Since we can't feel the suffering, we only know that we are undertaking the peace guarded by others at many costs. Naturally, we only know that there is such a lively spring in March, rather than the solemn atmosphere when seeing off the general.

Su Yunchu was naturally among the crowd. Today, she didn't want to come. Although she had always had contradictions in her heart and hesitated between coming and not coming, she was pulled out by Zhao Zhiyun. She was named to send off her fiance and stood among the crowd on the long street.

Murong yuan came out of the imperial city with him, as well as some generals who accompanied him to the northern expedition. Early in the morning, Emperor Yongye led his officials to see off the generals of the northern expedition on the square in front of the Jinluan hall. At this time, Murong yuan was wearing the same black robe as he used to wear. It was the war horse that followed him all the year round. It was also black.

A tall man, dressed in armor and sharp, sat on a war horse and came slowly from the imperial city. Su Yunchu had never seen Murong yuan wearing a war robe. However, looking at it like this, it was not much different from what she had imagined. It was so natural and fit. Maybe it was the war for many years. Su Yunchu felt that the war robe, The fit with Murong yuan was so high that it seemed that he should wear that clothes all his life.

However, she didn't want him to wear the uniform all his life.

The dark tone of the whole body is only that pair of eyes. It is a strange blue, Leng Yi's face and no false words. Such Murong yuan came out of the palace gate of the imperial city and stood in the crowd. There is really a terrible look of hell Shura. Su Yunchu suddenly felt that whether such an image of Murong yuan has actually made Beiliang soldiers regard him as a devil?

That figure, the figure above the tall horse, like a hero stepping on the sky, came towards Su Yunchu. Su Yunchu remembered that Murong Yuan said that he didn't like white. Only the dark color of black and black iron was suitable for him.

At that time, Su Yunchu was slightly puzzled about Murong yuan's words. She didn't understand why Murong Yuan said that until yesterday.

Because only such a dark color can bury everything.

However, at this time, looking at Murong yuan, Su Yunchu thought that perhaps, perhaps the silver-white war robe is suitable for Murong yuan. He is firm and cold. He combines the silver white and ice blue eyes. He is the God of war from nine days, with immortal Qi, evil Qi and evil Qi.

However, while she was still staring at the man on the black war horse, the war horse was getting closer and closer to her. Su Yunchu was not crowded in the crowd. She even kept away from the crowd and stood behind the crowd. She only watched Murong yuan come from the palace gate and go to the city gate quietly.

However, when the war horse came to the street in front of Su Yunchu's position, the war horse hissed, snorted and stopped. The man on the horse stopped there and turned to Su Yunchu's side. Two pairs of eyes were facing each other across the busy crowd. The original cold perseverance turned into warmth.

The people who had been watching were surprised at the suddenly stopped war horse, and even more surprised at Murong Yuan who suddenly stopped and looked behind the crowd. Therefore, the original excitement seemed to be infected at this time. Qi Qi stopped. The busy market gradually quieted down from this place. The people turned back and looked along Murong yuan's line of sight.

After seeing the crowd, the woman with a warm smile looked straight at the man's ice blue eyes, with a smile on her mouth. She was calm and peaceful, but it made people feel stubborn and tough.