charm. Among them, there is a figure sitting around and seems to be practicing.

For a long time, the figure suddenly opened his eyes, and the endless light rushed into his body, leaving only a faint layer lingering outside his body.

There is an unspeakable taste between the movements of this figure, and his bearing is very extraordinary. If Cui Hao was here at the moment, he would be shocked, because the owner of this figure was forced by him to escape into the Yang worship in the depths of the void!

Compared with the battle of fluorescein star, the worship of heaven at this moment is more and more extraordinary. The whole person is filled with an extremely noble atmosphere. It seems that his strength has also made a lot of progress!

"Hahaha... Finally broke through to the middle God! Unfortunately, the last drop of the power of the LORD God of light has been wasted!" Yang Jitian said to himself, happy and filled with emotion.

At the beginning, the LORD God of light gave two drops of the power of the LORD God of light, one of which was used in the battle between him and Cui Hao, and the remaining drop was consumed by him in recovering and understanding the mystery.

After saying this to himself, Yang Jitian comforted himself and said, "this treasure will still be obtained in the future, as long as the strength is strong enough! Now I have a new improvement in the refining of the upper God's personality of Guangming and Yuanman, and the strength has undergone earth shaking changes! If I were now, I would certainly be able to break the corpse of Cui Hao!..."

As he said this, he seemed to feel something. He was surprised and said to himself, "hmm? How do I feel that there is a strong dark force approaching?"

He was surprised, and then Yang Jitian rushed to the front. Not long after, he saw a man in black floating in the void, as if he was in a state of fainting.

"This is... The guy in the dark temple at the beginning? The strong man from the plane prison of the Milky Way galaxy? He seemed to control the dark temple of the earth at the beginning. Why is it in the void? Is he dead?"

Yang Jitian was surprised and recognized the identity of the body. It was the insect ancestor!

It is reasonable to say that the insect ancestor passed out and the flesh should have collapsed long ago, but he was fine. There is only one reason. He has a set of dark and terrible armor!

Surprised by the identity of insect ancestor, Yang Jitian quickly turned his eyes to this set of Dark Armor. It was so extraordinary that Yang Jitian's eyes were very hot!

It seems that I sensed the breath of Yang worshipping the heaven, and the Dark Armor clattered, vibrated and revived!