Chapter 114

Name:The Great World Author:Kwong Qi
At noon the next day, Zhang Jian with dark circles under his eyes arrived at Donghua University.

On the way, he didn't dare to sleep on the blue giant's back. Although there was a saddle, his hands didn't grasp tightly, and there was still a great chance of falling under the violent vibration.

I'm not in a hurry to see Qian Qian now. He buys a lot of things. I'll send them one by one later. I'll take care of my spirit first.

However, she still sent a message to Qianqian so that she could not wait for the message.

When I woke up, it was almost evening.

The girl in front of me is still as amazing as when I first saw her, as if the spring breeze wrinkled the pond and rippled in circles.

gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind.

Wearing a white dress and a pair of white canvas shoes under her feet, Qianqian walks around full of youthful students.

Near the Spring Festival, there is a grand competition held by the university competition Association. There are few people in the University. They often walk for a long time and don't see many people.

The branches of the trees planted on both sides of the road are no longer green. In the distance, there are cleaners with brooms to clean up the dead yellow leaves.

Qianqian raised the black cat in his hand and handed it to Zhang Jian like a treasure, "Xiao... Xiao Hei, he is a space animal. I think you should lack space. Xiao Hei has storage space.

However, I don't know if he will accept you. You... Don't force him. "In the words, Qianqian still didn't dare to look at Zhang Jian directly, but hid behind the black cat and looked at Zhang Jian secretly.

Stop and look at Xiaohei Qianqian held in front of his head.

Xiaoheishi pastoral cat is a very common cat in the countryside. It is generally called "native cat".

Country cats have a shorter life span than pet cats in the city.

Some people conclude that the reason is that the life expectancy is different due to different food, different environment and no sterilization.

One kind of food is leftovers. The rice in the leftovers contains a lot of starch, and there will be a lot of seasoning in the leftover soup. These two components will accelerate the consumption of the cat's life.

Environment, a quiet environment will not surprise the cat. Some too terrible reactions will lead to cat overreaction, referred to as stress, which will lead to cat illness.

Sterilization is the most controversial place. One side said that sterilization is good for cats. It will not only avoid all kinds of troubles during estrus, but also greatly improve the life span of cats; One side says sterilization is inhumane. If you are human, can you stand being physically castrated? As for the argument of increasing life expectancy, some cats will suffer from depression after sterilization, which may eventually lead to death.

As for the above statement, Zhang Jian has his own discretion.

He is still rich. Both blue giant and Yulong Wang need a lot of food supplement. The sharp toothed shark expects to spend little space in the source animal card. He can supplement food once a month occasionally. As for the water mass, he doesn't need to eat and absorb the source power.

The food expenditure of the four source animals is about 300000 a month. With one kitten, it is estimated that it will not cost 10000 a month to buy dried fish, canned snacks and cat food.

However, if you change to source animal food, the price may be 50000.

For example, the electric sailfish that Lan Ju likes to eat is expensive. Similarly, if Xiao Hei is under his control, he can't treat him badly.

What's more, it is the source beast of its own scarce space.

Reach out and touch Xiaohei's small skull. Unexpectedly, Xiaohei, who is as dark as ink, is not afraid at all. He also intimately rubs his palm with his head, as if saying: don't stop, don't stop ~

"Meow ~"

As soon as Zhang Jian's palm was taken away, Xiao Hei's closed eyes quickly opened and looked at him puzzled.

At this time, it was found that the colors of Xiaohei's two eyes were different, one was a blue gem and the other was a yellowish brown gem.

"Different pupil..."

"Yes." Qianqian said, the water waves in his eyes softened. It seemed that he was afraid of the unknown Yitong in the rumors. Zhang Jian refused Xiaohei and quickly explained, "Yitong cat is not..."

Zhang Jian interrupted her, "different pupil is just a genetic defect."

Different pupil is indeed a genetic defect, and this defect will lead to the cat may suffer from deafness, so different pupil cats often can't hear their owner's call.

However, it's just an ordinary cat. As a source animal, Xiaohei, whose life level is one level higher than that of an ordinary cat, should have no such defect, or be repaired.

"Xiao Hei, would you like to be my source animal?" Zhang Jian took Xiao Hei, held him in his arms and gently stroked his chin with his fingers.

Xiao Hei enjoyed it very much. He closed his eyes and held his head high, just like a dragon going to take a bath and sauna, enjoying the service of Zhang Jian in place.

"Meow, meow ~" the long white beard on both sides trembled slightly, and Xiao Hei made a lazy cry.

Holding Xiaohei, I obviously felt his thin and weak. The palm skipped the outside of the abdomen and clearly felt the ribs like bones.

When Zhang Jian asked this sentence, the head to tail connection in his mind was like the contract symbol of a greedy snake, revealing a position. The spiritual power that could not be perceived came out and began to touch Xiaohei.

"Meow!" Xiao Hei uttered a shrill cry. He broke free from Zhang Jian's palm with his four claws and ran away.

Qianqian just took out the cat strip in the shoulder bag on his side. Looking at this scene, he was a little overwhelmed.

Zhang Jian shrugged. "Take your time."

"Send the things to the place where you live first." he raised the gift box in his hand. "It's all food. It's a specialty of sky island."

Qian Qian's face was slightly red. Listening to his unacceptable tone, he didn't refuse. He followed him blankly until he hit him.

"You lead the way, or I won't know where you live."

"Oh, OK."

After the things were sent, Zhang Jian personally gave Zhai a special product in triplicate.

Zhai negative's eyes were gratified and his heart felt general. Zhang Jian grew up too fast all the way, but he didn't lose his heart and was arrogant.

It's quite a feeling of growing up.

After all, Zhang Jian was dug out by him.

"The teaching of sophomores and juniors is different from that of freshmen. At that time, you should study hard. For example, in your hunting battle yesterday, if LAN Ju learned to fly a little, it would be easier, and it would not need to spend energy to get into the distance."

In the face of Zhai negative's dundundun teachings, Zhang Jian listened in his heart.

After leaving, Zhang Jian sent the last specialty to the dean of anling college. The Dean used to take care of himself. Naturally, this affection can't be forgotten.

Zhang Jian himself took the cat strip given by Qian Qian to the playground of the university all night looking for Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei didn't find it, but he saw many other cats.

So a large bag of nearly 50 cat strips were emptied.

In the early morning, Zhang Jian slept for a while, woke up and got the cat strip he bought online.

Fifty cat strips, one thousand, are made of a fish source animal. When you say you buy them, you can buy them with full scores. At the same time, major Weibo cat bloggers strongly recommend them.

The price is really high. This kind of cat strip is the same as ordinary cat strips. A cat can eat three to five cat strips a day.

Even if there are three in a day and 90 in a month, rounded to 100, it is 100000 in a month.

Zhang Jian looked at the 50 cat strips in his hand. The maximum cost of eating a month was more than 2000. He didn't live as well as a cat?!

He doesn't care too much. A space source beast, regardless of its quality, starts at tens of millions of levels. At present, it depends on whether he can get Xiaohei's favor.

Qianqian's help is also in mind.