The original atmosphere was not easy to ease, because ye Linlang's words, suddenly fell to the freezing point!

The smile of Jiang Qilan's lips is tight, showing a bit of anger.

"Are you leaving?"

Ye Linlang knows that he is dying. After all, by looking at Jiang Qilan's expression, you can understand how angry this man is now.

However Ye Linlang still insisted on carrying out death to the end.

"Yes, I'm leaving. Thank you for your hospitality."


She's a person, not an object.

How can I be detained here by Jiang Qilan?!

What's more Ye Linlang really does not want to admit how jealous he is to Shen Xi'er.

However, it is impossible for her to talk to Jiang Qilan about Shen Xi'er in person. After leaving, ye Linlang decides to send Jiang Qilan a short message.

Remind him not to marry someone else.


Jiang Qilan's long and narrow Phoenix eyes are full of anger. Strangely, he is extremely angry. Instead of patting the table, Jiang Qilan smiles.

Ye Linlang, who was smiling, felt numb on her scalp.

The air seems to condense into ice, the rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building.

Ye Linlang's hand under the table quietly began to tighten.

She didn't know what Jiang Qiran was like.

I'm going to marry one outside, and then I'm going to hide one in the golden house??

Even if she doesn't like Shen Xi'er any more, she is absolutely not willing to be a little three or four for Jiang Qilan.

So they sat at the table.

Each has his heart in mind, but no one opens his mouth first. It seems that once he opens his mouth, he will fall behind.


Jiang Qilan's contour is tight, and a pair of inky pupils stare at ye Linlang, as if to split ye Linlang's heart to see what is hidden inside.

"Where are you, ye Lang?"

Ye Linlang was stunned when he heard this sentence.

She gave a bitter smile.

"I don't know what I'm good about myself."

Ye Linlang said, and suddenly the color.

"Pray, I know what you think in your mind. In fact, there are many girls better than me, kinder than me, and more beautiful than me. Don't waste your time here because you hate me."


Jiang Qilan was silent for a moment, and the sarcastic arc of thin lips became more and more profound.

"Ye Linlang, do you think I have to be you?"

Ye Linlang pinched her hands under the table. She never knew that Jiang Qilan was so angry.

He didn't even raise his tone, just staring at you with his dark eyes, which made you feel guilty.

Ye Linlang lowered his head and did not dare to look at Jiang Qilan.

Her long eyelashes were constantly shaking, and only ye Linlang knew that she felt very uncomfortable at the moment.

"Yes, I know you don't have to be me. You have many better choices than me, so let me go."

"Let me go, and you too."


Jiang Qiran's long fingers clung to the tablecloth and suddenly lifted it up!

Just by Ye Linlang drink only half of the soup bowl, Jiang Qi ran and the strength together overturned!

The bowl clanged and fell under the table.

The rest of the soup was scattered all over the floor, and the beautiful but not strong porcelain bowl was in pieces.

Fortunately, ye Linlang flashed quickly and did not hurt her.

And Jiang Qilan is like a raging lion. His face is sullen and his back is bristling with fear.


Ye Linlang was frightened.

She didn't know if Jiang Qiran had been hurt by the broken porcelain bowl and anxiously wanted to open her mouth.

"Qi ran, you have nothing to do? Those pieces of porcelain bowl... "

However, Jiang Qilan ignored ye Linlang at all. He sat at the table in the living room, and the murderous spirit was frightening.

His anger filled his eyes and his voice seemed to be mixed with broken ice.

"Ye Linlang, before I change my mind, get out of here

"Don't let me see you again!"

Ye Linlang's words are interrupted by Jiang Qilan. She looks at the other party's look that he wants to frighten people. The concerned sentence comes to the mouth, and finally there is only one hurtful question left.

"I I'll go in a minute! But my cell phone... "

Ye Linlang's words, like a steel knife, cut Jiang Qilan's flesh and blood into pieces.


This woman who has no heart at all!


"At the living room porch!"

Jiang Qilan's face was heavy with haze. He coldly glanced at the girl beside him at a loss.

"You take your cell phone and get out of here! Otherwise, I'm not sure what I'll do……

Ye Linlang saw Jiang Qilan's voice was fierce.

Finally, I walked towards the living room step by step.

Ye Linlang felt pain in her heart. What happened to her and Jiang Qilan?

It's such a step

She did not dare to shed tears in front of Jiang Qilan. As Jiang Qiran had taught her before, weakness is the most useless.

And Jiang Qilan seems to have not noticed ye Linlang's eyes at all.

He was still sitting on the desk.

I didn't look at ye Linlang.

Back straight like a soldier, like a wolf overlooking Cangshan, strong and lonely.


Seeing this picture of Jiang Qilan, ye Linlang thinks that Jiang Qilan should not have been hurt by the fragments of the porcelain bowl.

Ye Linlang's eyes were hot, and she finally staggered to the porch.

Sure enough, Jiang Qiran didn't cheat her, his mobile phone is here.

Ye Lin Lang looked at Jiang Qilan, and finally pushed open the door, step by step toward the door.


The living room was empty.

The clean living room that just cleaned before, because Jiang Qilan that lift table, become messy.

Pieces of porcelain bowls were all over the place.

The soup is full of water.

He looked at the debris of the place and suddenly thought of the day five years ago.

On such a day, the girl called to break up with him.

He stepped on the broken tiles all over the floor, trying to find her.

But can't find her, at that time ye Linlang, heartless like now without hesitation to leave her.


Jiang Qilan laughed at himself. His heart was astringent, and his eyes were empty.

There was a sharp pain in the left foot.

Just that bowl of overturned soup, there is a fragment into Jiang Qilan's left foot.

It's like a replay of what happened five years ago.

He was always the abandoned one.

With the wound, it's all so similar.


And ye Linlang rushed out of Jiang Qilan's apartment and took the elevator all the way.

She tangled to open the phone that was shut down by Jiang Qilan.

There are still more than a dozen bombarded text messages, as well as missed calls, all from Shangguan Luo.

Ye Linlang did not want to see, she opened the address book, suddenly found a new contact.

There are two big characters on it.


Is it Jiang Qilan's own idea to add it?

Ye Linlang is nervous in the heart, and finally shivers to edit a text message for him, reminding Shen Xi'er that she is not a good person.

If you really want to get married, I hope you can keep your eyes open and don't marry someone else.

Click OK to send the message.