Qin Yuyao was bending over to wear shoes when he suddenly heard a dull hum behind him.

Looking back, I saw "Song Qinghuan" standing there in an extremely distorted posture.

Probably like throwing discus, the upper body is almost 180 degrees twisted to the rear, and the two hands are twisted together like hemp.

"What are you doing?"

"I... I'm doing yoga. Yes, I have this... Hobby." Sun Shiqi said very hard.

"Yoga?" Qin Yuyao wondered. Is yoga like this? Why is it different from Yu Xiaoting's?

But her nose suddenly smelled a smell of blood: "how can there be blood?"

This must not be her great aunt. So

She suddenly caught a glimpse of song Qinghuan's ear: "ah! Your ear is bleeding!"

"No, don't be nervous," said Sun Shiqiang. "It's just a normal detoxification. It's not a big problem."

"Really?" Qin Yuyao doesn't know if he's right. After all, she hasn't studied yoga. Is Yoga just so powerful? Detoxification can bleed?

But it's none of her business. It's okay for her to shed so much blood every month. It shouldn't be a big deal if her ears bleed so much.

Qin Yuyao continued to wear shoes.

She was unaware of sun Shiqi's "attack" from beginning to end.

It's like you're walking on the road and suddenly an ant runs out to touch the porcelain. As a result, you accidentally run it over. You don't necessarily know it.

After Qin Yuyao left, Zhao San and Qian Jiu immediately came down from the second floor.

"Seventeen, how can you let her go... WOW!"

"Zhao San, what are you shouting for? Scare my mother... Grass!"

The two men looked at Sun seventeen, who was bleeding from his seven orifices. They were so scared that their pants almost fell off.

"Hey, seventeen, what's the matter with you?"

"This, this should not be the latest performance art?"

"Are you dead? If you're dead, make a squeak."


Qin Yuyao, who didn't know he had accidentally hit a team of evolutors, returned home.

Qin's mother asked her, "why did you come back so soon? Didn't you have dinner with others?"

"Oh, no, I came back without seeing him." Qin Yuyao casually made an excuse.

Seeing that Qin's mother would continue to ask questions, she quickly changed the topic: "did Yuqi call back today?"

Originally, my parents said that my sister would call back every night, but she didn't call back yesterday. This makes Qin's father and mother worried. They don't know if something has happened to their daughter.

Sure enough, hearing her ask, Qin's mother also showed a worried look: "it's not time yet. She usually calls between 5:00 and 6:00. It's 5:30 now. If she doesn't call for another half an hour, it's estimated that she doesn't call today."

If she doesn't have a phone for two days, she really has to consider calling the police.

Qin Yuyao was just about to say something when an incoming call rang in the living room. It was Qin's father's mobile phone. He picked it up at once.

A video pop-up window pops up, showing their little daughter Qin Yuqi.

"Dad, have you had dinner?"

Hearing this sound, Qin Yuyao's mother and daughter hurriedly ran over.

Father Qin said, "why didn't you call yesterday? Do you know how worried we are?"

Qin Yuyao looked at the picture on the mobile phone screen. It was a beautiful girl with a little similar appearance to her. She was wearing a gray T-shirt and leaning against a pink wall behind her. There was nothing else.

"Yesterday we had, uh... I forgot. OK," Qin Yuqi said carelessly. "Anyway, you don't have to worry. You'll know tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Why wait until tomorrow?" Qin Fu asked, "where the hell are you? What are you doing?"

"Oh, I said I would tell you tomorrow," Qin Yuqi obviously didn't want to answer. She suddenly changed the topic, "eh? When did you go home, sister? Did you bring me a gift?"

Qin Yuyao said, "I brought it for you, and you can't get it. Qin Yuqi, you are so powerful that you will run away from home."

"Hey, hey, I'm good."

"You really think I'm praising you. If you really miss the college entrance examination, I'll catch you back and let you go to the cram school for a year." Qin Yuyao threatened.

Being urged to marry this time has made her deeply feel the importance of a sister. How can such a good shield make her wave outside?

She has always felt that people who think that brothers and sisters come to rob themselves of property and parents' love are narrow-minded people. However, in addition to these, if parents have debt, brothers and sisters can share it. If she is urged to marry like this, it will be much easier if she has a sister.

"Wow, so cruel? Qin Yuyao has changed. You didn't treat me like this before." Qin Yuqi complained.

My sister has been spoiling her since childhood. I don't know what medicine she took wrong this time, but she threatened her.

Just after saying this, I heard a voice outside the picture: "Yuqi, are you ready?"

The voice is a woman's. after hearing this, Qin Yuqi hurriedly said, "well, it's almost time. I'll hang up first and talk about it tomorrow. I'll give you a surprise at that time."

"Wait a minute!" Qin's father cut off the video call before he could speak.

Qin's mother looked at Qin Yuyao: "it's like this every time. It feels like prison visits."

Qin Yuyao advised, "don't worry, isn't she very energetic? I don't think she's being forced. It'll be fine, and she said she'd tell you tomorrow."

"Alas, this girl is too inconvenient," father Qin sighed. "They are all born by the same mother. Why are you two sisters so different?"

Qin Yuyao didn't think at first, but Qin's mother stared at Qin's father and said, "what do you mean?"

"Ah? Why are you yelling at me so loudly? Did I say something wrong?" father Qin was stunned.

"Lao Qin, your bones are itchy, aren't they?" Qin's mother tiger said with a face. "Born by the same mother, isn't it born by the same father? What do you mean?"

"Ah?" Qin Fu hurriedly explained, "no, it's just a saying. Everyone says so. I didn't think so much!"

Qin's mother didn't stop: "I think you just think too much! Yesterday I saw you talking and laughing with Mrs. Wang downstairs."

"My God," Qin's father complained, "she wants to introduce Yuyao to us. No matter how blind I am, I won't fall in love with a fat woman of more than 200 kilograms."

"Is that a slim little girl?"

"I didn't say that..." Qin's father said wrongly. The woman will start trampling on logic again.

Watching her parents quarrel, Qin Yuyao skimmed her mouth and got up and went back to her room.

Quarrel, quarrel, she's tired of watching this scene from small to large. Anyway, she won't divorce. In her opinion, this is simply her parents' unique way of flirting.

Compared with this, she cares more about her sister now.

Although Qin Yuyao looks like "you don't have to worry", how can she really leave it alone?

In particular, she slipped her tongue just now. What do you mean, "we had a well yesterday"?

Qin Yuyao touched the interface of the network cable in the room. When she called just now, she separated and went out.

The video phone is realized through WiFi. She found the WiFi connected to her sister's mobile phone directly along the network cable.

To her surprise, the place was actually in xiakong city.

"This girl, what are you doing in xiakong city?" Qin Yuyao's lightning split sneaked out of the interface and found a place where no one was.

She looked around and found that this was a big building. She met many people not long after she walked.

However, no one doubted her, but heard two people carrying ladders and shelves whispering.

"Who is this? Our staff?"

"How can it be? I'm so good and beautiful. I'm a trainee."


"Trainee?" Qin Yuyao heard a strange word. She blinked and decided to inquire about the situation.

I happened to see a woman coming up with a stack of documents. She ran over and said, "Hello, where is this?"

While she spoke, she also launched her own charm. In the myth, the first beautiful men and women in heaven kill all, and even women should be easily charmed by her.

The woman's liking for Qin Yuyao soared and didn't burst her watch in an instant. She blushed and said, "this is xiakong TV station."

"TV station?" Qin Yuyao was surprised. How did your sister come to this place?

However, she was still a little impressed by xiakong TV station. Song Yunwu's debut work "working cell" was reported on this station, and then went on hot search.

[the title of the program seems to be... Lao Wang shows you the news?] she can't remember clearly.

After thinking about it, Qin Yuyao asked, "do you know a girl named Qin Yuqi?"

"Qin Yuqi? Never heard of it." the woman shook her head.

Qin Yuyao was disappointed, but she quickly figured it out and asked, "is there anyone who has to call from 5:00 to 6:00 every day?"

"Oh, you mean the trainees," said the woman. "They have handed in their mobile phones. They have only one hour to call home every day."

"Trainee again?" Qin Yuyao heard the word for the second time. "What's the matter with trainee?"

"Don't you know the trainee? It's the new program..."

The woman roughly introduced Qin Yuyao. The so-called "trainee" is a contestant in a talent show called "produce119".

About 119 girls were selected from thousands of girls in China to participate in the program, and then after four rounds of elimination, 12 people were finally determined to make their debut as an idol group.

There are many brokerage companies involved in this project, which can be said to be a big project. It can be regarded as the trump card of xiakong TV station this summer.

"Becoming an idol?" Qin Yuyao was stunned.

She really couldn't connect these six words with her sister who bald the old trees in the community.

"What's wrong with this girl? A guy with incomplete five tones can sing and dance on the stage?" Qin Yuyao began to arc on his forehead. "Wait a minute, produce119? Why does the name sound familiar? It seems that someone has heard of it."

Qin Yuyao searched his memory carefully and gradually recalled it. It seems that... XiMenqing said it?

So she hurriedly called Simon Qing, but the phone didn't get through.

She called song Yunwu again: "Hello, sister Yunwu? Is sister Ximen still in space? I called her and she didn't answer."

At the other end of the phone, song Yunwu said, "I don't know. Ximen Qing hasn't come back since he went out that day. God knows where the wild is."

"Ah, so."

"That idiot zombie has a strange brain circuit. Maybe there's something strange. Let her go. Anyway, if something happens, others will suffer," Song Yunwu said generally. "What's the matter with her?"

"That's right." Qin Yuyao told song Yunwu about pd119.

"Oh, I know this," Song Yun danced. "Idiot zombies said. It seems that their Qingyi sect wanted to choose saints, so they engaged in an activity. Then the people at the bottom don't know how to make it bigger and bigger. Finally, it directly turned into a large-scale talent show. Not only the zombies of Qingyi sect, but also more ordinary girls participated."

"Doesn't it matter?" Qin Yuyao wondered, "what if the first place is robbed by ordinary people?"

"Then push down the ranking. On the surface, this program is a talent show. Behind it, zombies choose saints. They don't interfere with each other. It seems like this."

"Oh, I see." Qin Yuyao only felt quite speechless after asking. My sister was actually involved in the selection of saints of Qingyi sect.

If Ximen Qing saw this, would she bite her into a zombie on a whim?

In a word, let's go to see Qin Yuqi first.

Knowing that it was a TV talent show, Qin Yuyao didn't worry about her, but out of curiosity, she still wanted to know how her sister participated in the talent show.

"At her level, it's a miracle to pass the audition. It's estimated to be a round of swimming."

After asking where the trainees were, Qin Yuyao went to find his sister.

The TV station has a lot of stars coming and going every day, so even if she is very beautiful and even famous, there is no crowd around.

Xiakong TV station has several districts. The main district is in the city center, and Qin Yuyao is in the suburb this time.

Suburban land is cheap. A large piece of land is owned by TV stations. This time, a large area has been reserved for pd119. There are dormitories, practice rooms, stages and so on.

Qin Yuyao heard that the trainees had just recorded the theme song and dance yesterday and were now practicing for the first round of the stage.

She also understood that her sister's "well" actually meant "dance". No wonder I didn't call yesterday.

The program will be officially broadcast tomorrow, which is why Qin Yuqi said she would tell her family tomorrow.

It is estimated that they will call their parents to watch TV. If the second old man sees his daughter on TV, Qin Yuyao estimates that both of their eyes will protrude, and then wonders if they had twins and lost one by the hospital.