Chapter 267

Name:The Great World Author:Kwong Qi
Even if the sounds of these source animals are mixed together, Zhang Jian's ears can still distinguish three of them.

"Strange horn sheep, golden sea urchin, Golden King Tiger."

Zhang Jian looked around. The ground is mainly dark red soil. You can often see boulders crawling and scattered everywhere. There are many gravel scattered on the ground. It must be caused by the wind and rain or the fighting of the source animals.

There are strange trees in twos and threes around, with different sizes and heights.

The thick is as magnificent as a load-bearing column, and the thin is only the baby's arm.

It's more than 20 meters high. You can't see the top when you look up. The short one is less than half a person high.

The only thing in common is

There are no branches and leaves, even a green leaf or a dry yellow leaf does not exist, only the smooth branches that twist and dry like the old man's thin fingers.

This kind of tree is called "blood demon tree", because it absorbs blood for a long time and becomes twisted and strange. Often, as long as the creature is close to half a meter, the originally stationary branches will bind the creature like a python.

Once the creature dies, dense needles will grow on the smooth branches, stab into the organism, draw blood and become stronger.

Over time, the blood demon tree can become a source beast and move.

In front of Zhang Jian, these are between ordinary plants and original animal plants.

And before becoming the source beast, the blood demon tree was extremely fragile, and even a common flame could burn them up.

However, Zhang Jian didn't mean to destroy the blood demon tree. Just be careful and go around. He wanted to see what happened in front, which led to the angry roar of these source beasts.

The black smoke and strange scream from the burning blood demon tree can easily be found by the powerful source beast in front, so it's the best choice to keep it as it is.

Even if Zhang Jian didn't hold the torch, he sat on the back of the fire. The strong smell of the fire source beast emitted by the fire made these blood demon trees tremble, let alone poke out the branches to attack.

When the wind blew, the slender branches of the blood demon tree should dance with the wind like people waving their hands high, but now the blood demon tree is motionless, just like a submissive student called to the office.

Although Zhang Jian didn't care, he was gradually building a pineal cone map in his mind, but the bored fire noticed this.

Suddenly, his eyes swept the blood demon trees around, with an overbearing smell, and even his steps became publicity and wanton.

Pinecone map construction completed.

The terrain ahead is a little sunken, like an underground arena, spiraling downward, from large to small.

There are seven original beasts in total, six of which are equal in strength. They are all in the eighth level of the epic, and there is one left. The model lines built in the pineal cone map are golden, and the whole body exudes a touch of luxury and noble golden light.

"Deifying the source beast?" thinking of the volcanic island and the glittering tentacles, Zhang Jian did not display the map at that time, because he could not determine what the golden model represented.

"Move gently, go behind the tree and don't be found." Zhang Jian whispered to huohuohuo. With a slight clip on the inside of his legs, Huohuo walked gently to the back of the huge blood demon tree.

The blood demon tree is more than 20 meters high and ten people hug it.

However, there is only subtle source force in the body, which has not been transformed into a source animal.

After all, the blood demon tree was only an ordinary tree suitable for survival in arid areas at the beginning. It takes a long time for the two trees to transform from ordinary to source animals under the watering of free source forces and the blood of frequent animal tide wars.

For example, the demon source beast, in addition to time and strong source force, there is also a strict condition to change from an item to a demon source beast.

Hiding behind the thick blood demon tree, Zhang Jian slightly poked out half his head and looked at the source beast in the clearing with one eye.

The seven source beasts are divided into two factions and are roaring loudly. It seems that they are fighting for something.

There are six on one side, and the other is the source beast flashing golden light.

"If the golden light modeling in the pinecone map is really a deified source beast, the lines of the demonized source beast should be black light or emitting black gas."

Eyes wander.

Zhang Jian was excited at once and understood why the seven source animals quarreled.

"What a big sunset crystal!"

In the middle of the source beast, the depression is like the depression of the funnel, and there are sunset crystals of the same height as adults standing quietly.

Such a large piece of sunset crystal, five kilograms is enough!

Get it, and the task can be completed.

The reason why the deified source beast quarreled with the six source beasts must also be because of the huge sunset crystallization.

Zhang Jian is a reward for remembering this mission.

There are two options.

One is rune.

The second is the source core of 100 full attribute epics.

Zhang Jian doesn't know what runes are, but a hundred epics with arbitrary attributes are very attractive.

Up to now, it gave Zhang Jian an illusion that the task was completed too smoothly. I don't know how the God level fell here.

Zhang Jian took a deep breath. At present, he still has to solve these source animals in front of him. Of course, he can steal the sunset crystal secretly.

However, although the Golden King Tiger is a mechanical department, its speed is very strange. The source technology increases, and the limit speed can reach Mach 5.

If you let blue giant use lightning continuously, it won't help.

Thunder flash is just a displacement source technique. It doesn't make the blue giant's speed increase faster than the Golden King Tiger.

Zhang Jian has no source beast exceeding Mach 5 in his hand.

The best way is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. When the two sides fight each other and lose both, he will do it again and reap the benefits.

The roar grew louder and filled with rage.

Finally, the golden sea urchin couldn't help but be the first to fight the deified source beast.

The golden sea urchin looks like a round ball, full of needles, golden yellow, with a pair of black eyes and a narrow mouth on the front.

From a distance, it looks like a hill.

Whew, whew, whew——

The body of the golden sea urchin expands and shrinks rapidly. When it expands again, it faces the acupuncture on part of the body of the deified source animal, and immediately leaves the body, flying to the deified source animal like a rainstorm pear flower.

These needles grew larger and larger during the flight, from the thickness of an adult's arm at the beginning to the size of a beam in front of a mythical beast.

The sharp tip of the needle twinkles with cold dark purple. These needles are extremely poisonous!

Poop poop poop——

One needle after another rushed into the body of the deified source animal. The deified source animal is like a hedgehog, with acupuncture in the front direction.

Zhang Jian took a breath of air-conditioning.

The deified animals, which looked like polar bears but dragged a dark bony tail behind them, roared into the sky, and the needles on their bodies shook and fell down one after another.

A little purple blood flowed from the wound pierced by the needle, but the imagined corrosion of flesh and blood and the ablation of flesh and blood did not appear.

Instead, the golden light of a needle was dense, and the hole pierced by the needle was almost healed in the blink of an eye.

"This deified beast has stronger recovery ability than the one on the volcanic island!" Zhang Jian silently compared it in his heart and finally came to the answer.

As the releaser, the golden sea urchin is uneasy. His most powerful toxin can't do any harm to each other, which makes the proud golden sea urchin a little doubt about life.