Chapter 283

Although this piece of standard King has been cut in half and its value has dropped a lot, it is the standard King after all. Moreover, the window opened has a large area and is all high ice chicken oil yellow. This kind of good goods is still very attractive. When the car slides slowly, many people show an extremely excited look and fantasize that if they cut this piece of former standard King, Will you cut out a surprisingly high ice chicken oil yellow?

Cui Hao is also a little excited at the moment, because the area of the window is really not small, and the leaked window surface is all good high ice chicken oil yellow. So he quietly opened the perspective eye. When the refined steel car slowly drove in front of him, the golden light of the perspective eye immediately penetrated into it and carefully observed the situation.

"Hmm? What a big piece of high iced chicken oil! It's the size of watermelon, but it's a pity. There's an obvious crack in it. Moreover, the quality is not as good as that window. It can be worth about one or two billion... There's no profit!" Cui Hao thought with a faint look in his eyes.

Through the perspective, Cui Hao has seen clearly the inner part of this once standard King. There is indeed a large piece of high ice chicken oil yellow. Unfortunately, there is an obvious crack inside. Because of such a crack, its value has greatly dropped by a grade, with a maximum value of one or two hundred million.

After determining the value of this once standard King, Cui Hao ignored it and continued to wait.

Cui Hao lost his interest in the competition, but many people were very interested in it. Soon, there was a fierce competition. After some competition, the former standard King was sold at a high price of 410 million. Although China Jade alliance lost more than 300 million, it was good. After all, there was a lot of money back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there is a story about the next raw stone, because when mining the raw stone, a heavy fog suddenly rose in the mine cave, and then the raw stone fell down on the top of the mine cave. At that time, everyone felt very comfortable. Many people thought it was magical and dedicated to the mine cave. Then, he was a miner I stole it. After several twists and turns, it flowed into our hands. This time I decided to sell it. Although I don't know if it's magical, I'm sure of one thing. It's a precious Laokeng jade seed material, and it's so big that it's three or five hundred kilograms? It's a rare good thing. The reserve price is 50 million. It's not allowed to increase each time Less than a million! "

After selling the remaining half of the standard King, the white haired old man pointed to the next refined steel car and opened the red cloth covered on it with a crash. Suddenly, a huge original stone was exposed, dark as ink, with layers of spiral texture on the surface. It looked as if it had been bitten by insects. Apart from other things, just in terms of appearance, this original stone is very general, but its various surfaces are very like Laokeng jade seed material that can produce good things. Therefore, it is still concerned by countless people.

After the introduction, the white haired old man pushed with his hand, and suddenly the refined steel car began to slide slowly, and the original stone on it was also seen by everyone.

In the room, there is a middle-aged man with a hooked nose and a big belly. He looks rich and powerful. Next to him, there is a young man. The young man is very handsome and his face is extremely handsome. He gives people the feeling of a super star. The only defect is that he is too pale, as if there is no trace of blood color, and his posture is very elegant, There is a very elegant gentlemanly demeanor in every move. At first glance, the middle-aged man seems to be a rich man, the boss, and the young man is a gambling expert he invited. However, if such a thoughtful person looks carefully, he will find that although the middle-aged man tries his best to cover up, every time he looks at the young man, his eyes are a gesture of piety and humility, as if, A humble servant is looking up to his master.

"Hua la la..."

The refined steel car was sliding. When it came to the young man, he didn't care much. However, at a moment, there was a strange flicker of blood on his forehead. This scene was too fast for anyone to see, and his whole body was shocked, excited and clattered. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the original stone and said with a condescending attitude "I want this original stone!"

"Hmm? What's going on?"

"Who is this man? What does he want to do?"

Such a sudden scene naturally surprised many people in the field. The security system of this level of auction is the most perfect. The white haired old man frowned and waved his hand. Immediately, eight or nine soldiers with guns rushed over with excellent guns in their hands, all pointing to the young man with noble breath, and the leading soldier drank a lot. " What are you up to? If you want this original stone, you must auction it. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude! "

"Huh? Damn..."

Being pointed at by such a group of people, the young man's face showed an angry expression, which seemed to be greatly insulted. However, when he saw more soldiers coming, he shrugged and said in pure English, "Oh, sorry, I'm a little too excited. OK, I'll just put it down!"

With these words, the young man put down the original stone. However, although he tried his best to hide it, he could still see his extreme desire for the original stone.

What's in this stone? What did the young man see? Why is he so excited? Will it be an accident deliberately made by the auction to arouse everyone's desire to buy?

Because of this incident, all kinds of thoughts flickered in the hearts of the people present. Most of them thought that this person must have found something good in the original stone, and some thought that he was deliberately pretending to be the trust of the public auction. It's no secret that the auction will find some trust for itself. In order to sell their things at a super high price, many people believe that the young man's practice is trust.

However, in any case, this original stone has successfully aroused great interest of all people. They are all looking at it with bright eyes. Some people think that it has a sacred saying and vaguely speculate whether it is a divine stone?

The refined steel car slid slowly and appeared in front of Cui Hao about five or six minutes later.

Familiar with the road, Cui Hao opened the perspective eye and urged the golden light of the perspective eye to penetrate into the original stone to see what was in it. He was also curious. The young man's actions didn't seem to be deceptive. Did he really find something good in them?

"Huh? How dazzling!"

Soon Cui Hao was shocked, because among the original stones, there were pieces of transparent jadeite jade, which seemed not to be jadeite jade, flashing colorful light. It was really too bright, giving people a noble and pure breath.

One, two, three

There are three colorful stones in the whole original stone! Cui Hao was too familiar with the colorful stones. When he saw the scene clearly, he was so excited that he couldn't help shaking and tried to keep calm, but his heart was already ecstatic!

Spirit stone!

There is no jadeite in this original stone, but there are three precious spirit stones side by side!

Lingshi, and there are still three pieces side by side. Cui Hao feels a little messy and can't believe his eyes. Before, because I accidentally absorbed the colorful liquid in a spirit stone, my overall strength soared to a higher level, especially in the soul, almost reached the point of fake King Kong. I can absorb the chaotic aura in the void and integrate it into myself all the time, which is of great benefit. At the moment, there are three pieces in front of him. How can Cui Hao not be excited?

He already knew how rare the spirit stone was. Although Taoist Tianji told him that it was easy to die by absorbing the spirit stone below the realm of King Kong, Cui Hao already had a chance for ordinary people. In his opinion, the spirit stone is not highly toxic to himself, but a tonic!