Hearing the speech, Ning Shibai was stunned.

"Why don't we last long?"

"Ye also wondered, the other party's breath smelled so bad that he was confused."

Ning Shibai was lost in thought.

It seems that this matter is not simple, either someone wants to take advantage of the app bottleneck to get ready-made, or someone who wants to buy the app is framing her.

After thinking about it, she asked Qin MI, "why don't we go and meet each other and have a talk to see their identity?"

Qin Mi said: "yes, they say that if we agree, we will send an electronic contract, and the contract will come into effect after receiving the payment."

"Then you just refuse." Rather than think about it, the tone is firm.

"I've already refused. We just want to play. The little wolf dog app is just like our own baby. I won't sell my own baby."

Qin MI is serious, especially when he says he won't sell his baby. It looks really cute. Ning Shibai can't help laughing.

"I agree with you that no amount of money can be sold. Just like Wu Yansong said, grow up with him."

"OK, let's make an appointment. No matter how much money we have, we won't sell the little wolf dog app. It doesn't matter whether we make money or not. This is our memory of college time!"

"Yes Ning Shibai stretched out his hand, Qin Mi raised his hand in unison, and the two hit each other.

"I'm going to pick up Mr. cat now, and I won't go to the library in the afternoon. Professor Wu put forward a suggestion that we should add a student aid program in the app to help the children in poor mountainous areas. You can discuss how to join the program in the afternoon. Professor Wu said that it will be improved as soon as possible."

"Well, who is the cat always?" Qin Mi heard another new member and asked curiously.

"The cat is always my cat."

"I thought it was a man. Look at the name."

Ning Shibai said with a smile, "I'll introduce you two another day. When you came yesterday, I sent it to the pet club near my home. I'll leave now. Goodbye."

Then she waved goodbye to Qin MI, went to the cockpit, opened the door, got on the car and drove away.

He leaned against the back of his Enzo car and watched the midnight blue P disappear.

Gan Yuke trots over on high heels, stops at his side and looks at the little p with him.

"Well, why did she leave so soon? She didn't wait for me."

Qin Mi looked at her impatiently, "why wait for you? But for you, would Ning Bao be like this? "

"I..." Gan Yuke stared at Qin Mi's poor words.

Qin Mi's handsome eyebrows glared and looked at her with his nostrils: "I don't know what I am, Gan Yuke. I advise you to stay away from Ning Baoyuan, and then she dares to beat you first!"

The sweet language Ke brow a squeeze: "I that is Yin she?"? I didn't mean to! It's just that someone happened to use it. I'm not to blame! "

"Besides, she and Mr. Zhan got divorced. This morning, the city express sent her a divorce certificate. I saw it with my own eyes, and Mr. Zhan didn't contact her all the time. Now that she is divorced, you have a chance. I'm going to report the good news to you. You don't appreciate me for not telling. Blame me!"

Qin Mi's face changed slightly: "Ning Bao and the old man divorced?"

"Yes." Gan Yuke's eyebrows spread out and a smile opened on her face.

Qin Mi gently twists the lollipop in his mouth and is silent. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

Gan Yuke raised her eyebrows and said with a mysterious smile: "or, tomorrow night... To create an opportunity for both of you... To develop?"

"How to develop?" Qin Mi's tightly wrinkled sword eyebrows loosened.

Gan Yuke's eyes were slightly flowing, picking his eyebrows like everything: "I don't believe you, Qin Shao, never thought about it..."

"What do you think?" Qin Mi's eyes fluttered and his face was alert.

The sweet language Ke smiles mysteriously, "I don't believe you didn't want to... Sleep her."

Qin Mi stares at the coquettish girl with a squeeze: "what are you thinking all day long? Do what you want to do, do what you want to do, and nothing else? "

"Qin Shao, why are you doing this? I'm not doing it for you? Ning Shibai is my best friend. What I want most is to see you two together! "

"If it wasn't for you to take pictures of her and chat with Wu Hanyu that day, would she be so difficult? Do you think you are the kind of man who can't control his crotch, or the kind of man who takes advantage of others' danger? "

Qin Mi looked at her contemptuously, put her hand in her pocket and pressed it. Enzo's car door opened up and said nothing more. She resolutely turned around and got on the car.

The car quickly left the parking space and drove towards the school gate.

Gan Yuke stares at the sports car that leaves absolutely, his eyes are like a knife.

"A 19-year-old son, still calling himself a man, what thing, even a beloved woman dare not, coward!"

"Who is it? Do you go to Ningbao? "

Zeng HaoChen walks behind Gan Yuke. He is so scared that Gan Yuke shakes and turns around suddenly. Then he sees Zeng HaoChen looking at her with a smile on his face.

Gan Yu Ke said with a smile, "no, I'm just joking with Qin Shao. Where are you going?"

Zeng HaoChen: "I'm just passing by. I heard something happened to Ning Bao. What's the matter?"

Gan Yuke: "didn't you see the video on the little wolf dog app?"

"The female boss of little wolf dog app made an appointment in the middle of the night." Zeng HaoChen smile, "still quite burning, did not expect the high cold goddess, private will be so wild."

Gan Yu Ke was stunned and asked, "do you think Shibai is the goddess of gaoleng?"

Zeng HaoChen was silent for a moment and nodded: "I feel that she is very cold and lonely, but she is about to bubble in the middle of the night. It's really amazing."

Gan Yu Ke smiles. "No matter how lonely and cold the temperament is, it's still a woman. It's not a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks."

"That's true." Zeng HaoChen thought, just for a moment, he said with a smile: "by the way, the day after tomorrow my birthday, I invite you and Ning Shibai to my birthday party the night after tomorrow, call Qin MI, you help me make an appointment with Ning Shibai, if she goes, Qin Mi will go."

The sweet language Ke immediately smiles like a flower: "good, I certainly take Ning Shibai and Qin Mi to attend."

"Well, thank you." Zeng HaoChen nodded with a smile.


Ning Shibai comes to the pet club. As soon as he enters, he hears a fierce quarrel inside.

"I never want my daughter to be mated. You should be like this. If you are mated, you should be mated with a black cat. My daughter's hair is white. You don't like it. If you let a black cat on it, you won't pay for my loss today. I'm not finished with you!"

A woman was standing in the middle of the store with a white cat in her arms. Her eyes were staring. Her voice was sharp and explosive. Beside her stood a man. The man pulled her arm and whispered, "just give him an emergency contraceptive."