The new drink that the man had ordered for me was colored just like a pearl, guess that's where it got its name from. And from just a glance it was easy to tell that it was filled with lots of fruit juices. There was a nice aroma coming off of it, fruit, spices, and I think I detected some gardenia mix. It smelled great, but I didn't detect the scent of the alcohol at all.

"I think this drink of yours is a dud Kyle." I joked with him as I grabbed the glass. "So, I guess when I'm done with this we go our separate ways."

"If I failed, then that's fine with me, but if I win, I stay with you until the bar closes. Deal?"

"Deal." There were worse fates, he was gorgeous after all. "Bottoms up." I grinned before taking a long drink of the fruity concoction.

The flavor hit my tongue softly. So fruity, so sweet, so delicious. I could hardly taste the alcohol in it at all, and before I knew it I had drank half of the glass.

"You might want to slow down there sweetheart." I heard laughter in his voice, like he didn't really want that at all.

"I'm good." I said as I sat my glass down, prepared to tell him that he had lost, but that is when the drink really hit me. "Whoa." I felt the rush to my head as I swayed momentarily. "Wow, that is strong." I was grinning at him. "I guess you win. I was wrong."

"Yeah, it's blended with three different types of rum." Oh, that grin was radiant. "How do you like it?"

"It's good, maybe I should have you pick another one for me." I was grinning at him as I spoke.

I could feel myself loosening up now, getting more comfortable around him. I really was thinking that I could sit here with him until the bar closed and I wouldn't have an issue.

"Alright, it's almost last call anyway. How about I order a couple more for you, and I will finish off that bottle of Whiskey for you, it's more of a man's drink anyway."

Kyle took the time to ask the bartender for a few more drinks. A French 75, a Pink Lady, a Hurricane, and a Bee Sting. Then he did actually take the Whiskey from me as I drank slowly from my fruity drink.

"Do you always act so boorish and misogynistic?" I snickered at my own question.

"I'm just a take the lead kind of guy, that's all." Oh but that grin looked like it had made more than a few pairs of panties drop in his time.

"Do women really like it when you do that though?" I tilted my head in thought as I looked at him.

"Some do. But I can see that you're not the type to go after me just because I know my way around a bed or a boardroom." Was that the look of a challenge in his eyes? Did he think of me as a level to beat in some game of his? I wouldn't make it that easy for him.

"Why would I go for that? If I want money I'll get it myself, and as for power and authority, I could have that at the drop of a hat. No thanks Kyle, I don't need you for that."

"What do you need me for then?" His words were so soft, so soothing in their tone that I felt compelled to answer him.


HOLY SHIT! Did I seriously just say that out loud? Oh my God, I can't believe I just said that. And sure enough there was that knowing look in his eyes. That look that said all he had to do was ask and I would be in his bed for the night.

But dammit, why shouldn't I? I'm twenty nine years old and I have been alone for a long time. I haven't dated in forever and it's been a while since I allowed myself to have a casual hook up with Lucian or any other guy for that matter. My body was starving for that contact. So why not go for someone so mouth watering?

"I can definitely give you that if it's what you want, Jacy." Ooh, he was really purring now. There was no doubt in my mind, he was definitely feline. I didn't care, feline, bear, or a fellow wolf it didn't matter at all. My wolf didn't mind when I slept with Lucian and he's a bear, so why would she mind if I slept with Kyle. We were adults right, we could do whatever we wanted.

The bartender set the array of new drinks on the counter and cleared away my shot glasses and the empty Pearl Diver glass. I grabbed one at random and was pleasantly surprised by the ease with which I could drink it.

"So, tell me about yourself, Jacy." Kyle gave me an interested sort of look. "Who is the mysterious Jacy who has classified work?"

"I'm not that interesting. What about you?" I countered his question.

"Same, just a boring existence really." He was grinning like he could tell I was hiding something.

"Right, Mr Secrets has a boring existence." I laughed, letting him know that I knew he was hiding something too. "I really don't think we need to know all that much about each other. After all, we will probably never see each other again after tonight."

"Is that so?" He was grinning now as I picked up the second of the new drink that had been brought to me.