Chapter 64

Name:The Great World Author:Kwong Qi
The sky was covered with dark clouds.

Zhang Jian was replaced immediately and the Dragon King appeared.

Suddenly, the light rain splashed down.

Zhang Jian found through the video that it seems, maybe, as if Kewei is weaker than lake.

Kewei's two source beasts are heavy. Although they have great power, if they can't hit people, their power is equivalent to nothingness.

Then, taking this rare opportunity, Zhang Jian decided to practice the Dragon King.

The battle of the ichthyosaur king has always been among the monuments of sea blue.

The historic site of sea blue is a vast ocean. For the king of Ichthyosaurus, he can play 200% of his ability.

But the Yulong king cannot always fight in an environment conducive to him.


The burly Covey listened to the sound of the rain beating the metal and said, "it's frozen for thousands of miles!"


Three meters high and weighing more than two thousand kilograms, the broken ice bear roared and roared at his feet.


The broken ice bear with blue fur punched, and the blue light condensed on the fist.

I saw that the rain on the metal ground quickly froze and formed thin ice flakes.

Zhang Jian asked LAN Ju to appear first, triggering [lightning and thunder]. The Yulong king only needs to consume a small part of the source force, so that a light rain can start in the dark cloud area, so that the Yurun of the Yulong king can be displayed faster.

The ice of the broken ice bear frozen the rain for thousands of miles.

The cold ice will not affect the broken ice bear, but the Yulong king will lose its function.

The home advantage has been reversed, and now the broken ice bear is the dominant side.

If the Yulong King trades the source force for a torrential rainstorm, it will still have an impact on the broken ice bear.

The ichthyosaur King whispered, the source core turned wildly, and the horsepower was fully turned on.

About to fight each other, the broken ice bear in front of the ichthyosaur felt something wrong.

Surprisingly, the broken ice bear didn't step back, but accelerated its pace. It was a fish jump ahead.

The Dragon King looked flustered, but soon calmed down.

In the blue of the sea, there are also huge source animals. The reason for panic is that they face non aquatic organisms for the first time.

[ice breaking fist]

The big fist of the broken ice bear sandbag glittered with an extremely bright ice blue light. The light was introverted, and strands of ice debris fell on the ground from the surface of his fist.

The broken ice bear jumped up, and the ice under his feet screamed unbearably, clicked and turned into pieces.

The sound of breaking the air came first, and the sea water appeared under the ichthyosaur king, and the sea water kept flowing in front of him.

The sea water in front of the ichthyosaur king is becoming more and more transparent and clear.


A round shield made entirely of pure water appears.

[water shield]

Below, sea water is continuously purified and added to the shield to increase the shield's defense.

"Water shield is really the best choice to resist ice breaking fist at present."

Zhang Jian nodded: "if it was LAN Ju, he should choose counterattack instead of defense.

As long as the strength does not reach the second kill gap, attack is the best defense.

Fish Dragon King, you are not a meat shield type source beast, while the broken ice bear is a meat shield type source beast.

Attack each other's strengths with your own weaknesses. "

Zhang Jian watched the battle.

The broken ice boxing hit the water shield. The surface of the three meter high shield did not fluctuate and directly turned into cold ice.

In the back, only a thin layer of pure water is still flowing.

This water shield has consumed 20% of the source power of the fish Dragon King. Coupled with purification, only 70% of the source power is left.

Fortunately, the other party is not the force output type of overlord chicken. Otherwise, the overlord chicken's foot will break the water shield with a fist of cohesion.

However, Zhang Jian also saw that the fist of the broken ice bear exhausted a lot of his source power.

From a small point of view, half weight.

In a big way, at the same level, the diamond fish Dragon King was beaten by the dark gold broken ice bear.

Zhang Jian will definitely let the Dragon King get beaten. Experience the feeling that he has no strength to be beaten.

After this, Zhang Jian will buy powerful water source technology for him to use.

Only when you are beaten and personally suffer pain will you work hard.

Zhang Jian said with a smile, "come on, broken ice bear!"


The sea water under the ichthyosaur King froze and struggled to get out of the ice. He was hit in the waist by a broken ice bear.

The ichthyosaur King screamed, and the color of madness gradually rose in his eyes.

The rain in the sky is getting heavier and heavier. It seems that the king of fish and dragon no longer saves the source force and uses his brain to make rain.


The broken ice bear felt it and stepped up. He saw a column of water rising from the place where he was originally standing. The column of water was also mixed with pure water. Once hit by the extremely fast column of water, the broken ice bear would soon be thrown into the air by the continuous column of water.

I can't touch the ground and have nowhere to borrow. It's terrible!

However, all experienced source beasts will sense the fluctuation of the surrounding source force all the time to prevent being hit by some source techniques, thus losing the initiative and even losing their lives.

Zhang Jian commented softly: "the speed of the water column is too slow, otherwise, the broken ice bear should be under your control now."

Zhang Jian opened the pineal gland. Although the ichthyosaur king was thousands of miles away, he could still hear Zhang Jian's words, as clear as in his ear.

This is the advantage of the pineal gland, which is why it is standard for high-level beast masters.

The remaining power of the source beast battle can easily spread to the fragile beast guards.

Either stay away from the battlefield, or cultivate a source beast to protect itself.

Of course, the former is convenient, but in some specific environments, it is necessary to use the source animals to protect themselves.

It's still raining.

The broken ice bear fled in a hurry.

In the process of fleeing, the broken ice bear did not control the source force and used the source force increase to return to Kewei faster.

In addition to the source technique that can accelerate, you can also use the source force to promote your own speed.

Of course, if you only use the source force to promote yourself, it will cost ten times more source force than the source technique that increases the same speed!

It can be said that no source beast chooses source force to speed up except between life and death.

The king of fish and dragon will chase after him when he sees the potential, and the waves are surging under him.

The Dragon King gathered all the rain scattered in the sky and gathered under him.

The momentum is becoming more and more powerful.

"Come back! Don't chase!"

Zhang Jian naturally knows that Kewei plans to replace the source beast.

Use your own pressure to make Kaiyan War Bear evolve.

"No, it's a change in preparation."

Zhang Jian knew from the video that Kewei did not activate the pineal gland.

Kaiyan War Bear belongs to the whole. The next step is to study the extreme body.

The ultimate form requires the emotional resonance of the animal master and the source materials!

If it is variation, then there is no need for emotional resonance.

Zhang Jian's eyes coagulated.

Covey is really cruel!

There is a risk in the variation of the source beast. Kewei asked the Kaiyan war bear to take the source material in advance and quickly trigger the effect through battle.

If everything goes well, the success of mutation is naturally a higher level of strength.

If mutation fails

Although the mutation fails, the card will not break and the source beast will die like the fusion device.

But serious injuries are also the lightest.

In this game, I must choose to kill you while you are ill, and I will never be merciful.


The hot temperature came from the air, and Zhang Jian squinted.

In front of Kewei, a giant bear five meters high and burning all over was striding forward.

Obviously, without using any source force and source technology, the water stains on the metal ground were evaporated at high temperature.

What was more terrible was that every step he took, the metal plate seemed to be turned into a soldering iron, emitting a strange red light.

The Dragon King is like a great enemy!

While water can conquer fire, fire can also conquer water!