Soon tuobayan took tuobawei into the room.

Tuobawei is 80% alike, but their temperament is slightly different.

Tuoba Yan gives people a state of carelessness and laziness. If not for his white beard on his chin, he belongs to a state where he has no sense of existence in the crowd.

Tuobawei is different. He is more tall and straight than tuobayan. His bulging muscles prop up his clothes and show exaggerated lines.

He walked like a tiger, looked cold and resolute, wore a sapphire crown and scattered his long gray, white and black hair, giving people a sense of foreign power.

He is not only the contemporary leader of Tianbing Pavilion, but also the sword drawing king who is revered and worshipped by everyone.

He is not only unfathomable in strength and gifted, but also proficient in the four Taoist techniques of knife, gun, sword and stick. He practices any one of them like fire and pure green. He is also known as the king of heavenly soldiers and has the hope to become the emperor of heavenly soldiers.

Tianbing Wuhuang is the highest appellation for a strong man of practice who cultivates tools.

Throughout the history of the mainland, there are only three who can be called Tianbing Wuhuang.

One is the founder of the way of refining weapons. He is also the saint of all weapon refiners in the mainland. He was once known as the emperor of heaven.

The second is the founder of the heavenly weapons Pavilion, the martial saint of ten thousand weapons. He is not only the closed disciple of the martial saint of ten thousand weapons, but also the first disciple.

Tianbingge is recognized as the first weapon Pavilion in Tianyuan mainland. All well-known weapon refining kings or famous weapon refining saints on the mainland have been people of tianbingge and have existed in the mainland for countless years.

No one knows how long it has existed. It is remote and ancient. It seems that the world has changed, the world has turned upside down, and the heavenly weapons Pavilion is always there.

For example, the Bingyuan weapons Pavilion in the Fengyun region, or the weapons Pavilion in other regions and countries that accept weapon smelters, are all built according to the heavenly weapons Pavilion, which is also dominated by the heavenly weapons Pavilion.

From this, we can know how high the position of tianbingge is.

The Tiandan medicine Pavilion, which is almost the same as the tianweapon Pavilion, is also in the same position with the tianweapon Pavilion.

The third one, called the emperor of heaven, is the founder of bingyuanqi Pavilion.

He used to be in the same age as Fengyun emperor. At that time, he had a drink with Fengyun emperor, called him a brother, and became famous in the whole southern night Chizhou. He was known as the most promising existence to become the third wusheng, because the first two wusheng and wusheng, known as Tianbing emperor, have become wusheng.

Unfortunately, the sky didn't fulfill people's wishes. There was an unparalleled war in Fengyun domain that year. He also left the world with the disappearance of Fengyun emperor Zong.

Also because of his disappearance, the status of Bingyuan weapon Pavilion is getting worse and worse, and finally can only shrink in the wind and cloud domain.

Every generation of bingyuanqi Pavilion will have many super gifted Pavilion leaders, but no one deserves the title of Tianbing Wuhuang and Tianbing Wuwang.

Only this generation of tuobawei is the most promising.

It also shows how extraordinary his attainments are.

No one knows that ye Qiu came to tianbingge specially to make friends with tuobawei again.

Ye Qiu became good friends with him in his previous life. Finally, he helped him become the emperor of heavenly soldiers. He will help him in this life.

As for whether he can attack the martial saint, it depends on his nature.

"Ye Qiu has seen your excellency."

Ye Qiu got up and paid a visit, with an extremely gentle attitude.

Tuobawei nodded, sat down and said, "I've heard of your name Ye Qiu for a long time. As soon as I saw you today, it was really a little extraordinary. I remember that your cultivation was the peak of yuanzun, but I didn't expect it was dayuanzun."

Tuoba Yan was startled: "Da Yuan Zun?"

He was not aware of Ye Qiu's cultivation, and always thought it was the peak of Yuan Zun.

"You deserve to be your excellency. This ability is really admirable." Ye Qiu exclaimed.

He usually deliberately hides the breath of cultivation, but in front of tuobawei, this hiding is meaningless.

"I admire you more for mastering the extraordinary way of refining utensils at a young age."

Tuobawei said, "to make a long story short, give me the heart lock Blood Sword."

Ye Qiu raised her hand to him. He said, "conditions."

"Integrate these weapons together. At the same time, I hope the pavilion Lord can prepare all high-level yuan weapons and swords together and use the Seven Star fox hunting method."

Ye Qiu took out huangquan sword, evil Yan sword and many other swords and put them on the table.

Tuobawei looked and said, "I can give you a stronger yuan without so much trouble."

"If it is forged by the Seven Star fox hunting method, I am willing to."

Tuobawei looked at Ye Qiu in surprise, "what's the purpose of the Yuanqi refined by the Seven Star fox hunting method?"

Ye Qiu smiled and nodded silently. Tuobawei stopped asking and said, "how many yuan swords do you need me to provide?"

"Not much. Just gather together 49 ways of 77. I believe the Seven Star fox hunting method is worth the price."

Tuobawei frowned. Refining the integrated weapon is very simple for the weapon refiner, but ye Qiu's requirements are a little too much.

It takes a lot of effort to integrate so many weapons, which is no less than refining an extremely powerful weapon.

Although the Seven Star fox hunting method is worth the price, tuobawei still feels some losses.

Ye Qiu said with a smile, "I can tell you one more thing."

"Tell me."

"Blood melting magic change. If you want to practice successfully, you lack a drug called Qianlong grass, but it's difficult to succeed."

Ye Qiu's voice tightened tuobawei's eyes, clenched his fists in his sleeves, and his eyes were a little cold.

Only his close brother Tuo Bayan knows about his practice of blood melting magic change. There is no second person in the world. How does Ye Qiu know?

No one knows how shocked his heart is at this time!

"Don't be alarmed, elder. Once you practice the practice of blood melting magic change, the yuan power in your body will change, resulting in special changes in your breath and face."

Ye Qiu said, "although blood melting magic change is a rare cultivation method, I have seen it before, so I know a little, and I am still a yuan pharmacist."

Tuobawei was shocked: "do you know?"

Blood melting magic change, but he spent a lot of money to buy it. Unexpectedly, little Ye Qiu knows it?

"I know the elder doesn't believe it, so I'll write it to you."

Ye Qiu took out her pen, ink, paper and inkstone and wrote down all the things she needed.

After reaching King Wu, the realm of martial arts also reached the point where Tao Yan really me.

There are countless roads and avenues in martial arts. If you want to move forward, you need to understand your own road in countless roads, or integrate and create, which is called the way of self. Only then can you be regarded as the true Tao and the true self. It is a unique Taoist practice that belongs to you.

This is why there are few strong people above King Wu, and there are few strong people who can reach a very high level.

Very few people, like the Tao they practice and integrate, have no place to learn from and reference. They all need to understand and practice by themselves, all relying on their personal strength and talent.

Break into the Tao and understand the profound meaning. The profound meaning is divided into nine gates.

However, I understand the meaning of Tao, which needs three changes.

Initial change, physique change, daoxuan change.

Also known as the change of heaven and man.

After three changes, transcendence and sublimation, he is the emperor of martial arts and Taoism. He controls the rules of heaven and earth, just like heaven and man.

Failure turns into nothingness and even death. More people are willing to call it the three changes of life and death.