Hearing the speech, Zhan Fenglie stops. The phone is stuck in his ear and he doesn't speak for a moment.

This sudden stop attracted Ning Shibai's curiosity.

She looked around alertly and found no suspicious person. She quickly met him and asked in a low voice, "ex husband, is it the phone of ex mother-in-law?"

Zhan Feng looked down at her and said, "I know."

Then he hung up the phone and reached for Ning Shibai to walk towards the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The error of marriage registration information showed that the photo of the woman was recorded as Ningshi Bai and the ID card ID number. It took less than half an hour, and two new small books were placed in front of the two of them.

"It turns out that we only need to step into the threshold of married people."

Back in the car, Ning Shibai still didn't believe that it was real, just like a dream.

Looking at Zhan Fenglie on the front passenger's car, he lies on the front passenger's car and lazily closes his eyes.

"Miss you, the president of Jens, the successor of Jens family, so you are tied by a woman. Do you have any special feelings?"

Zhan Fenglie opened his eyes slowly, his eyes fell on the white side face, and his voice was light: "what do you think?"

Ning Shibai lips horn a Yang, "award speech."

"Isn't it your turn to publish it?" Zhan Fengli frowned, and his eyes looked at him.

If you want to talk about the feeling, it seems to have a sense of sureness.

"When I graduate, I will deliver my acceptance speech at the graduation ceremony."

Ning Shibai can't tell why. After taking the marriage certificate, the whole person feels relieved.

Is it to settle down when you come?

Two people are talking, ganyuke's phone call came, is passing the traffic light, can't answer the phone, she put the phone on her lap.

"Hello, Yuko, I'm on my way to school. Are you there yet?"

"Shibai, what are you doing? Why are you on the school charts again?"

"Other people laugh at me for being too crazy. I laugh at people for not wearing them. Just put them on." It's not like we'll see.

"Shibai, are you listening?" Didn't hear Ning Shibai's words, Gan Yuke asked again on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, the director of education signed the contract for me yesterday afternoon, but I didn't sign it. Let's wait until I come to the school."

"By the way, I almost forgot that the 10000 word publicity material also said that in order to stay in the school several times, the son of the school manager, in order not to be expelled, gave Wu Yansong flowers to show his love. This moral character is really bad! Now the students scold you. My God, I can tell you that when you open the school forum, you should press your heart first. Be careful of the explosion. I'm so angry when I see it. It's too much! It's not about who * who. "


Ning Shibai's head seems to have the sound of a huge mountain collapsing.

As soon as the steering wheel was turned, she pulled over to the side of the road and said something to Gan Yuke. Then she hung up and opened the school forum.

The 10000 word publicity material is on the front page, and the three words of Luo Xiaoqiu are eye-catching.

At the end of the day, the corners of her mouth were so slanted that her face was almost deformed.

"This man's writing style is good, and his hand speed is also strong. He just finished ten thousand words in one night. I guess he planed his family's ancestral grave in his last life and wanted to bury me like this."

Beside him, Zhan Fenglie's seat rose slowly and returned to its normal position.

"Is it fun?"

"It's not fun." Ning Shibai looked at the road ahead and sighed with relief.

"Come back if it's not fun." Zhan fengsha's voice is light.

Ning Shibai said: "where is the dispatch letter?"

"Do you want to struggle again?"

"It's necessary. I'm not happy with ten thousand of them. I'll go to meet them."

Zhan Fenglie opens the storage box, takes out a piece of material and throws it on her leg.

"As an ex husband, I can only open these to you. Whether I can survive depends on you."

He knows his father's character clearly. If they know that he has taken the marriage certificate without telling them, they are afraid that she will come to a worse end than the business school. Therefore, it is not convenient for them to come out for the affairs of Ning Shibai school.


Ning Shibai turns over the material, which has her identity certificate changed from Bai shining to Ning Shibai. The reason is that her identity was wrongly admitted, and the staff reversed the name of Ning Shibai and recorded it as Bai shining.

It also has the autograph of Zhan Fenglie and the seal of Zhan's company.

The name is reversed.

What a thoughtful man!

Put down the material, one foot accelerator, toward the front of the wind, just walked to the front of the intersection, an old man wearing a straw hat riding a tricycle suddenly rushed out of the alley, faster than the limit of the tricycle.

She slammed on the brakes. The old man widened his eyes and made a sharp turn, but his legs didn't mean to stop. He pedaled wildly and missed her car.

But Ning Shibai's irascible little universe was ignited. He fell down the window and yelled at him: "you're not dying. Can you watch the road?"

The old man glanced at her and ran for his life.

The old man had a gray beard and bright eyes. Apart from the difference in image, he was as tricky as the old urchin on TV.

People are vulnerable groups, even if it is illegal driving, if there is an accident, it is also her full responsibility, can not afford to hurt ah.

"What a manic old man!" Ning Shibai looked back at Zhan Fenglie and said, "one day you will be so old that your hair and beard are white. Will you be so manic?"

Zhan Fengli smoked from the corner of his mouth. His calm temperament can always be broken by this little rascal for the whole minute.

"As long as you're not fat enough to explode in place, you should still be able to carry."

"Well, I'm very disciplined, so I won't be fat."

Self discipline is the real skill!

Ning Shibai released the brake and stepped on the accelerator. As soon as the car drove out, a black car rushed out of the alley

"Wo, RI!"

Ning Shibai didn't resist a rude remark, but he braked hard, and the car stopped abruptly, only ten centimeters away from the black car.

In this way, the black car didn't mean to stop. It flashed past in front of her car and headed for the old man.