It was really unexpected that Situ Jun could meet him. Li Zongming suppressed his joy and thought to himself: As long as Situ Jun is willing to see him, then there is hope for the child in Piaoliu's stomach.

"General Li, I heard that you were looking for me. It's a great honor for you to come to my humble house today. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Situ Jun greeted Li Zongming politely.

"Who dares to do it? It's my blessing that Miracle Physician Situ meets me occasionally!" Li Zongming didn't expect Situ Jun, who has always been eccentric, to treat him so well all of a sudden.

Li Zongming hesitated for a moment, knowing that he had something to ask Situ Jun and stopped using bureaucratic accents, so he said straight to the point: "Doctor Situ, I came to see you this time because I was pregnant with a fetus. The doctor said that the fetus might not be healthy, so I want you to save the baby in our family. I have been married for more than a year. I had a baby before, but unfortunately it was not destined for us. It died before it was born. I am the only one in the Li family. The incense is cut off, if this is the case, I will really feel sorry for the ancestors of the Li family, and I will ask Divine Doctor Situ to help and show our family's bitch!"

Knowing that Li Zongming came to see him because of the child in his wife's womb, Situ Jun calmly raised his teacup and took a sip and said, "I can consult a doctor for you, but my appearance fee is very expensive. I wonder if General Li cares about the consultation fee?"

When Li Zongming heard Situ Jun's remarks, he knew that there was still hope to invite Situ Jun. Afraid that he would go back on his word, he hurriedly replied: "Doctor Situ, as long as you can cure my child, how much will I pay?" I am willing to spend it, no matter what you want, I will get it for you!"

"General Li, I haven't said my request yet. Don't talk too much. My consultation fee is scary and you still have some difficulty!" Situ Jun looked at Li Zongming with a smile and said, "As long as you can afford one Ten thousand taels of gold, I will be able to cure your child, but the premise is that no one hurts your child, if someone else poisons it, even the gods will not be able to save it!"

Li Zongming didn't expect that Situ Jun was a lion's mouth. He thought he wanted 10,000 taels of silver bills at most. He didn't expect to ask for so much at once. The ransom of Piaoliu alone cost a lot of gold last time. Well, if another 10,000 taels of gold were given out this time, the Li Mansion would soon be emptied.

"Could it be that General Li's child can't compare to a brothel girl? If General Li can't afford the consultation fee, please return it!" Situ Jun looked at Li Zongming disdainfully and said quickly: "If you think the price is expensive, please pay me back!" Be smart!"

Li Zongming knew that his hesitation had angered Situ Jun. If even Situ Jun could not cure the disease in this capital, no one could cure it. For the sake of his children, he could only reluctantly part with him. , How about it, if you can let my child be born safely, I am willing to give this ten thousand taels of gold!"

"Okay, you go back first, I will ask my apprentice to consult your wife on a regular basis, and if there is any problem, I will report to you at that time!" Situ Jun hurried away impatiently.

"Miraculous doctor Situ, didn't you ask the doctor yourself?" Li Zongming asked with some doubts when he heard that Situ Jun was going to send one of his disciples for consultation: "Can your apprentice's medical skills be better than yours? I'd better take a trip." Bar!"