Chen Zongsheng took a step forward and stared at Ye Xuan's demon body, but his eyes were not too obvious at the moment.

Because during this period of time, APU has been letting him refine his consciousness. Of course, it is mainly based on Ye Xuan's consciousness!

"You boy, you are so powerful that you condensed the demon body yourself!"

"Demon body, good at killing! He is definitely a killing machine!"

"If you let him practice a sword like you, his attack power is definitely greater than yours!"

"Just let him practice my three sabres chop! For the time being, don't practice others. There is only one Sabre technique, which is better than any skill!"

"Also, this demon body is good at attacking. When you compete with the enemy, you have only one target! Attack! Attack! In addition to attack, attack! You must remember my sentence, the best defense is attack!!!"

"If the enemy can't make a response, he will be bombed by your powerful attack and fighting mentality. If you kill the other party at that time, you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Chen Zongsheng deserves to be his teacher.

The soul cultivation and demon cultivation that I told ye Xuan today made Ye Xuan very clear about the future!

"You don't need your care at present?"

It is natural to see what kind of person Chen Zongsheng is. This evil cultivation has been preliminarily conscious.

Ye Xuan has been busy since he left the secret place of Qinglong war god!

He has no time to train the demon body!

This kind of magic body wants to make him conscious. It's very difficult to train!

Therefore, he judged that there were other things on Ye Xuan!

Of course, he didn't point it out.

Ye Xuan nodded.

"Well! That's good. Your main focus is on soul cultivation! The demon body can use external forces. At that time, your consciousness can directly move in and adapt."

"But soul cultivation is different. He needs your own understanding!"

"Let me tell you a few stages of soul cultivation. Of course, it's what I know at present."

Ye Xuan frowned and said, "teacher, isn't soul cultivation in the spirit realm, out of the body realm and concentration realm? I'm in the concentration realm now. Is there any other Tao in it?"

Chen Zongsheng said with a smile, "you know what it is, and you don't know why. The three you said are the realm of the richness of soul power. However, no matter how powerful the soul power is, you can't turn it into attack power, which is still equivalent to waste!"

"If you have a sharp weapon, but you don't know how to use it, do you think it's valuable?"

Chen Zongsheng shook his head and said, "he doesn't have any! He can only turn into attack power! Then, he can really show his value!"

"The strength of soul power has a certain indirect relationship with the stages I mentioned."

"The first stage of soul cultivation is to confuse the illusion, the second stage is to be as light as a swallow, the third stage is to read for a hundred miles, and the fourth stage is to follow the instrument method at will!"

"At present, I only know these four stages, and the soul guy you see is in the fourth stage, maybe higher."

Chen Zongsheng looked at Ye Xuan and continued to explain it.

"The illusion of confusion in the first stage, as the name suggests, can create some illusions in front of people, confuse the enemy, buy time for their own attack."

"The second stage is as light as a swallow. Naturally, it is to let your body, like a swallow, fly in the sky. Of course, this speed is not fast, which shows that the use of soul power is general."

"In the third stage, you can use it skillfully. If you have an idea and your body is in the air, you can fly a hundred miles."

"The weapon method of the fourth stage is as you wish, that is, if you want to kill someone, the weapon will be condensed in an instant, and he has attack power. You can see that in the third stage, he still flies for a hundred miles, but in the fourth stage, his power will burst out! So it is difficult to step into the fourth stage!"

"In the history of gamma, many strong soul practitioners are auxiliary positions and alchemy, mainly because they can't step into the fourth stage! Of course, once they step into the fourth stage, they will really ascend to the sky!"

When Chen Zongsheng finished, ye Xuan looked dignified.

Obviously, he is digesting what Chen Zongsheng said.

Chen Zongsheng glanced at Yu Fei and they walked out of the hall.

Ye Xuan sat cross legged, lost in thought.

Now he is in a state of concentration. He doesn't know how powerful his soul is, but he feels that there is a strong mysterious force floating in the divine soul space.

Sure enough, as Chen Zongsheng said, if you can't use the power of the spirit, it's waste!

The first stage of soul cultivation, creating illusion?

Is it necessary to condense the power of the spirit in front of the body?

The teacher said before that it is to let the spirit power resonate and blend with everything such as air, sunshine and darkness.

In other words, it does not directly condense the power of the spirit???

But let the spirit force have a certain chemical reaction with what the teacher said?

Yes, chemical reaction!

This word suddenly appeared in Ye Xuan's heart!

This description is more accurate!

On the gamma star, there is no chemistry, but according to the teacher, forming an illusion is naturally a chemical reaction when the soul force is compatible with these?

If chemistry is involved, then how much soul power and how many external things to contact!

Ye Xuan was so clever that he understood the mystery in the blink of an eye.

Gradually, a mysterious soul force floated out of Ye Xuan's mind.

It began to fuse with the air in front of the body.

However, it radiated and formed nothing.

Ye Xuan continued to think, why did it spread out?

Chemical reaction, does it mean that soul power cannot be distributed separately? But need to agglomerate?

Ye Xuan continued the experiment.

He felt a soul power, which was invisible, but he could feel it, the size of a fist.

Emerged from his head with the injection of his ideas.

Slowly, an illusory cat appeared in front of him.

But the cat is bulky and rigid.

But at this time, ye Xuan was very happy!

This proves that his conjecture is correct!

Soul cultivation is actually a chemical experiment!

My Mud Horse

Ye Xuan was speechless. Unexpectedly, the once deserted chemical knowledge was related to the martial arts of gamma star!

This is what he can't think of if he wants to break his head!


Why used to herd cattle, play with mud and touch bird eggs when reading!

If I had a good knowledge of chemistry, I wouldn't bother so much now!

Ye Xuan needs to mend his chemical knowledge and control it into soul cultivation power!

There are similarities and differences between the two.

Knowledge is also interlinked.

So ye Xuan stood up by himself.

There was a surprise on his face!

"Cool! Soul cultivation has touched the lifeline! It's almost from the confused illusion of the first stage!!"