The reason for saying this is not that Mo Fei has other thoughts about Qin Liyan. But Qin Liyan lives with her now, and if something happens to the other party, she will also be held responsible.

Cai Cai took a melon seed in his mouth: "Cai Cai will look at him, Feifei, don't worry."

After leaving the house, Mo Fei was still a little worried. When she was not working, she had to take a look at the surveillance camera from time to time to make sure that Qin Liyan was in good condition.

Qin Liyan really had no intention of working today. While watching TV, he sat on the sofa and casually flipped through a book. After watching an episode of the anime, Qin Liyan pressed the remote control: "Murphy explained, let you watch an episode and rest for a while."

As long as Murphy moves out, Cai Cai will be obedient. It paced back and forth on the coffee table a few times, and suddenly said, "Let's find something to do?"

Qin Liyan raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What do you want to do?"

Cai Cai flew to the carpet and motioned Qin Liyan to take out the big bag. When he saw the fabric inside, Qin Liyan knew it, and he picked up a crooked bow tie: "Do you want this?"

Cai Cai took two steps back: "Ugly, don't!"

Murphy stroked her chest, comforting herself that this is her bird, don't get angry. But what to do? She is still so angry.

Qin Liyan chuckled: "So you want me to do this for you? I haven't done it."

Cai Cai patted the back of Qin Liyan's hand: "Try it? You're not busy now."

Qin Liyan sat down in front of the coffee table: "Then I'll give it a try. Are there any tutorials here? I'll take a look at it first."

An hour later, Murphy was stunned when she saw the colorful colors flying all over the living room wearing a delicate little bow tie. Did something go wrong? A big man who does handwork better than her?

Qin Liyan seemed to have found fun. He basically stayed in front of the coffee table all day, and made a lot of various small bow ties. He has a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder in his bones, he has to do everything neatly,

Cai Cai shook her head: "Feifei is so weak."

Mo Fei didn't know what to say for a long time. Compared with Qin Liyan, she was really weak in this regard. As for the bow tie that Cai Cai asked for by name, she struggled for several days and finally came up with a half-finished product, but Cai Cai disliked it.

And what about Qin Liyan? Just after watching the tutorial, the work came out in less than an hour before and after, and her post was posted upside down and others thought it was ugly. Why is there such a big gap between people?

Forget it, don't watch it, the more I look at it, the more frustrated I become. Seeing that Qin Liyan was in good condition, Mo Fei was a little relieved. She still has a lot of things at hand, how can she have time to keep an eye on Qin Liyan?

Doing handicrafts did relax Qin Liyan's state, and the original nervousness disappeared unconsciously. He also figured it out. If he really can't make it through this day, he also accepts his fate. At most, he will read the file and start over.

He thought so in his heart, but after lying in bed at night, he still had no sleepiness. It was five minutes before twelve o'clock, and it could be said that this was the time when he was closest to tomorrow.

Can he survive the last five minutes? Looking at the beating of the second hand, Qin Liyan's consciousness gradually became blurred...

The morning sun shone into the room and fell on the floor and bed. Qin Liyan squinted uncomfortably, trying to block the light, but the next second his eyes widened in surprise.

He sat up suddenly from the bed, looking at the sun rising outside the window, Qin Liyan's fists clenched, loosened and clenched. He had never felt the sun so beautiful and the air so fresh.

He thought that his life would come to an abrupt end at the age of thirty-six, but he did not expect that one day, he would really break this spell.

Murphy knocked on the door outside: "Are you up? It's breakfast."

"Come here, you eat first." Qin Liyan said aloud, only to realize that he had been standing by the window for a long time.

Of course, Mo Fei noticed that Qin Liyan was in a good mood. Strange, he was extra tense yesterday, but today he seems to be liberated.

"You look in a good mood? Did something good happen?"

Qin Liyan smiled and said, "Suddenly I found that there are more possibilities in life, and I found that this world is very beautiful."

Mo Fei didn't ask any further, as long as she made sure Qin Liyan lived well here, she didn't care about anything else.

When Qin Liyan was celebrating his new life, Jiang Chan was not idle either. She has been following these two puppets these days. When the puppets collected their luck, she cooperated with 021 and the plan went smoothly.

"Boss, Tong's power has completely penetrated into the opposite system, and Tong can stop."

Jiang Chan understood: "Then stop it, I'm getting impatient too."

This kind of battle in the air, but always can't see the opponent, everything is conveyed by 021, this feeling is really not very good. Now that it is resolved as soon as possible, Jiang Chan can do his own thing with peace of mind.

After receiving Jiang Chan's instructions, 021 was also excited. Is it easy these days? After spending so much energy, is it not for the sweet fruit at this moment?

Tian Ji was originally enjoying the energy from the opposite side, but it was very abrupt. Suddenly, waves of fluctuations came from the inside of the system, and the fluctuations were getting bigger and bigger.

Countless data streams flashed across the celestial body, but the core program of the front foot was damaged again after it had just been repaired. Many systems have not had time to respond, and the secret has completely disappeared.

"Hiccup~" 021 hiccupped contentedly, the bright silver light group looked a little brighter, and the body size was also bigger.

At the moment when the secret disappeared completely, Qin Liyan suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky. He felt that the shackles around him were completely removed, and since then, no one or anything could threaten him again.

That night, Jiang Chan came to Qin Liyan's dream again: "You should have noticed it too."

Qin Liyan nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Chan: "Your biggest threat has disappeared, and you are free from now on. Go back sometime, Mo Fei is not your place to stay for a long time."

Qin Liyan also simply said, "Okay, I'll go back tomorrow."

He also knows current affairs and knows what to ask and what not to ask, such as Jiang Chan's origin, what she has done during this time, etc. Sometimes knowing too much is not good for you.

After saying a few words, Jiang Chan left. She and Qin Liyan didn't have anything to say. She should go and see Mo Fei. She went out for a month, and although she was in good condition watching the show, but whether it was really good or not, she had to watch it on the spot.

Murphy is reading in the study space. After developing the habit of reading, she spends a lot of time in the study space. Seeing Jiang Chan come back, Mo Fei showed a big smile: "Teacher, you are back, I miss you so much!"