Cha Beiliang's detailed work is to build the plank road openly. I'm afraid it's to clean up the chaotang in the dark.

After this one comes down, no one can see the situation clearly.

However, why did emperor Yongye clean up the court at such a time? People have unspeakable speculation in their hearts. Some people are happy and others are worried. Righteous people think that the chaotang really needs to be cleaned up. If they don't clean up, Daxin will stink. However, it is vested interests who are most reluctant to change. Once there is any change and anything that conflicts with their interests, they will lose a lot of things.

Therefore, Lv Yuan was almost uneasy on this day, especially Murong yuan had not made any action two days ago, but it was frightening that only these two days could set off a sense of tension in the hall.

Without much to say, muronghan only cares about that batch of weapons. In fact, they are not many, but if they are caught, they can be used as weapons. After they met murongyuan that day and came back, they are already working on solving this matter. Now they have to worry, "uncle, how are those weapons handled? “

Lv Yuan frowned. "It has been secretly transported out, not in Qingzhou or the ore vein. If there is nothing wrong tonight, this matter can be solved. How to check later, you will only feel that the situation on the ore vein is different. However, without ready-made weapons, there is no proof of death. “

With that, Lv Yuan breathed out, "don't worry too much, Lord. If King Jing holds on to this point at that time, it will certainly cause resentment among the people, and then it will cause dissatisfaction among the courtiers. “

Muronghan nodded, but suddenly said, "uncle, all the letters with Beiliang have been burned? “

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Lv Yuan sighed lightly, "all the things that can be burned are burned. However, in order to prevent Beiliang from breaking the contract, all the things that can't be burned are hidden in the secret room. Nothing will happen unless it's a last resort. Moreover, it doesn't seem like that now. “

When people feel critical, they need another person to give them strength and direction. At this time, Murong Han is in such a state, because a change in the hall today made him panic in an instant. Murong yuan's speed is too fast, and it has made the hall nervous in only two days.

”What should we do next? "Muronghan seldom asks for Lv Yuan's advice at this time.

Lv Yuan is a man who has been wandering in the court for many years. Anyway, he is also a senior old fox. At this time, he only narrows his eyes slightly. "The Lord should also do what he should do in ordinary times, so as to keep the same and deal with all changes. “

Finally, he asked, "what about the three Beiliang people? “

Hearing this, muronghan was not good, "they left! “

Lv Yuan was surprised, "when? “

”Today! “

Listen, Lv Yuan patted his thigh, "bad thing! “

Muronghan didn't think that since the three people dared to leave, they wanted to have their own strategies, not to mention how they could protect themselves at this time.

Hearing Lv Yuan say so, he frowned.

”Lord, now is the time of crisis. Those three people are very easy to do bad things! “

But muronghan didn't think so, "they won't be stupid! “

But why did the three Beiliang people leave like this? Lv Yuan didn't understand.

Muronghan's face was not good, "I had some contradictions with them“

Lv Yuan can't care about the gifts of kings and officials at this time, "Lord, the overall situation is now. You're so confused! “