Lin Kexin comes to Zhan Heyuan's bedroom.

Zhan Heyuan lay in bed and fell asleep. He didn't sleep for a few days. At this time, he looked like an old man. When he fell asleep, he was short of breath and looked like a dying old man.

Oh, this is the man who used to be arrogant in front of her, this is the man who used to bossy in front of her, this is the man who ignored her, did not expect that he would have today, fragile as a yellow straw shaking in the wind, fragile as a dying wick.

She hated him all her life. When she saw him in such a situation, her heart hurt uncontrollably. But soon, she was back to her usual appearance, with only one pair of eyes and distinct hatred.

Zhan Heyuan, who is asleep, suddenly shakes. He opens his eyes and sees Lin Kexin standing by the bed. She is staring at him coldly.

Scared, he exploded, "what are you doing here? Go away

Lin Kexin just rose a trace of pity, after he was so irascible bombing, his heart immediately wrapped in a hard shell.

"Isn't this to give you a ride while you're still alive?"

"Are you cursing me to death?" Zhan Heyuan trembled with anger.

"It has nothing to do with me whether you die or not." Lin Kexin dragged a chair and casually sat beside his bed, "but we are husband and wife. Your property is inseparable from me."

Zhan Heyuan was so angry that his beard trembled: "I think you are worried that I will die and get nothing."

Linkhinton's face flushed with anger.

From the time Yunwei got married and gave birth to her, their husband and wife were just like this. They could not say more than three words, and he would blow up her hair. Once he blew up her hair, she was in a very bad mood, and they would quarrel.

No matter how tolerant she is, no matter how soft she whispers, he can always find a breakthrough and yell at her. As a man, he will never let her coax her, but he is different to Michelle. No matter how much Michelle pretends to do, he will tolerate her.

There is no greater sorrow than death.

Biting down her hatred for him, she said in a deep voice: "Heyuan, I speak to you in a gentle voice and try to get in touch with you in every way, so that you can treat me in the same way, instead of letting you show your teeth and claws in front of me."

Zhan Heyuan looked at her in disgust and didn't speak.

I know it's bad for her, but I can't say why. I just can't control my temper in front of her, and he's used to it for decades.

Michelle died, his mood is very depressed, but she just wants to annoy him at this time.

Lin Kexin saw that he frowned and didn't blow his hair any more. Suddenly, he couldn't bear to force him. However, he knew the man's temperament. If he did, ten cows would not be able to pull him back.

Her Yunwei hasn't been back to Zhan's house for ten years. As a father, he doesn't care and gives all his father's love to Michelle Fisher's two sons. He owes Yunwei these things. Yunwei doesn't fight. As a mother, she must fight!

"Heyuan, I have something to talk with you."

Zhan Heyuan restrained his anger and said, "you say it."

"Let me be frank. We are old enough to make plans for our sons. I want to know who you plan to accept Jens."

On hearing this, Zhan Heyuan got up again. He looked at Lin Kexin and said angrily, "it's not something you should consider as a woman. I'm not dead yet!"

"But I am your wife, and I have the right to know!"

"What right do you have?"

Zhan Heyuan was staring at her with a pair of old eyes and sharp eyes. "I fought with a group of brothers in the wind and rain for Zhan. What did you do? What qualifications do you have? How do I plan? Do I need to report to a woman

Lin Kexin is numb with heartache. From the moment he marries Michelle, he looks like a ghost to her. It seems that everything is paid by Zhan Heyuan. Because she is a woman, she can't have her own opinion, can't have any objection to his decision, and can't interfere with him. Even if she sleeps with him, she has to make an appointment with him in advance.

However, the heart does not hurt, but the eyes are inexplicably sour.

"Heyuan, if I didn't take care of this family and your daily life, would you have today?"

"That's your job as a woman." Zhan Heyuan gave her an impatient look.

"For so many years, I've wronged you for eating, drinking, dressing and using. If you look at your former classmates, who can compare with your life? You can have today's everything, thanks to your marriage and being a man. Don't be contented."

"Don't I know contentment?" Unconsciously, Lin Kexin's tears came down, "as my husband, do you care about me? Have you ever respected me? As the father of my son, do you care about him? When can you stop being so macho? "

"Stop it!" Zhan Heyuan stares at her with a roar, turns over, lifts the quilt to cover and ignores her.

Lin Kexin stares at his back with endless hatred in his eyes.

Wiping away her tears, she gritted her teeth and said, "well, you have been merciless to me first! I'll finish my words today. Don't you love Michelle? Don't you care about your favorite little son most? If you don't give Jens to Yunwei today, I'll make you never see your two grandchildren again! "

"What?" Zhan Heyuan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up with his body struggling to stare at Lin Kexin.

Lin Kexin with a pair of tearful eyes sneer: "want me to say it again?"

Zhan Heyuan's old eyes narrowed and his intention to kill suddenly rose, "where is the child?"

In his mind, the two children of the third child are like his life, and Michelle's illness worsened because she lost her child, so she died. This old woman dares to hold the two children of the Zhan family, and she is looking for death!

Lin Kexin sniffed hard and laughed coldly: "if you don't make a will to my satisfaction, how can I let you find a child? It's a big deal. This kind of life is meaningless to me anyway."

"I want you to let the baby go immediately! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude Threatened by this woman, Zhan Heyuan's fists creaked with anger.

These days, he has spent a lot of manpower and financial resources to find the child, but he has not found any trace of the child. Unexpectedly, the child is in Lin Kexin's hands, which is a great irony to Zhan Heyuan.

Lin Kexin wiped his tears, chin slightly raised: "I want you to make a will immediately, Zhan Yunwei will take over the chairman of the board of directors, and you will personally take him back to Zhan's house, otherwise, I will take two children to die, and you will get nothing!"