As the first county of the Fengyun Dynasty, Fengyun county is not only the most vast and densely populated, but also the bustling scene here.

Rows of pavilions stretch like a dragon, streets extending in all directions run across the four directions, traffic is busy, people are overcrowded, and the bustling noise of Hawking rises to the sky.

The twelve cities of Nanjun county are located in the south of Fengyun County, where the three chambers of commerce are stationed. It can be said that it is a commercial center, which is even more prosperous than the capital.

Numerous intensive living stores are located on both sides of the street. All kinds of stores sell well-known products or delicacies in the Fengyun region.

Walking in the twelve cities of Nanjun is like walking through the eight dynasties of Fengyun region and the whole Fengyun Dynasty.

Someone once said that as long as you have money, you can buy everything you want in the twelve cities of Nanjun, and there will be everything you want.

"There are twelve cities in Nanjun, and the three chambers of commerce are in charge of the four cities, and they do not interfere with each other. The four cities of the sky chamber of commerce are in the north of Nanjun, near the direction of the capital. "

Through the city gate, he pointed to a city not far ahead. Qian million said, "Haixi city in front belongs to the jurisdiction of sky chamber of Commerce. The other three cities are Fuxi City, Quxi city and Tianxi city. The General Chamber of Commerce of sky chamber of commerce is stationed in Tianxi city."

When Qian million and his party arrived at Haixi City, a large number of outsiders lined up here to enter the city.

I thought I had to wait in line. Who knows, Qian million directly jumped in line with several people to the city guard soldiers and took out a token.

The soldier was so frightened that he quickly bowed respectfully, turned around and shouted, "all attention, the young master is back!"

All the city guards immediately stopped reviewing the people in and out. They all tightened their spirits, stepped on the ground with their left foot, leaned against the wall with their body tightened, and the long guns in their hands fell down in unison. The sonorous sound resounded through, shocking everyone outside the city gate.

"Welcome home, young master!"

Everyone was stunned and shocked to see millions of dollars.

Each one is a little puzzled. Who is this? Such a big face?

Lin Piaoping was also shocked. He knew that the status of the sky chamber of Commerce was very high, but he didn't expect to exaggerate to this point.

This is Fengyun County, the first county of Fengyun Dynasty.

When ye Qiu came here, he said that even if major forces were in charge of the city, the city guards were all the same, and were under the unified management of the royal family.

The Fengyun army is the strongest army in all counties and cities of the Fengyun Dynasty, with more than 500000 permanent soldiers.

But now the Fengyun army is respectful to Qian million!

"Keep a low profile, young master. I'm not so fond of people who play music."

Qian million waved calmly, motioned the city guards not to make a fuss, turned to Ye Qiu and others, and directly walked into the city first.

It seems that he is used to it. This is not the first time, but Fengyun army's real respect for Qian family and sky chamber of Commerce!

"It's so handsome. It's different to have an awesome father." Lin Piao Piao smacked his mouth.

"After you work hard, you can also let your son pretend to be so forced." Ye Qiu joked.

After Qian million walked into Haixi City, he didn't take two steps to have a good look at the city. He saw a burst of boiling in the distance of the crowd.

Looking up into the distance, I saw more than a dozen carriages coming side by side.

The carriage is extremely huge, carved beams and painted buildings. The decoration is exquisite. Every detail on the window or curtain is handled very well.

The whole carriage is full of two words, luxury! rich!

Compared with the carriages in the street, it's like rubbish.

The white horse pulling the cart has spotless hair, blue horns on its forehead and blue eyes. It is absolutely beautiful and beautiful.

This is a very rare third-order monster, white rain horned horse. It can not only travel five thousand miles a day, but also have combat effectiveness.

Because it is extremely beautiful, it is deeply loved by rich people and women. It is the only choice for the big family to act as the monster of horse drawn cart.

On the market, the price of a wildebeest in white and rainy days is more than 30 million gold coins, and there is no market!

And these more than a dozen carriages, all white and rainy wildebeest!

Seeing more than a dozen carriages, everyone and carriages gave way one after another, because there was a pattern of blue sky on both sides of the carriage.

This is the carriage of the sky chamber of Commerce!

In Haixi city and other four cities, the face of the sky chamber of commerce is greater than that of the royal family!

The carriage went hand in hand and soon stopped in front of Qian million.

On the first carriage, a man in black jumped down, knelt down on one knee directly in front of Qian million and said, "Congratulations, young master. Your subordinates have been waiting for a long time. The master will soon receive the news and wait for you at home."

"Young master? Hiss! Is it the young master Chengfeng who has been away for three years? " Someone exclaimed and looked at the money in shock.

"Obviously, who else is qualified to be received by sky chamber of commerce just after entering the city?"

"People are so angry than others. A good father has no worries all his life. I may not be able to afford a carriage he makes casually all my life."

"Be confident, you can't even afford a saddle!"



Qian million ignored the lively people around him, nodded gently and asked Ye Qiu and others to get on the carriage.

There was a lot of space in the carriage, just like a huge bedroom, which had everything to eat, drink and have fun.

"Darling, this treatment is outrageous."

Touching the soft velvet cushion made of the fur of an unknown monster, Lin Piao Piao sighed on his face.

"I've never seen such a good thing in such a long time."

Pang scorpion looked around at the carriage and looked at Venus, which made Cheng Guang look black: "you look like a hick entering the village. Pay attention to your image!"

"My brother's is mine. I don't need to pay attention to my image."

Qian million laughed and said, "it doesn't matter. In the future, mine will be yours. Just be your own home."

The carriage carried a group of people and soon arrived at Tianxi city. Along the way, you can clearly find that there are people from the sky chamber of Commerce everywhere. When you see the carriage, you will bow down respectfully even if it is far away. The position of the Qian family here can be seen.

In the center of Tianxi City, there is a huge mansion, covering one fifth of the land area of Tianxi city. It is huge, just like a city in a city.

The mansion is called Qian Fu, and the General Chamber of Commerce of sky chamber of commerce is also established in Qian Fu.

After getting off the carriage and standing in front of Qian's house, Rao Zheng minglan was not calm: "this fucking... Is bigger than my palace!"

Ye Qiu couldn't help laughing. Qian million laughed and said, "in fact, there are less than 50 people in our Qian family. Only part of this huge residence is used by the sky chamber of Commerce, and many elders and personnel of the chamber of Commerce live in it."

Outside the red walls around Qian's house, thousands of guards patrol day and night. There are 100 guards in front of the door. Pedestrians are prohibited from entering and leaving the Qian's house within 300 meters. The specifications are strict and very domineering. For people in Tianxi City, this is a restricted area!

When the guard in front of the door saw Qian million, he knelt down on one knee to welcome Qian million.

Qian million laughed. As soon as he walked into the door with Ye Qiu and others, there was a hearty laughter.

"Ha ha, my son, you're finally back. Dad wants to kill you!"