On the court hall five days ago, many generals asked the leader to set out to rescue Meiguan.

But Murong Zhi did not allow it. "There are not many troops in Beijing at this time. If you have to rescue Meiguan, who will guard the capital?"

When a problem is thrown out, the generals who come to ask for orders are helpless.

This is indeed a problem. However, someone said, "Lord, if you draw 100000 troops, it's not impossible. At this time, there is peace in Beijing. It's all right to draw 100000 troops."

The others nodded in approval.

However, Murong Zhi listened to this sentence and only said, "Vice General Wang speaks well. Pulling out 100000 troops in Beijing will not be affected. If something big happens, will your vice general Wang be able to equal 100000 troops?"

Murong Zhi has always been a man who seldom loses his temper. Although his face is calm at the moment, more and more people feel that this always gentle prince is not so gentle.

Chen Ziming, who had never spoken for a long time, also said, "my Lord and Minister believe that we should send troops to Meiguan. Even if Princess Jing has led troops at this time, the northern expedition is only a temporary reinforcement and cannot stay in Meiguan for a long time. Otherwise, it will affect the Northern Expedition."

"Lord Chen is wrong. The northern expedition has now reached the end stage, but there is only one last city left. Can't it continue without 200000 troops?"

Murong Zhi said in a deep voice.

Chen Ziming finally raised his head, "Lord, Yougu is still eyeing the Northern Expedition army, and even has been sending more troops..."

Before he finished, Murong Zhi interrupted, "well, you don't have to speak any more. You can only send 30000 troops and horses in Beijing to rescue Meiguan. You can't move any more. You can't relax about guarding the capital."

All the ministers couldn't believe it, "Lord!"

However, Murong Zhi has announced the next Dynasty.

When things have developed to this situation, smart people have seen that King Jing and King Zhi are political enemies. Even now King Zhi has supervised the country, there is no real imperial edict of emperor Yongye, so

In the next few days, courtiers constantly offered to help Meiguan, but they were pushed away by Murong Zhi with various methods and excuses.

At this time, the war was getting hotter and hotter in Meiguan, and Su Yunchu, who was in Meiguan, had also learned that only 30000 troops and horses were sent by the imperial court.

However, when Su Yunchu heard the news, he thought there was nothing, but then he felt a little uneasy.

In this way, she had to delay her troops and horses in Meiguan. An idea suddenly flashed through her mind. Did Murong Zhi never send reinforcements to Meiguan, because they knew that the Northern Expedition army would help Meiguan at a critical juncture.

When this thought flashed through his head, Su Yunchu suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, she had not heard from Murong yuan for seven days.

While the war in Meiguan was still in full swing, Murong yuan, who was in ruoping Cheng, received the news that yougujia sent troops and horses to attack Yongning mountain and wanted to take Yongning mountain back again.

There is only Wang Zian and a general he accepted on Yongning mountain. He must go back to Yongning pass.

This time, Yougu also made full use of his strength and constantly sent more troops to compete with murongyuan's troops. Yongningguan was also not easy when there were war disputes in Meiguan.