Wu Zhenguo is a soldier with the rank of senior colonel.

He is also an evolutionist, and his ability is the machinery of science fiction. This ability can be freely converted between flesh and blood and machinery. In short, he is a human who can be transformed into an enhanced terminator.

Some time ago, the state discovered a Shi Huangling tomb, in which there may be some extremely dangerous things.

In order to find out, he organized a group of excellent evolutionists to explore.

However, the danger is far beyond their imagination. Each of them can destroy an army. The strong ones are almost alive, and they can barely escape with all their strength.

One of the young evolutionist Jing Yi was seriously injured in order to save him.

Fortunately, I found a wonderful doctor and saved the boy.

After understanding the dangers, the State paid more attention to the mausoleum. The three families of the town, Jiang, song and Lian, all sent experts.

Even the one from his family is the famous Little Dragon King "Lian Qianjun".

Everyone regrouped and planned to explore the mausoleum again. Wu Zhenguo and Jingyi need to be guides. After all, the two of them have been inside, and their strength is much stronger than others, and they will not drag their feet.

On that day, Wu Zhenguo and Jingyi came to the police station, where they made an appointment with the people of the three families.

"Xiaojing, you really don't have to come," Wu Zhenguo advised. "It's enough for me to guide the way. In case you encounter the last danger again, the doctor may not be able to save you a second time."

"Hey hey, senior colonel, don't talk," Jingyi said with a smile. "My ability is too useful there, otherwise you couldn't have forced me last time. If you lack me, your danger will be greatly increased. How can I shrink back because of this danger?"

"Oh, it's up to you." Wu Zhenguo is not good at words and doesn't know how to persuade him.

"By the way, where are the experts this time?" Jingyi looked around. "I didn't see it."

"Those elites of the big family, God knows what airs they put on, they will never be late and can't arrive early." Wu Zhenguo disdained.

"It feels the same as what is written in the novel," Jingyi said. "I hope you don't make contradictions as soon as you meet as in the novel."

"What novels are you reading?" Wu Zhenguo just wanted to say a few words, and suddenly listened. "Is there a little noise outside?"

Jingyi closed her eyes, opened them a second later and stood up: "it's the gate. It seems that something has happened."

They hurried down and saw a group of police surrounded there. Standing in the middle of the crowd was a woman who looked very familiar to Wu Zhenguo.

"This sister is so beautiful," Jingyi said with emotion. "What is she doing there?"

Wu Zhenguo finally remembered the origin of this woman. Wasn't she the mysterious female expert who shot the broken Rune black dragon that day? Why is she here?

Thinking of this, Wu Zhenguo hurried forward and asked, "what's going on?"

"Oh, who are you?" Xi Shi, or Ximen Qing, recognized him at a glance. After all, his military uniform is too dazzling. "You're just in time. Check it out. These three guys are all carrying guns. They don't look like serious people."

Seeing her so skillfully greeting people, Qian Jiu suddenly realized: "you have no memory loss at all! You lied to us!"

"No," Ximen Qing said, "I really lost my memory, but I subconsciously used some force when I fell before, and then washed away the curse."

When she met Zhao Qian and sun, she was still in a state of amnesia. Later, she entered the Research Institute and suddenly fell down after taking bronze gloves. Her body subconsciously made defensive moves. The dark green rune that caused her amnesia was broken.

This thing works when she doesn't pay attention to the sneak attack. It can't pose a great threat to her. After all, she is eight murderers.

So after that, she recognized that the bronze gloves were fake, because the real bronze gloves were in Simon Qing's hand. Or in the coffin where she slept for a hundred years.

After recovering his memory, XiMenqing naturally realized the problems of Zhao Qian and sun. She was fully armed with Qian Jiu. Besides, a pistol alone in this country with strict gun prohibition is enough to prove that they have a problem.

So she took the three people to the police station. Although the grass-roots level of the police station may be ordinary people, they can report the problem of guns layer by layer, and finally let the people related to the evolutionists deal with it.

But things went better than expected. She met an evolutionist at the door of the police station.

Wu Zhenguo took out his mobile phone, took pictures of the three people, and then sent them to relevant departments for search. He soon obtained information about the three people.

"Zhao qiansun? An international thief? Hehe, I didn't expect to be caught here," Wu Zhenguo sneered. "It's just arrogance abroad. Dare you come to us? Is it fun to spend the country?"

Zhao San and Qian Jiuyi looked bitter. They never thought that one day they would stumble in this way.

However, they still had a conscience and said to Wu Zhenguo, "since you want to catch us, at least you should ensure our life safety. Our partners are dying. Do you just look at it?"

Before the final trial, no matter how conclusive the evidence is, they are just suspects, and the authorities really need to ensure their personal safety.

Jingyi came up to check sun seventeen and exclaimed, "Wow, what's the matter with this guy? His meridians are twisted. Did you go swimming in the meat grinder?"

"This is his ability to bite back." Qian Jiu said.

At this time, Wu Zhenguo, who dispersed the general police, came over: "how could it be so serious? It's almost dead?"

Zhao San and Qian Jiu were speechless. Who could have thought that a woman who met casually in the mountains would become such a virtue? This reverse phagocytosis is much more serious than last time.

"Forget it, call an ambulance first." Wu Zhenguo called 120. Because the hospital was nearby, sun Shiqi was soon sent to the hospital.

Of course, there are police officers watching. In fact, it's almost impossible for him to run away.

After dealing with the three people, Wu Zhenguo had time to talk to XiMenqing.

Jingyi was standing beside her at this time, but she didn't dare to talk with her red face. At first glance, she was an inexperienced virgin.

"Thank you for your help," said Wu Zhenguo, "but how did you leave xiakong city to Chang'an?"

"Is this Chang'an?" Simon winked. "I don't know. There was an accident and my mobile phone was gone. Can you lend me some money?"

That sounds like a liar at the station, but it's true.

She didn't know where her mobile phone had gone when it fell down. It may have burned to ashes or broken to pieces.

Qian Jiu didn't take their money with them. So now she can be said to be penniless.

"Of course," Wu Zhenguo hurriedly took out his wallet, took out some red skins and handed them over. "Take them. You're welcome. You've helped us so much. I don't know how to thank you."

"Well, I'll go first." Simon Qing got the money and left the police station.

Of course she doesn't want to go back to Xiliang demon villa. She can fly and doesn't need a taxi at all.

Now Qin Yuyao doesn't go back. If she goes back and matches ajani, God knows what accident will happen.

She mainly wants money to buy a comfortable dress. This one is Qian Jiu's. I always feel that my chest is too tight and stuffy.

After buying clothes, she bought a cup of red bean milk tea.

"Ah... The red beans are so sweet." she was enjoying it when she heard someone quarreling.

"Boss, did you sell us fake goods?"

She looked over there and saw several schoolboy like guys crowded there at the door of a newspaper booth.

The boss of the newsstand looked depressed and said, "where can I make such a real 'fake book' for you? It was like this when I entered. What's the use of looking for me?"

"I don't believe it! If it's true, why isn't there the attacking giant?"

"Hmm?" Simon Qing understood. These pupils bought "young manyou".

The last issue of the attacking giant has ended. Of course, there will be no such issue.

Obviously, these primary school students couldn't accept the result and went to the newspaper booth to quarrel with the boss.

The boss is also wronged. This is clearly the whole thing of the dance. He sells books and sells mineral water. Why did the pot fall on his head?

At this time, a young man passing by to buy a magazine also crowded over when he heard their argument: "what? Is there no more attacking giant?"

"Yes," said one of the pupils holding up his magazine, "we turned it over several times and couldn't find it."

"Let me have a look." the young man took the magazine and looked at the catalogue. Sure enough, the attacking giant was missing. Then he turned back reluctantly and still couldn't find it.

"Is that rumor true?" he said, "the giant is really over?"

At the thought of this, he suddenly began to shout: "ah - how - why!!!"

This scene surprised passers-by one after another. It seemed that several primary school students were also frightened by this nervous big brother.

Simon Qing almost sucked red beans into his nostrils: "Wow, do you want to exaggerate? Isn't it a comic eunuch? Are you going to grab the ground with your head?"

She realized that this scene might not be an exception. How many fans of the attacking giant are there in the country? If they know that the cartoon eunuch, do they all react like this?

Suddenly I felt that the whole world was full of readers with knives ready to settle accounts with her. Ximen couldn't help shivering.

"Forget it. Sure enough, don't go back for the time being. Let's make waves outside," Simon Qing took a sip of milk tea and was surprised. "It's best to go to a place with few people."

Speaking of fewer people, where can there be less than deep mountains and forests?