Su Banxia nodded: "I understand what to do. The daughter of the fat aunt next door seems to have severe acne. I'm going to study her situation well."

Talking to smart people is easy. As long as you mention it a little, Su Banxia will understand. Although he planned to study acne, Su Pinellia ternata didn't stop his actions, just one thing at a time.

Looking at Grandpa Su talking and laughing with the neighbors in the yard, Su Pinellia's heart slowly calmed down. According to the steps in the pharmaceutical classics, although the action was slow, it was very cautious and steady step by step.

It was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon. Grandpa Su shook his fan and went into the hall. He looked at the herbs in Su Banxia's hands. He didn't bother, but turned a corner and went out to buy vegetables.

His granddaughter is doing great things. He will help her manage her family well. In other words, when her granddaughter comes back, her meal is much more fragrant than before. Waving a PU fan, he greeted the people he knew all the way. When he went back, Grandpa Su carried several boxes of packaged pickles in his hand.

When he came back, Grandpa Su didn't bother Su Banxia. Instead, he had dinner in the small kitchen. When she finished her work at hand, she would come to eat.

Su Banxia was busy until about 10 p.m. looking at the completely integrated medicine mud, her hands were stained with some honey. This is the last step. It's time to rub medicine balls.


"Well, you haven't slept so late?"

"The first time in your life, how can I miss it?" Grandpa Su stood outside the counter and looked at Su Banxia's actions with extraordinarily kind eyes.

"Don't do this in the future. It's too late. Your body can't stand it." Su Banxia is busy rubbing pills. "I still have a lot of time to make medicine in the future. If you watch it again and again, your body can't stand it."

"I'll prepare dinner for you." seeing that Su Pinellia has to nag, Grandpa Su wants to grease the soles of his feet and run away.

"No, I'm fine here. You go to bed first and I'll do it myself." put the two bottles of pills away. Su Banxia went to the sink to wash her hands and sent grandpa Su to bed. She's not a child anymore and needs to be watched all the time.

"Oh, old man, I can't stand it after so long." Grandpa Su shook his head and entered the room. Su Banxia shook his head. Looking back, he found that there was a bottle of medicine missing on the table. Obviously, Grandpa Su touched one away.

Su Banxia shook his head. It seemed that the older his grandfather was, the more like a child.

"System, how about my bottle of medicine?" after all, I never started it. Although I stumbled for the first time, I finally made the patent medicine.

Jiang Chan: "the system detects that the Liuwei Dihuang pill is inferior, which can not meet the system acceptance standard."

Su Banxia was discouraged: "it seems that I still need to practice hard every day, but I don't have so many herbs to Huohuo."

Jiang Chan: "the system has a virtual pharmacy room, and the host can practice in the workshop."

Su Banxia: "do you have to pay any price?"

Jiang Chan: "yes, the system evaluation standard is improved. The actual pharmaceutical products of the host must reach the best before they can pass the system acceptance."

Su Banxia: "top grade is already very difficult, top grade..."

Jiang Chan seduced her: "don't the host really try? There is a pharmaceutical teacher in the system..."

Su Banxia: "I agree! Isn't it the best? With your help, I will definitely pass!"

Jiang Chan chuckled, knowing the current affairs for Su Banxia.

"Main task 2: it is suggested that the host should not focus all his mind on pharmacy. Traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound. Please finish reading ten medical books in the system space within one month, and master 95%. After passing the system assessment, you can enter the next stage of learning."

Su Banxia stumbled on the soles of his feet and could hardly hold the bowl in his hand. "System, ten books a month. Where can I finish eating most of them?"

Jiang Chan: "the system has time bonus. As long as you can't learn to die, you can learn to die."

Su Banxia gritted his teeth: "system, you pick the skin!"

So it seems that she needs to compress and compress time. Even if there is ten times the time flow rate, excluding the time for eating and sleeping, there is not much time for her to use.

On such a thought, Su Pinellia's sense of urgency suddenly came up.

After a simple dinner in the kitchen, Su Banxia entered the system space after returning to his room. As the system says, as long as you can't learn to die, learn to die. Others haven't had the opportunity to learn so much knowledge.

At this time, Su Banxia wanted to tie a winning hair band on his head to inspire himself.

Looking at Su Banxia's head hanging beam and cone stabbing under the enslavement of Jiang Chan, 021 was trembling. I didn't expect that the big man's means were so cruel that he could kill such a beautiful little girl.

If it, if it

"If you were, what would you do?" Jiang Chan pinched 021. Although it was a virtual state, 021 still gave a scream.

"I forgot that you are a system that plagiarizes other people's luck. Everything is robbed by others, not by your own ability. I am cruel to her now, but all the things I can learn are hers. Do you think Su Banxia doesn't understand?"

If Su Banxia doesn't understand this, will she give up the idea of working in a big city and come to her remote hometown? It can be said that Su Banxia is full of thoughts.

The next month, Grandpa Su found that Pinellia ternata was possessed. Even when he ate, his mouth kept muttering. When he listened carefully, it was all a variety of pharmacological analysis.

Grandpa Su is a little confused. It's over. Is my granddaughter stupid?

But seeing that Su Banxia still remembers to take medicine, and has leisure to help the daughter of the fat aunt next door see acne, Grandpa Su put this worry to the bottom of his heart.

"Pinellia ternata, you've been very busy recently? Look at you this week. You sleep later than the dog and get up earlier than the chicken. Don't fight too hard and pay attention to your health." Grandpa Su reminded Pinellia ternata at dinner that night.

"Ah? I know, Grandpa." Su Banxia recalled, "master has assigned me a task to complete within a month. He has an assessment. I'll prepare these during this time."

"That's OK. You should pay attention to your own body." Grandpa Su put down his heart and vaguely reminded Su Banxia to pay attention to his body.

"Don't worry, I know my body." Su Banxia chuckled. Even if she doesn't know her body, the system will always pay attention to it. It can be said that her fatigue is mental, her body is healthy, and there is no problem at all.

"By the way, is there any way to cure Xiao Tao's face? It's really inconvenient for a good girl to go out with acne on her face."

Grandpa Su suddenly thought of this stubble and couldn't help sighing for Xiao Tao.